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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1439
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The chilly night breeze carried an ominous tension, swirling between them like a looming threat.

Upon seeing Justin's arrival, Christopher's expression shifted tically from joy to solemnity.

"Bella, you're here?" Mrs. Iverson's eyes lit up with tender affection, wishing she could rise from her wheelchair to greet her.

Bella's remarkable beauty has always left a lasting impression on Mrs. Iverson, even to the point where she sometimes struggled to recognize her own son but never failed to identify Bella instantly.

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Mrs. Iverson genuinely cherished Bella, unable to conceal her affection.

"Hello, Mrs. Iverson," Bella greeted politely, bowing respectfully.

Justin stood by Bella's side, encircling his arm around her waist, his gaze sharp and unwavering as he observed Christopher's every move. "Bella, who is this?" Mrs. Iverson looked puzzled, glancing uncertainly at Justin's impassive face and instinctively reaching for Christopher's sleeve. Bella was about to speak, her gaze fixed on her partner's handsside profile.

But before she could, Christopher adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and said with a smile, “Bella, what a coincidence to run into you here. Are you going on a trip, too?" Throughout the interaction, he engaged solely with Bella, completely disregarding Justin's presence.

"Christopher, do you think I'd be in the mood for a vacation?" Bella's eyes glinted sharply, her voice carrying a frosty tone, refusing to entertain Christopher even in front of Mrs. Iverson.

"You know perfectly well the extent of the schemes you've orchestrated and the bloodshed you caused. With Maxwell still roaming freely and my brother and Justin's vendetta unresolved, how can I find any enjoyment if you remain untouched?” Justin's thin lips slightly quivered as he gazed into his partner's starry eyes, brimming with love as radiant as starlight.

"Chris... What is Bella talking about? What bloodshed? I don't understand," Mrs. Iverson asked, her eyes filled with confusion.

"It's normal that you don't understand, because I don't either." Christopher gently comforted his mother, his hands lightly rubbing her shoulders. His exquisitely sculpted features gave no hint of his sinister nature. "Bella, who is this Maxwell guy? And what happened to your brother and Mr. Salvador? Is there anything I can do to help them?" A raging inferno surged within Justin's chest, his deep-set eyes like tumultuous waves.

The brutal images of their near-death experience on South Island, when they were trying to capture Winston, remained vivid in his mind. Yet, here was Christopher, the mastermind behind it all, shamelessly portraying himself as an innocent person and offering him his assistance. Assistance in meeting a swift demise? Bella felt the hand supporting her waist tremble with tension. She felt him struggling to suppress his anger.

Her heart felt heavy with the desire to vent her frustrations for him, her brother, sister, and her brother-in-law, who were far away in Sentania. However, this was not the right time. Indulging in momentary verbal satisfaction was meaningless.

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She wanted Christopher to pay a heavy price for his actions and for him to repent.

"Chris... I feel a bit cold. Can we leave now?" Mrs. Iverson's frail body curled slightly as she asked cautiously.

Over the years, her son sheltered her indoors, making her delicate and sensitive to the slightest chill. Though it was almost fall, the temperature in Savrow was still far from cold, whether it was during the day or night.

"Sure, Mom. I'll take you to the plane now." As Christopher was about to lead his mother toward the gateway, Justin's voice cut in abruptly, chilled to the bone. "Mr. Iverson, I regret to inform you that your plane might not be able to take off from here tonight. You won't be going anywhere." However, Christopher seemed oblivious to Justin's words, continuing to walk toward his private jet.

"Christopher," Justin's gaze darkened significantly, emanating a pressure that seemed to freeze the atmosphere.

"Didn't you hear that my mother's feeling cold?" Christopher retorted, glaring at Justin.

His gaze was fierce and vicious, like that of a snake poised to strike at any moment. "Besides, who are you to dictate what I can and cannot do? If the authorities suspectof anything, they can bring an arrest warrant, and I'll cooperate with any investigation. Otherwise, no one can stop me." "Suspect? How absurd." Bella sneered, her lips curling into a mocking smile. "If there were any suspicions, we wouldn't have cto see you, let alone try to stop you. Christopher, you're the mastermind behind it all. I won't believe a thing you say."