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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1461
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Axel's statement that Roza was his responsibility now tugged at her heartstrings.

Still, Roza took a stand and pushed him away, escaping from his embrace.

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"Don't worry about it. I'm not that easily bothered. It's not my first kiss. You don't have to take things so seriously and take care offor the rest of your life." Roza flicked her hair back and waved her arm carefreely. "You're hot, but I like bad boys, Mr. Prosecutor. I'm not interested in dating a fine, upstanding young man of the law." Bad boys? That meant Drew and Ryan were likely her type of guys.

Ryan was taken, but Drew was available. Besides, the party tonight was a blast, with men and women socializing freely, like it was a mixer. Even Axel was attracted to Roza, but for all he knew, Roza could take a fancy to Drew instead.

With a potential rival on the horizon, Axel said, "Don't you want to try something different?" Roza was able to keep her composure up until then. She pressed her lips tightly together, nearly losing her poker face.

"I don't mind that since it's all about ty and the thrill when it comes to relationships." Roza grinned like a little nymphomaniac. "Though I wouldn't put my money on a flaky non-marriage advocate like you.” Roza hurried back and excused herself, saying that she had work to attend to. Her assistant cand gave her a ride. Worried and curious about Roza's interaction with Axel, Bella went to get answers from the source.

Downstairs in the living room, Axel slumped grumpily on the sofa and gulped down a hangover remedy from Wilma. "What happened? Did you get on Roza's nerves?" Bella cup aggressively.

Either way, Bella took her best friend's side.

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"I kissed her." Axel did not see the point of hiding, so he cclean.

Maybe Bella could give him a few ideas.

"Ow!" Axel felt pain in his forehead. Bella plucked one tiny grape from the plate and threw it at his head. "That explains why Roza looked teary and dejected when she cback. You upset her!" Bella made use of both her hands to grab the grapes and throw them at Axel, her face flushed with rage. "You're a bastard! You hit on my best friend want to put a gun to your head and make you put a ring on her finger. I want Roza to be my sister-in-law!" Axel stared at her in a daze, brushing off the grape attack. In fact, he even caught one to put in his mouth. "Did you say that Roza left with teary eyes?" "Duh! You got on her nerves, so I sent her to check up on you. Whoever told you to get handsy with her? Are you a prosecutor or a criminal? Alcohol changed you!" Bella put her hands on her waist and launched a tirade. "Well, you're not leaving Roza hanging like that unless you want to take over Dad by becoming the biggest womanizer." "Do you think I wanted to? I told her that I had feelings for her, but she wouldn't accept me. What am I supposed to do?" With red-rimmed eyes, Axel jolted to his feet. "I admit I like her, so I told her about my feelings. Sure, I know nothing about dating or making girls happy, but I wanted to at least give relationships a go. She's not interested in me. She said she just wanted to fool around. What more can I do? Are you going to make her fall in love with me?" Bella blinked in shock.

Jesus Christ. Did Axel profess his love to Roza already? He sure was a straight shooter.

Still, no decent woman would be pleased if a guy took their lips.

As the siblings did not keep their voices down, Justin quickly shifted closer to them.

Despite having a lot to drink, Justin believed his mind could not be any clearer He made a beeline to Bella, put his arms around her waist, and asked in a raspy voice. "Why are you arguing with Axel?" While wiggling her way out of Justin's grasp, Bella took her anger out on him. "You men are the same!"