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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1448
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Bella watched as Justin's expression darkened as if a shining moon had plunged into icy darkness.

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Under the impeccably tailored suit, Justin's broad shoulders were trembling, and his eyes were red. He seemed like a dormant volcano, ready to erupt with intense emotions at any moment.

Bella squeezed his hand, trying to signal him to hold back his emotions.

It wasn't that she had a savior complex, nor was she trying to keep the family harmonious and present a united front. If needed, she was ready to support her partner.

Having an argument in the graveyard, especially with Justin's mother present, was not just inappropriate but also showed a lack of respect for the deceased. It would only upset her even more.

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"I never expected you to cvisit your mother today. You should have toldearlier. We could have ctogether," Gregory said, his tone relatively gentle. "I believe that's what your mother would have wanted to see." "What would my mother have wanted to see? Chairman Salvador, are you kidding me?" Justin gave him a cold stare, his voice full of resentment. "Justin, what are you trying to say?!" Gregory's brows furrowed deeply.

"As her husband, you ignored her while she was suffering from severe depression. Even after her death, you didn't once bother to send someone to clean her grave. For the past twenty years, you've never visited my mother. And now you dare to claim that she wants to see you?" Justin laughed bitterly, shaking his head. His anger burned in the depths of his chest. "Chairman Salvador, even if my mother spent several years by your side, even if she loved you, you should still have ssense of shame!" Bella's heart trembled, nervously pressing her lips together. 'Will they get into a fight? Should I step in and speak up?' But what Justin said also mirrored her thoughts. She really didn't want to persuade him, so she had to scold him more firmly and snap this stubborn and bold old man out of his arrogance! If they started fighting, Bella would have jumped in and fought too. One punch for each of those bodyguards! Gregory was boiling with rage, his face visibly turning red. His secretary and the bodyguards behind him were sweating bullets, witnessing Chairman Salvador's fury.

"Paul, givethe flowers." With outsiders present, Gregory didn't want to make a scene. He forced down his anger and ordered in a cold voice. "Yes, Chairman Salvador." Paul hastily handed over a bouquet of white chrysanthemums respectfully.

Gregory took it and walked toward Mary's grave with a somber expression. However, after a few steps, Justin's tall, imposing figure stopped him, snatching the bouquet from his hands and ruthlessly throwing it to the ground. Everyone shuddered in shock.

Gregory's eyes widened in disbelief as he said, “Justin! What are you doing?!" "Chairman Salvador, neither my mother nor I welcyou." Justin's bone-chilling gaze locked onto Gregory's stunned face. "She doesn't need your fake love, and you have no right to stand in front of her!" With those words, he stepped forward and mercilessly crushed the white chrysanthemums under his foot.

"Fake love... You accuseof being fake?!"