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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1429
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"Support your ass!" Charles exploded immediately, throwing curse words around, his eyes red with madness.

"Christopher, you son of a bitch! How dare you say this? At the very least, James and I cfrom the smother, and he looked out forsince we were young. Who do you think you are? You're just an illegitimate bastard born from a lowly affair between that bitch and another bodyguard! How do you have the audacity to covet the Iverson family business?!" Taylor glared at this foul-mouthed man madly, his fists clenching in anger.

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However, Christopher still wore a faint smile, as if he did not take Charles' words to heart at all.

"If you didn't setup, exposing my scandals with those bunch of women, I wouldn't be investigated by the police, and things would not cto this point! "The real mastermind is you! It's fucking you!" "Charles, do you really think I'm the mastermind?" Christopher pushed his golden-rimmed glasses lightly and asked in a calm tone, "Is the brother you have admired since childhood really someone who cares about sibling bonds? Is he really unrelated to everything that's happened to you?" "Christopher, you're still trying to sow discord between us at this moment? Why are you such a despicable asshole?" Every pore on Charles' body exuded hatred for this brother of his.

"Indeed, I don't like you, but at least I've never used you, nor have I wanted to take your life." Christopher looked at him helplessly. "I only want to take back what belongs to me." "You... What do you mean?" Charles could sense that there was more to his words, so his heart raced.

"Charles, you must've been thinking about one question every day you spent in jail. Why were you suddenly accused of hiring for murder? Don't you want to know what the truth is? Who's really responsible for your crime?" Although Charles could not trust Christopher, he still wanted to know how he got to this point, so he slowly sat back down.

Christopher hooked his fingers, and Taylor placed a stack of photos on the table.

Charles took them and flipped through. Immediately, it was as if a bomb had exploded in his brain, the shock causing his ears to ring, his neck to turn red, and his eyeballs to bulge.

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"You recognize this man, right? He's James's secretary. He approached your subordinates privately, and I checked their accounts. They had a transfer of three million dollars. The sender's account was offshore so the police could not identify them. However, I believe the answer to where the money cfrom is clear, now that you have these pictures before you." Christopher's glasses flashed with a glint of cold light. His eyes were cunning.

Charles crumpled the photos in his hand, his eyes so red as if blood would drip from them. "Impossible... How could it be... How could James..." "Do this to you?" Christopher crossed his legs. Hislips twisted into a cruel sneer. "He took care of the troubles for you only to gain favor and trust from Dad. He never did it out of brotherly affection. But at that time, the Mead girl had decided to turn toward Justin and Bella, testifying against you for rape. He had no choice but to resort to murder. However, the risk is huge. It would be fine if he could succeed, but if not, someone has to bear the fall." "So... He used my men to do dirty work for me? In this way, even if things went wrong, he could still blit on me?!" Charles felt as if someone was strangling him. He struggled to breathe.

"Not only that. I've found out that your subordinate's wife and children are under their control now. Is all of this not enough to prove that the person who brought you to this state is James?" Taylor fanned the flames. "Mr. Charles, I know you hate Mr. Christopher, but apart from him, who would still care for you now? James set you up and still acted innocent in front of you, trying to get his hands on your shares. He's truly heartless for treating you like a fool!" 'Treatlike a fool?!' Charles always thought of James as a guiding light in his life, but his brother only saw him as a tool to regain their father's favor?! "Taylor, stop it." Christopher acted as if he were thinking out of consideration for Charles, sighing helplessly. "You've seen the situation Charles is in now. He's already under tremendous pressure, so stop adding to his worries.” As he spoke, he slowly stood up.

"Charles, although we don't have the smother, we share the sfather and grew up together. No matter what, I could never do anything like James did, shifting the blfor murder onto you, would be like exploiting the last value you have and then treating you like trash. It's too cruel." "Wait!" Veins bulged on Charles' forehead, and he was so mad that his facial muscles twitched uncontrollably. "I'll transfer the shares to you, but you must giveall the evidence you have against James! I want to appeal. I want to get out of here!"