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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1468
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As the trial loomed, the weight of anticipation and anxiety grew heavier.

Wilma dressed in her best, new clothes first thing in the morning and brought a bouquet to the cemetery.

She placed the bouquet on Mary's grave and sat down. She placed an iPad with a picture of Mary's smiling face in front of her. "Your precious son and daughter-in-law are seeking justice for you today, Madam. Karma has finally gotten to Shannon." Wilma wiped Mary's black-and-white photo, her eyes misting over. "The kids will visit you once the trial is over. Before that, I will stay with you and witness justice being served." The scent of the flowers, carried on by the wind, whispered a silent response.

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Although a closed trial was requested for Shannon's case, the court rejected it due to insufficient reason. The case then proceeded as a public trial.

Despite the influence of Salvador Corporation and Shannon's celebrity status, the case had a profoundly negative impact on society and did not qualify for a closed trial. After careful consideration, the court opted for a public trial to uphold justice and preserve its reputation.

That morning, the press flocked outside the courthouse, and the journalists covered the court case live. The entire nation turned in to watch the trial.

A black sedan pulled up outside the courthouse.

Hunter, who had been missing in action, appeared in his sharp suit, and the press swarmed toward him.

"Mr. Lovett, how sure are you about winning the case for Salvador Corporation and Ms. Quarry?" Hunter smiled cockily. "I have never lost a case before." In other words, he had the case in the bag.

He seemed to forget that he had lost to Bella and Justin multiple times before.

"Ms. Quarry was detained for her drug use a while back, but you had not bailed her out despite Salvador Corporation's request. Can we take it that you are falling behind on Shannon's case?" Hunter's smile froze as he clenched his fists.

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An assistant refuted right away, "Salvador Corporation sought our help on Mrs. Salvador's case, but when we took over, the evidence had already been stacked up against her, and there was nothing more we could do for her, so-" "So you're saying that if Shannon went to Mr. Lovett in the first place, Mr. Lovett could've helped her out of a drug charge." One of the journalists asked harshly. He could not stand Hunter.

Many journalists covering the judiciary detested Hunter, the unscrupulous lawyer who was only interested in profit. They saw through his polished exterior and knew the type of person he truly was.

Hunter smirked to himself. “I am just an attorney. Can you not makeout to be the monster? The plaintiff and defendant have a right to an attorney. The law gives them a fair trial.

"I have an obligation to fight for my clients. Today's trial is another of Mrs. Salvador's cases, and I will be monitoring the case throughout. I have read the files, and I am confident we will win this case." The reporter responded, "So you are confident that you can acquit Shannon of hiring a hitman?" Hunter smiled pretentiously and wagged his index finger. "I need to et trust my clients unconditionally before I can defend them. I do not need to get her acquitted en she committed no crin the first place. IMS Another sedan pulled up next to Hunter's ride.

The car door opened, and out walked Steven, looking handsand calm.

"Take your time, ma'am."