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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2115
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Azriel wasn't accustomed to seeing her this incensed. He could only attribute her fury to the recent

developments with the Alonso family.

Dragging her to the couch, Azriel asked nonchalantly, “So, you're going to the business dinner?”

“You knew about Wendy throwing a business dinner?”

Azriel kept his composure, “With your sister making such a scene, it's hard for it to go unnoticed.”

Phoebe snorted, “Looks like the Alonso’s luck is finally running out. And just as they're about to go under, some

old geezer pops up out of nowhere and hands them a fortune.”

Azriel raised an eyebrow, “Old geezer?”d2

“That's 30 billion bucks. Who has that kind of money unless they're as old as Methuselah?”

Azriel remained silent.

“Is this person blind or just plain stupid? Anybody with half a brain wouldn't make such a foolhardy investment.”

Azriel pursed his lips, “You're not the only one who sees it, Phoebe. Whoever forked over that 30 billion must see

something we don’t.”

“I can’t fathom why he’d throw a wrench in the works now.”

Azriel decided to steer the conversation elsewhere.


The business dinner was a grand affair.

Phoebe arrived in full regalia. She caught Wendy's resentful gaze from her wheelchair and felt a twinge of

satisfaction. Despite Wendy's scheming to have it all, she ended up ruining herself and gaining nothing.

So what if Wendy had secured that hefty investment? Phoebe still held the shares they'd been eyeing for years.

Even if the Alonso family survived this turmoil, Wendy had no skill to maintain control over those shares; Phoebe

would sell them instead.

But Phoebe couldn't have guessed that—

After she stood alone, confronting Wendy and Cole under the watchful eyes of the crowd, nearly catching a slap

from her father, she found that the mysterious investor pouring 30 billion into the Alonso family was Azriel


No one could fathom her shock and rage. She couldn't accept it. He knew she despised the idea of the Alonso

family’s resurgence more than anyone.

“So, you're that old geezer! Why didn’t | just poison you with instant noodles from the get-go?!”

Enraged and fighting back tears, she bit down hard on Azriel’s hand.

The crowd was baffled by Phoebe’s seemingly unprovoked desire to see the Alonso family’s downfall.

Cole and Wendy had particularly sour expressions.

After shooting Azriel a fierce glare, Phoebe turned to leave but found herself suddenly pulled into Azriel’'s


The onlookers were clueless.

Phoebe’s face buried in his chest, her nose aching and tears falling. “What are you doing?!” Had he dressed her

up just to make her the butt of everyone's jokes?

Azriel’s hand snaked behind her slender neck, forcing her to look at him. “You crying?” he asked, his smile warm

and his voice soft yet clearly doting.

He raised the hand she had bitten, now bearing the clear imprint of her teeth, and said, “Old wounds unhealed,

and here's a fresh one. Where do you think you're running off to?”

“That's what you deserve.”

“Should | press charges for assault?”

Phoebe’s eyes widened in disbelief. Getting arrested in full view of the Alonso family would be the ultimate


As Phoebe reluctantly calmed down, Azriel’s lips curled into a smirk. He slid his hand down to her waist, pulling

her closer in a gesture both intimate and suggestive.

Phoebe, unaccustomed to such public displays of affection, blushed as red as a ripe chili pepper.

Azriel whispered in her ear, his voice a deep, velvety murmur, “Behave, and we'll settle this at home.” His warm

breath on her ear made her shrink away, but she couldn't escape his hold.

He noticed her ear turn an even deeper shade of red, and Azriel’s brows twitched with amusement. His

affectionate gesture and teasing words left no doubt about the unusual nature of their relationship.

Azriel’s atypical display of affection began to soothe Phoebe’s embarrassment, allowing her thoughts to clear.

Could it be that there was a reason for his actions?

His investment had earned him a 30% stake in the Alonso family business. Combining that with her shares, he

would be the majority shareholder. So, was he actually helping her?

Angie had warned her to be wary of this man’s intentions. Was he after her shares?

Her heart skipped a beat, then she forcefully suppressed the thought. Better him than Wendy anyway.

Once they were seated, the Alonso family couldn't take their eyes off Azriel and Phoebe. Their overtly apparent

thoughts barely concealed.

Glancing at the pensive woman beside him, Azriel chuckled softly, “Your father, stepmother, and sister seem a

bit too interested in me. Any idea what's on their minds?”

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Phoebe looked over, catching their eager stares. Disgusted, she looked away, turning her attention to Chloe

sitting nearby. “Chloe.”

Chloe rested her arm on the armrest closest to Phoebe, examining her slightly long nails, and began to speak


“You know your sister's character all too well. Her main concern now was the company, aside from making my

life difficult. The shares she held were minimal, and she couldn’t get her hands on your shares for the time

being, but Mr. Azriel had a solid thirty percent.”

Phoebe’s brow almost furrowed into a pimple. “She’s eyeing Azriel’s shares?”

“What else? How do you think she’s going to cement her place in the Alonso family empire?”

“But what do his shares have to do with her? Why would she covet them?”

Chloe's lips curled up slightly, “They have nothing to do with her, but everything to do with you.”

Phoebe froze. “With me? How?”

Chloe sighed softly as she watched the investment numbers climbing on the screen. “His actions tonight weren't

unrelated to you, dear.”

Phoebe blinked, and within two seconds, her cheeks flared with indignant rage. “She’s utterly shameless.”

Chloe chuckled quietly, “Shameless people often think alike.”

Phoebe’s head swam with anger, turning to Azriel, “Great, you've just invested in a wife for yourself. You're in

their sights now. They'll do everything to pushonto you.”

Azriel offered a half-smile and beckoned a server, “Please bring Mr. Alonso over.”

Phoebe: “What are you doing?”

Azriel: “Since I'm supposedly investing in a wife, why should they go to all that trouble? Let's discuss our

engagement now.”

“You...” Phoebe was dumbstruck, her face a portrait of incredulous embarrassment.


Before Phoebe could retort, Cole approached, “Mr. Azriel, what can | do for you?”

Azriel nodded, getting straight to the point.

“If I said | want to marry your second daughter, what would be your conditions?”

Cole was caught off guard by the blunt proposition but felt a secret surge of joy. “Shall we talk after the


Azriel shook his head, “After tonight, | may no longer want to marry her.”

Phoebe clenched her fists.

Cole tensed, “In that case, I'll forgo the other formalities. For the wedding gift, I'll just take those thirty percent of

your shares.”


Before Cole could finish, Phoebe shot up from her seat, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Cole was

startled by her sudden outburst. As he regained his composure, he realized all eyes in the banquet hall were on

them, each expression unique.

Phoebe, pale with rage and shaking, finally managed to speak again. “Are you really my father?!”

Cole snapped, “You're out of line! Of course, I'm your father. Have you lost your mind?!”

“You're my father, and do you think his proposal was genuine? But of course, I'm worth a third of the Alonso

family shares tonight, and you must be thrilled.”

Everyone's gaze fell upon Cole, and he flushed with shame. “You... do you truly wish for the Alonso family’s


“Yes, no one wants the Alonso family to fall more than | do. If it weren't for the wealth and power that built the

Alonso fortress, Grace wouldn't covet Mrs. Alonso’s position, and my mother wouldn't have been killed by her.

“You know her death is related to her, yet you turn a blind eye. You protect the murderer who killed your wife, my

mother. You're all guilty. Now, you want to sellfor shares to benefit her child. Cole, you're not my father; you

have no right.”

Grace paled at Phoebe’s hysterical words.

“Cole! Cole!! Phoebe has lost it. She's insane!! Get her out of here!”

Phoebe’s cold, venomous gaze turned to Grace. “For a rich lady's title, you beca murderer. Grace, you're

the mad one. And you, Cole, after sharing a bed with a murderer for years, have you never worried she might

stab you in your sleep?”

Cole shuddered, clearly chilled by her words. “You...”

“Enough.” Azriel, who had been sitting beside them, suddenly spoke up and pulled Phoebe into his embrace,

“Let’s not make a scene now. You can explode after the party.”

“Letgo! If it weren't for your meddling, the Alonso family would be history.”

Azriel, now fully understanding the ferocity of this lamb he once thought meek, said, “Calm down.”

With sresignation, he reached into his pocket, pulled out a lollipop, unwrapped it, and offered it to Phoebe.

“Save your energy for something sweeter. Hmm?”

“Peach-flavored. Open up.”

Phoebe stared at the lollipop for a long moment, her eyes wet with unshed tears, but she eventually calmed

down and obediently opened her mouth for the candy.

The crowd was perplexed. That actgually worked?

Phoebe couldn't believe that the man who always had a lollipop ready when she cried would truly let her down.

Cole, not wanting to delay further, sparred a few rounds with Azriel and said again, “Thirty billion, and I'll give

you Phoebe’s hand in marriage. In the future, if the Alonso family ever needs a hand, | do hope you'll step up to

the plate. After all, you're not just a son-in-law to the Alonso family, but also its largest shareholder.”

Azriel, however, shook his head. “You seem to be under smisapprehension. The thirty billion | paid ensures

that Phoebe has nothing further to do with the Alonso family. As for being the family’s largest shareholder, I'm

afraid that's not me.”

Cole was taken aback, his gaze on Azriel clouded with confusion. “What do you mean by that?”

The jocular light in Azriel's eyes had faded, replaced by a steely coldness. “That thirty percent stake? It's out of

my hands now. So, the largest shareholder of the Alonso family isn’t me.”

Cole's face twitched violently.

“You... What about your shares?” His question was abruptly cut off by Wendy's interrogative shout. Everyone

turned to look at her, her face twisted grotesquely, her gaze on Azriel sharp enough to skewer a man alive.

Azriel’s face curled into a sneer, “Sold them.”

“To whom?!”

The answer finally cwhen Chloe took the stage.

Phoebe was momentarily shocked, but quickly regained her composure. Though the process was unexpected,

the outcseemed almost inevitable. Chloe had often spoken with fierce determination about taking over the

Alonso family; it was no surprise that she had achieved her goal.

Wendy was nearly mad with rage.

Her own business gala, intended to flaunt her success in Chloe's face, had turned into Chloe's victory lap. The

change in leadership of the Alonso family was a done deal. Defeated and humiliated, Wendy had becthe

butt of a colossal joke.

As the party dwindled down, Phoebe stood dazed in the back garden, waiting for Azriel to bring the car around.

Damon walked out with Chloe in his arms as well. “Phoebe,” Chloe called softly, stopping beside her.

Phoebe looked somewhat dazed. “Chloe.”

Chloe nodded, her voice clear, “The Alonso family will be fine. Now that it’s mine, I'll ensure it doesn’t depreciate

on my watch. Hang onto your shares; if you ever want to get involved with the company, just letknow. In

fact, | believe the Alonso family will fare better withthan it did under Wendy. Of course, if one day you feel

that your own blood ties to the company compel you to take it back...”

“Chloe,” Phoebe interrupted, “You're right. I've understood this from the start. | don’t have the chops to run a

company, and | think it’s best run by capable people like you. Plus, with my thirty percent stake and you at the

helm, I won't have to lift a finger for the rest of my life and still have more money than | could count. Some

might callfoolish, but I think this is the smartest move.”

Chloe smiled, her gaze drifting to the exit of the car park. She swept a lock of hair off Phoebe’s shoulder.

“Phoebe, it’s okay for a girl not to be strong all the time. To have someone worth leaning on, who's willing to let

you lean on them, to give you shelter your whole life, and to let you cry and be silly with you, that’s something

many people search for their entire lives and never find.”

Phoebe nodded, not quite grasping why Chloe would suddenly say all this. They rarely had heart-to-hearts.

Chloe smiled, “I do have a tiny bit of curiosity, though. I know you and Azriel had a past connection, and he’s the

student of your grandparents. In every way, he should protect you, and in fact, he has. But financially speaking,

Azriel could have easily taken the Alonso family’s thirty percent stake, or even bought it all to give to you. Yet, he

gave it to me. Have you ever thought about why, that even though he’s been involved with the Alonso family’s

affairs, in the end, it has nothing to do with him?”

Phoebe blinked, thinking it over. Indeed, that was the case. Azriel was more than involved; he was the

mastermind. Yet in the end, he gained nothing.

“I wonder what he’s after.”

Chloe didn’t answer her question, instead responding obliquely, “Love is probably the one thing in this world that

can’t afford to be diluted.”

Phoebe watched Damon lead Chloe away, biting her lip lightly in thought.


After arranging swork with Jace, Azriel stepped outside expecting to see Phoebe where he left her. Instead,

it took him a good fifteen minutes to find her by the central fountain in the hotel plaza.

The air was damp and chill, especially by the water. Phoebe, wrapped in her coat with hands clasped to her chest

and head resting on her knees, looked like a small, forlorn figure.

A wave of irritation surged through Azriel. “Phoebe.”

The sudden sound startled the huddled girl, who slowly lifted her head to look at the tall, imposing figure beside


Azriel’s eyes narrowed slightly. He had been braced for a face marred by sadness, thinking she had hidden away

to cry over the Alonso family’s antics. Instead, her eyes were full of confusion and an unnamed trepidation.

“Aren’t you cold?”

But Phoebe reached out, grabbing the hem of his coat, and looked up at him with a soft call, “Azriel.”

“What is it?” he asked, looking down at his coat in her grasp.


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But what did that really prove?

What if his care for her was purely out of obligation?

Because he was the favored student of her grandparents, tasked with looking after her. Because he was Azriel,

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and she was just the little girl who could be soothed with a lollipop after a bout of tears.

And tonight, his unusual intimate gestures towards her were nothing more than a performance for the Alonso


She had long harbored feelings for him, a mixture of longing and expectation that had now transformed

fundamentally, as if she were a vine that had grown too wildly and needed pruning.

If she misread the signals and took a step too far, breaking their delicate balance, would he push her away as he

did with Alivia? No, she couldn't bear that thought.

Her grip on the hem of his shirt tightened just a touch.

Azriel paused, then let out a snort that didn’t bother to conceal his disdain. “Are you sure you're not just looking

for revenge?”

Phoebe chuckled, “No way.”

Standing up, she added, “Let's go, I'll even fry you a couple of sunny-side-up eggs.”

On the drive back, Angie's call cin, her voice bubbling with excitement as they chatted about the evening's

business gala and shared their awe and admiration for Chloe. “Damon almost killedwith laughter. He's really

hooked on playing the pretty boy.”

Phoebe joined in the laughter.

“Hey, your Azriel was pretty impressive tonight. The way he treated you, I'm half-convinced he’s serious about

marrying you.”

“Really? | think he’s quite good to you. You should take a chance and go for it. We both should experience what

dating is all about. Oh, by the way, our class president from college is getting married—shotgun wedding.”

Phoebe was genuinely surprised. “A shotgun wedding?!” Her classmates were reaching the age where marriages

were becoming commonplace.

“Yeah. And the baby is already born. If they wait any longer, the kid might be playing flower girl at their own

wedding. As for you and Azriel, if there's no spark there, why not entertain sof those admirers from school?”

“Umm. I'll see how it goes,” Phoebe replied hesitantly.

Angie's tone was clearly eager, “Our college days are numbered, surrounded by all those vibrant, youthful guys.

What have we been doing with our lives?”

Phoebe couldn't help but laugh and shake her head, “Got it, got it.”

After she hung up, Phoebe let out a sigh, which was promptly followed by Azriel’s voice. “Never dated in

college?” Content of Dramg.com

Caught off guard, Phoebe fumbled with her clothes, feeling a bit guilty. His question made her feel like not dating

in college was somehow abnormal.

“I just never met anyone | liked.”

Azriel looked forward, a slight smirk on his lips. “Yeah. Don't try if you're not into it.”


Phoebe didn’t want to discuss her love life or lack thereof with him. Feeling a bit choked up inside, she took a

deep breath and opened a gon her phone to distract herself.

As soon as the car stopped, she bolted out with her phone in hand.

Azriel watched her leave, a bemused expression on his face. Had he said something wrong to cause such a



Phoebe’s culinary skills had shown noticeable improvement. At least her meals were no longer charred, even if

the pasta was a bit overcooked. But better too soft than undercooked.

The two sunny-side-up eggs were a bit misshapen, but the yolks were still distinguishable.

Phoebe served herself a plate, and she was quite pleased with her progress. The incident in the car was already

a distant memory.

She kept glancing at Azriel, and it was clear to anyone watching that her heart was an open book.

Azriel pretended not to notice until Phoebe couldn’t help but break the silence. “The taste’s not too bad, right?

I'm picking this up pretty fast, aren't I? | must have a knack for cooking, huh?”

Azriel raised an eyebrow, her question leaving little room for any answer but agreement—no one likes to crush

someone else’s confidence. “You're learning fast, that’s for sure, but let's not get carried away with talk of


Phoebe wasn't offended; at least she was getting srecognition. “See? It's not that hard. Givestime,

and I'll be ready to get hitched in no time.”

Azriel paused, his eating coming to a halt as he stared at her intently. “Thinking of getting married?”

“Is that a problem?”

Azriel watched her for a long moment before replying, “No problem at all.”

He finished his meal quickly and stood up to leave. Phoebe was clearing the table when Azriel returned. “You

said you never dated, right?”

Phoebe stood up, creating a bit of distance between them. “I was just talking. Eventually, I'll have to date and

get married.”

“Phoebe,” Azriel spoke with sudden seriousness, “you can’t take everything people say to heart. Your friend

Angie doesn’t know everything. You got that?”

She realized he must have heard her phone conversation with Angie in the car. “Of course, | can think for


Azriel frowned, “Can you? Because just now, you seemed to think she was right.”

Phoebe had no response.