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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1580
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Justin felt his blood surge, but he was even more distressed. "Aunt Mila, you are Bella's family, which makes you my family. I can disregard my reputation, but I can't let someone disrespect you!" His heartfelt words made Bella instantly tear up, and she hugged him tightly with her slender arms, her heart feeling so soft that it seemed to lose the strength to continue beating.

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Mila's throat dried up. She did her best to force a smile. "Thank you." "Aunt Mila, rest assured. I won't let you be disrespected like that." Bella's beautiful eyes flickered with embers of fire. "If I don't make him pay for this, I'll take his last name!" Justin was amused. Was Bella so mad that she was not thinking straight? Taking Cameron's last nmeant she would still be a Thompson.

Mila advised softly, "Bella, your father is still sick, and I think his condition is not stable. He almost had another episode just now. For the tbeing, you'd better not act rashly, in case you agitated him. We'll wait until he's fully recovered before talking about this." "Aunt Mila, I really don't understand what Wyatt is thinking!" Bella said angrily, "He's enabling Cameron's misdeeds. He was never a man who couldn't see things clearly. Just because that's his brother, Wyatt could watch him eat away at the company's profits bit by bit like a parasite?! He's turning a blind eye to right and wrong and aiding that despicable bastard!" "Wyatt is not a foolish man. He only tolerated him again and again because of your mother!" Mila could not bear to see Bella's misunderstanding of her father, who loved her so much, so she accidentally blurted it out in haste.

"Mom... What about Mom? What does she have to do with Cameron?" Bella immediately grabbed her arm, determined to get to the bottom of it! Mila pursed her lips tightly.

When Yara passed away, Bella was still too young to understand things. Wyatt intentionally avoided and hid everything about Yara, so Bella knew very little about her mother.

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To Bella, her mother was a beautiful mystery.

Now that she had finally found a breakthrough to deepen her knowledge about her mother, Bella was not about to let it go easily. "Aunt Mila, tell me!" Bella's face turned bright red from anxiety, "Why... Why is it that, as my mother's daughter, I don't even have the right to know about her? Don't you think it's cruel to me?!" S "Cameron saved your mother's life." The young couple were stunned. "What...?!" "You don't need to be so surprised. It is what it is. It was destined to happen." Mila slowly walked to a chair with heavy steps and sat down. Her eyes were dark as she recalled the distant memory in her mind.

"I don't know everything either. It's just that I joined the Thompson family earlier than Celeste and Sasha, and was by your father's side longer, so I knew more about it. Based on what I know, your mother was a foreigner, but I don't know where she cfrom specifically. Wyatt treated your mother like a treasure, protecting her well, and her background could be considered the biggest secret in the Thompson family." "Mom was a foreigner?" Bella was in a daze, her thoughts messy.

Justin was also surprised.

However, Bella's four brothers and herself did not look mixed, which indicated that Yara was the srace.

"Cameron always liked deep-sea fishing. Thirty years ago, he saved your mother on a fishing trip on the northern coast." Mila sighed. "I don't know the specifics. I only heard that your mother was found on the beach, covered in wounds, barely clothed, and nearly dead, like a mermaid washed ashore. Regardless met of whether Cameron was acting out of an impulse or out of lust, he brought your mother back to Hatchbay at that time. Because of his rescue, your mother met with Wyatt, and they fell in love, eventually giving birth to your brothers and you."