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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1480
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The courtroom erupted in an uproar of shock.

The blood immediately drained from Gregory's face, and he abruptly stood up as if a fire had started in his seat, staring incredulously at Shannon.

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Mary... Did she not commit suicide due to severe depression? How did it becmurder? How could the murderer be Shannon, the woman who slept beside him for twenty years? "I... I didn't... I didn't!" Shannon gazed at Gregory, shaking her head as she cried.

Justin slowly moved his icy gaze to Gregory's pale-white face, uncontrollably letting out a bone-chilling laugh from the depths of his heart, full of bitter hate.

Even at this moment, Justin did not see any sorrow for his mother on Gregory's face. Instead, Gregory held more doubt and suspicion.

Gregory was not shocked out of love for Shannon. He merely refused to accept that he had failed to recognize her true colors and had been married to a murderer for twenty years.

Hunter felt as if a hammer had struck him in the back of his head, his brain buzzing.

Steven had caught him off guard. He had never encountered such a situation in the years he was on the field. It started as a hiring- for-murder case, so how did it involve Justin's mother? If Shannon had indeed murdered someone before, he would be implicated and dragged down into the mud with her. Hunter shouted anxiously, "Your Honor! This witness has nothing to do with our case. Please reject her right to testify!" Just as Clarence hesitated, Steven seized the moment and said, "Your Honor, the defense claimed that Shannon could not have killed the victim because she is an honorable and dignified lady. But with the appearance of my witness, we can prove that the defense was merely arguing in an attempt to clear his client's name. Therefore, my witness is not completely unrelated to the case. Her testimony could be taken into consideration in this case." Clarence finally relented and nodded his head slightly. "Very well. Both sides may question the witness." Hunter's vision darkened with rage.

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Emily stole a glance at Justin, who was sitting below sternly, and recalled his intimidating and imposing presence. She did not dare to hide anything, and she confessed all the secrets hidden in the past.

"Back then... I took care of Madam Mary under Chairman Salvador's orders. At that time, Shannon was merely Chairman Salvador's mistress. She was only temporarily accepted into the Salvador family due to her pregnancy, but Old Master Nigel never truly accepted her." The word "mistress" was like a brand of shfor Shannon, whose face was flushed. She could not help but growl. "Who are you calling a mistress? Who?! I'm not a mistress..... I am the Salvador Corporation's Chairman's rightful wife! Mary is the mistress! She snatched my man!" Gregory's face looked like it was covered in dark clouds. He wished he could send someone to silence Shannon.

Why... Why did he not cherish Mary, a gentle and virtuous woman, when she was by his side? Why did he have to tangle himself with such a greedy and ungrateful woman instead?! "She's insane! She's really good at brainwashing herself." Chapter 1480 1 "Her submissive act was merely her disguise. If she were really willing, my mother wouldn't have died miserably." Justin felt pain spread throughout his heart, but his eyes were as cold as a frozen lake. "As for Gregory, she can have him if she likes. That selfish and deceitful man like him never deserved my mother's love." Staring at Justin's resolute side profile, Bella could not tell the emotions she was feeling now.

Compared to Justin's parents and his situation, she led a far better life. But until now, Bella could not see how much genuine affection Wyatt had for her mother. If they were truly in love, should he not be faithful for a lifetime? Clarence struck the gavel again, coldly reminding, “Defendant, calm down. Do not make noise!” Chapter 1480 2 "You're lying! I've never ordered you to do so!" Shannon flew into a rage, but she felt guilty.

"If I'm lying, may I be hit by a car when I leave this place!" Chapter 1480 3 "I didn't! Shut up!" "To completely destroy Mrs. Salvador... You're dissatisfied with swapping her antidepressants, so you orderedto poison her!" Emily stood up when she got agitated and pointed at Shannon. "I was scared and wanted out, but you eagerly prepared to take matters into your own hands! I worked at a pharmacy long ago. Back then, I secretly saw the poison you prepared for Mrs. Salvador. It was fentanyl!"