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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1398
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Bella did not ask Rachel any questions, not wanting to add any pressure to her.

“I... I just didn't expect that you would treat me... So kindly...” Rachel's eyes were swollen from crying, her voice choked with

emotion. “I know... You're doing this because... I'm a witness who can testify against Charles... But... Still... Thank you... For

respecting me.”

Rachel's tear-streaked face and her jumbled words made Bella and Justin feel suffocated, as if they were being strangled.

lan frowned, trying to calm himself before managing to control his rising anger.

At seventeen, Rachel was already physically and emotionally traumatized, and she might never fully heal from it.

lan thought, ‘It’s all Charles’ fault! If he doesn’t go to hell, who will?"

“Rachel, we didn’t simply treat you well and respect you just because you're a witness. Any kind-hearted girl in this world deserves

to be respected.”

Bella embraced the tearful girl in her arms, her own eyes welling up with tears. “Tragedy brought us together. But please believe

me, | will never let this tragedy happen again.”

Comforted by Bella's words, Rachel's crying gradually subsided. She took a few sips of the hot tea Justin had brought over, her

emotions gradually calming.

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“Rachel, have you thought about it?” Bella held her shoulders and said sincerely, “Stepping forward means there’s no turning back.

It means going all out against the Iverson family. Justin and | will do our best to protect you, but it will inevitably affect your life and

your mother’s life. So, if you feel reluctant, or if it's just an impulsive decision, | still suggest that you...”

“Ms. Bella, do you know who gavethe courage to stand up and face all of this?” Rachel said. Still teary-eyed, she spoke with

unusual clarity, her eyes shining through the tears. “It's... Your sister, Ms. Amelia.”

“A-Amelia?” Bella's eyes widened slightly, her heart skipping a beat.

But Justin remained as impassive as ever. It was as if he had anticipated it all along.

Justin knew that Amelia would step forward without hesitation, knowing it wouldn't be a futile sacrifice. Girls always understood

each other the best.

“Ms. Amelia's courage has moved me,” Rachel said. Even though she was not yet an adult, she possessed maturity beyond her


She continued, “Perhaps many people think that Ms. Amelia dares to speak out only because she’s the daughter of a wealthy

family and isn’t afraid of retaliation, thus showing such resilience. But | know the pressure she’s under. It might even be greater

than that of us ordinary people. This incident will have a significant impact on her future.

“While we will soon be forgotten by the world, the harm she’s suffered will turn into a shameful stigma. It will be mentioned time

and tagain, and she will be reminded of her wounds. | watched her livestream from beginning to end, and | cried from start to

finish. | cried for my own misfortune, but | was even more ashamed for being a coward. So | want to step forward and support Ms.

Amelia... | want to stand up for myself.”

Such insight and clarity were admirable and worthy of respect.

lan’s breathing grew heavy as he gazed deeply at Rachel, his heart filled with guilt.







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