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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1490
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At precisely 3:00 p.m., the court adjourned as scheduled.

Still broadcasting live, the courtroom had familiar faces of the presiding judge, prosecutor, plaintiff, and defendant.

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However, unlike the bustling crowd of the morning, the audience now consisted only of Bella, Justin, and their close friends and family, creating a stark and chilling emptiness.

None of the Salvador family members were present. Even Bethany, Shannon's daughter, was too embarrassed to stay. Handcuffed, the authorities led Shannon and Winston back to their cells once again, depriving them of any dignity. Behind the cold iron bars, Shannon, her hair disheveled, glanced numbly at the audience.

Seeing only the Thompsons, her features twisted, and she burst into laughter.

Clarence furrowed his brows, tapping his gavel and sternly reminding her, "Defendant, please remain silent!” Hunter's expression was strained, barely held together, as if he were to collapse with the slightest breeze. In simpler terms, he looked utterly defeated.

Steven helped Linny's grandmother slowly to the plaintiff's seat, gently patting her back to calm her down.

The eighty-year-old woman had barely endured the tumultuous morning session. She was too anxious to eat much at noon, waiting agonizingly for the court's final verdict on these two criminals.

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Seeing this, Steven felt a bitter ache in his heart. He was deeply distressed by her suffering.

He had spent countless nights preparing for this trial, determined to present the case and ensure Shannon got what she deserved. Yet he knew his efforts alone would not have been enough. Without Bella and Justin's strategic planning and Axel's crucial intervention, Shannon would never have pleaded guilty in court. Everyone noticed one difference in Clarence from the morning session. This time, he was wearing glasses.

Outsiders might now know about this, but the Lovett brothers were well aware of their sibling's habits.

Clarence was quite image-conscious and had significant myopia, so he usually wore contact lenses in public. However, during extremely serious, solemn, and important occasions, he would wear glasses as part of a personal ritual. The courtroom was utterly silent.

Clarence stood up solemnly, holding the judgment paper with both hands, his words clear and resonant as he announced, "I will now read the verdict for the defendant Winston's intentional homicide case." Everyone held their breath, while Winston's expression lacked the bleakness expected, even showing a hint of subtle relief.

As a foreigner, he knew that, with Shannon sharing the blame, he would likely serve twenty years here before getting deported back to Terranova. In twenty years, even at almost fifty years old, he would still have a chance to rebuild his life. With this thought, a dark, smug smile tugged at Winston's lips.

Clarence paused briefly before continuing with a powerful voice. "After careful investigation, we have confirmed that the defendant, Winston, had brutally murdered the victim and fled abroad for personal gain. The Savrow People's Court finds the defendant guilty. His crof taking a life for money and showing no remorse, fleeing abroad to resist capture, is particularly heinous and poses a severe threat to society. Therefore, the court must impose severe punishment on him. Thus, for the crof intentional homicide, the defendant, Winston, is sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life. The court will also confiscate all of his personal assets."