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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1489
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"Everyone heard the recording in the courtroom earlier!" Gregory was seething with anger, his breath ragged as he spoke through clenched teeth. "Others might not recognize your voice, but do you think I wouldn't? From the very beginning, you were aware of everything Shannon did. You knew about her plans to hire someone to murder someone else! Instead of informing me, you chose to aid her in concealing it?! Were you out of your mind?!" "N-No, I..." "Do you know your actions amount to siding and aiding a criminal?! You're an accomplice! Do you wish to end up behind bars like Shannon?! Is that what you desire?!" Bethany was terrified. She dropped to her knees before Gregory in a desperate state, tears streaming down her pale face as she pleaded, her hands trembling nervously. "Dad! I've made a grave mistake... I fully acknowledge that now! Everything I did... She forcedinto doing them! She's my biological mother... She madedo it... I couldn't just say no to her! I was too filial... I was stupid! She begged, "Please, don't letgo to jail. I'm your daughter, too... Can you really bear to seebehind bars?! Besides, how can the Salvadors afford to have another family member behind bars? This affected the Iversons severely! Do you also want our hard-built Salvador Corporation to collapse like the Iverson Group?!" Gregory's dark pupils narrowed deeply. Suddenly, he shouted sternly, "Get out of my way!" Scared, Bethany crawled away like a servant, making way for the emperor. She watched as Gregory passed by her.

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The footsteps clattered past her, but not a single person stopped to help her, making her feel even more ashamed. "Damn it! Damn it!" Bethany pounded the ground fiercely with her hands, shouting and cursing in the empty hallway.

"Hey! This is a courthouse, not a donkey pen! If you want to yell, get out of here!" Two police officers cover and chased her away in disgust.

Bethany's face turned crimson with embarrassment as she exerted all her strength to get up from the ground clumsily. Just as she wobbled to stand upright, she froze in place.

At the other end of the hallway, bathed in sunlight, were the Thompsons, observing her humiliating state with disdain.

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Bethany, who used to approach Bella to engage in frivolous banter confidently, now did not dare to utter a word. Looking utterly disheveled, she fled the scene.

"Tsk tsk... What an unfortunate sight for the family."Sasha crossed her arms, sneering coldly, "Is this a genetic mutation? How could two individuals born from the swomb be so drastically different Carrie, the youngest daughter of the Salvador family, is such a lovely girl, while Bethany seems like she's straight out of a horrible book-rude, foolish, and wicked! I bet her unfortunate mother would be better off twenty years younger!" Mila looked puzzled. "Sasha, I find this quite strange, too. Among the four children of the Salvador family, Justin, Carrie, and even their eldest son, who lives in Meridan, were al outstanding individuals among the younger generations in Savrow. How did this Bethany girl turn out like a wild child picked up from the street, with such degraded character and lacking noble qualities?" Upon hearing this, Bella felt a faint suspicion arise in her heart.

Upon closer inspection, not only in terms of character, Bethany seemed to bear little resemblance to Chairman Salvador. Even when they were standing together, one could hardly imagine that they were father and daughter. "Bella, Bella? What's going on? You seem lost in thought." Justin's warm and solid hand gently squeezed her waist, his voice soft and low.

Bella leaned against him, her lips curling slightly. "It's nothing. I was just pondering." *