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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chatper 1961
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The car pulled up in front of the already ajar gates of the Ellis family estate. Seth didn’t

even bother to engage the parking brake. He slouched in the seat, his gaze fixed on the

closed doors of the Ellis family mansion, some distance ahead, his long fingers drumming

slowly on the steering wheel.

After a while, he finally retracted his gaze, turning to look at Danielle. His expression was

cool, his voice icy. “Who told you that hating one person necessarily means you like


Danielle’s eyes were red-rimmed. “Can I take that to mean you don’t like Cicely?”

Seth pursed his lips, his gazes becoming darker with emotions. “But do you really not

think I’m annoying because of Cicely?” It was a mix of suspicion and accusation.

Suddenly, Seth’s mouth twisted into a smirk, and he let out a low chuckle. That chuckle

stopped Danielle cold. As far as she could recall, she had never heard him laugh before.

Yet this laugh was laced with sarcasm, a cool elegance with an undertone of


He rested his hand casually on the steering wheel, half-turned to her with a faint smile.

“Don’t flatter yourself too much.”d2

Danielle’s face flushed, then paled, her pride wounded by his contempt, yet she had

nowhere to hide. “You…” Danielle’s lips trembled with her heart, her voice catching, “Are

you trying to sever ties with me with those words?”

Tears streamed down her face.

“Patty just left less than an hour ago, and you’re in such a rush?”

Seth’s expression didn’t change. “What is our relationship, exactly?”

Danielle was at a loss for words.

“To me, you are simply the daughter of my mother’s best friend. Is that a relationship you

think I need to spend time clarifying?”

A negligible, unimportant tie. To him, it meant nothing.

Danielle bit her lip hard enough to leave a mark. After a moment, she also let out a bitter

laugh. “If that’s the case, why waste your time talking to me? Seth, do you really have no

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other intentions?”

Seth frowned.

A slender figure appeared at the front door of the mansion, walking towards them as

Seth’s phone beside him also began to ring. It was Cicely’s call.

His gaze shifted to the incoming call display on the screen, and he pulled up the

handbrake before picking up the phone.

Danielle tried to smile but failed. She sat beside him, and he didn’t bother to make more

conversation, but Cicely’s call was worth applying the parking brake for. Was this a cue for

a long phone chat?

Seth answered, his eyes on Cicely as she closed the distance. “What’s up?”

Cicely walked towards him, speaking into the phone, “Come on in, why are you just sitting

out here?”

Only two people were in the car, and Danielle could hear the voice on the phone crystal

clear. That bright and cheerful voice filled Danielle with resentment.

She unbuckled her seatbelt, opened the car door, got out, and slammed it shut with force.

Seeing Danielle emerge from Seth’s car, Cicely paused in her steps. She had heard from

the maids that Danielle had left early in the morning, but she never bothered to track her

whereabouts and had not asked. It was unexpected to find her with Seth.

Her gaze drifted to the man in the driver’s seat, arching an eyebrow, she asked, “What’s

going on?”

Seconds later, Seth stepped out of the car, ending the call.

Cicely pocketed her phone and approached him. With an air of nonchalance, she asked,

“What’s the deal with you two?”

Danielle watched her coldly, “What’s your relationship with him that he has to explain his

whereabouts to you?”

Cicely almost rolled her eyes before closing them briefly, then glanced over dismissively,

“What my relationship with him is and whether he needs to explain himself to me, what’s

that got to do with you? Also, you really are full of annoying habits. Could you have a little

self-awareness and not take yourself so seriously? Why are you seeking validation from


“Don’t take yourself too seriously.” Those words might as well have been Seth’s echo.

Danielle’s grip on her purse distorted its shape.

Just having been humiliated by Seth and now by Cicely, her annoyance surged. Sensing

Seth showing no intention of defending her, she bit her lip and walked away.

Cicely glanced at her, then gave Seth’s car a once-over before dialing another number.


“Bring me the disinfectant spray.”

After having Seth’s car thoroughly disinfected to her satisfaction, she asked, “Patty’s back

to M Country?”

Seth leaned against an oak tree outside the gate, responding with a noncommittal


Cicely nodded, “I’ll take that as your excuse to me.”

Seth’s lips twitched slightly.

Cicely fiddled with the car door, opening and closing it. The scent of the disinfectant was


Seth watched her play for a while before standing up straight, taking the car door from her

hands, and forcefully shutting it. “If you want to play, go to your own garage and play all

you want.”

With that, he walked around to the driver’s side.

Cicely opened the door again and, as Seth turned to look at her from the driver’s seat, she

settled into the passenger seat. He pursed his lips, “Cicely.”

Cicely buckled herself in and turned toward Seth. Her face was striking, her beauty bold

and unapologetic.

“Seth, remember this too, from now on, don’t let any woman other than me sit in the

passenger seat of your car.”

Seth unbuckled his seatbelt.

Cicely continued, “Did you find your first day at work challenging? I might not know much

about running a company, but it’s tough, I guess. Although, I think you might enjoy the

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challenge. Running a company all on your own, wielding all that power, it sounds pretty

impressive. Kind of like those kings in the TV shows, leading the troops, all gallant and


A thin smile played on Seth’s lips. Was she naive or just childish?

“Can’t wait to see you rockin’ the king crown one day, Seth. You’ll look even more dashing

than you do now, if that’s possible.”

With a playful pat on Seth’s shoulder, she grinned, “Keep at it, tough guy. The kiddo and I

are counting on you.”

His gaze swept over her flat belly, momentarily locking eyes with her before breaking

away. Silence hung in the air for a few seconds before he started the car.

“Where were you off to yesterday?

“Hmm?” Cicely flipped down the visor to primp her hair, not breaking her rhythm at the

sound of his voice. Realizing he’d asked her a question, she responded without looking up,

“Coffee shop, diner.”

Her bright eyes danced as she turned towards him, a teasing smile on her lips. “Since

when are you keeping tabs on me?”

Seth’s expression was far from amused, and he didn’t answer her question, simply stating

in a frosty tone, “Get out.”

Leaning back into the seat, Cicely pouted, “No way, take me for a spin.”

“I’ve got to head to the office.”

“Then take me with you.”


“Right here. I won’t bug you. Oh, wait a sec,” she said, dialing a number on her phone. “I’ll

have someone bring out my homework. You work, and I’ll study.”

In no time, a maid swiftly placed her backpack on the back seat.

“Tell my dad I’m heading to the office with you,” she instructed.

“Of course, Miss.”

Cicely turned back to Seth, “All set, let’s hit the road.”

Despite his frosty demeanor, Seth reluctantly put the car into drive.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!