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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1488
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The resounding footsteps of the Salvadors disrupted the once spacious and tranquil hallway.

Gregory's expression was icy, his eyes tinged with red, exuding palpable fury as he strode forward, his entourage trailing behind him in silent compliance.

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His secretary, Paul, followed closely behind Gregory, maintaining a stern expression, but feeling an indescribable relief because of the trial.

Paul had kept many things buried inside for too long.

He followed Gregory daily, watching Shannon enjoy everything that should have belonged to Mary. As a secretary, Paul could only lower his head in forced respect for Shannon, which made him grit his teeth in frustration and resentment.

Fortunately, God had finally served justice.

As he reflected on this, Paul cautiously asked, "Chairman Salvador, with the verdict announcement at 3:00 p.m., is there anything you needto arrange beforehand? If you have any plans, I can assist..." Before he could finish his sentence, Gregory shot him a freezing glare, his voice hoarse as he said, "Am I crazy, or are you going crazy? Why should I keep saving a despicable, evil murderer?! She killed Mary! She killed the woman I loved most! I'd rather kill her myself than save her!" Even though many people were in the hallway, it fell into a deathly silence.

Paul immediately stepped aside, his hands falling to his sides, and he softly said, "Yes, Sir." Gregory took a few more steps forward, only to have Bethany, looking distraught, bump into him head-on.

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"Dad..." Bethany cto an abrupt halt, standing rigidly in front of the stern-faced man, her heart pounding frantically in her chest, her legs trembling uncontrollably beneath her skirt.

Expressionless, Gregory took a step toward her.

"Dad... Mom, she... Ah!" Slap-! With bloodshot eyes, Gregory raised his hand and delivered a harsh slap to the wicked girl! Already weak from fear and anxiety, Bethany could not withstand the blow, collapsing to the ground with stars dancing before her eyes, unable to stand up.

But what hurt more than her face was her dignity. It shattered into pieces.

Gregory vented his anger for Shannon onto Bethany, showing no mercy in front of the rest of the Salvador Corporation employees. "You ungrateful wretch! How dare you stand before me?!” Gregory's eyes burned with a crimson fury as he pointed a trembling finger at her stunned face. "Both you and Carrie are my daughters, yet your sister is so and kind... But you? You've completely disappointed me! You've always caused trouble since were a child. Now that you're all grown up, you can't even tell right from wrong, letting that horrible woman lead you into these troubles!" The more Gregory spoke, the angrier and more resentful he became. His face contorted with rage. He felt like the effort and care he had invested over the past twenty years had all been in vain. At this moment, he wanted nothing more than to strike down this bringer of bad luck! et "Bethany! As my eldest daughter, your grandfather and I raised you with love and affection. I had high, hopes for you, and my care for you far exceeded that for your sister! But behind my back... What have you and your devilish mother been up to?!" "Dad... I don't know... I don't know anything..." Bethany clutched her burning cheek, her eyes full of tears, as she tried to appear innocent and pitiful.