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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1395
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Justin's heartfelt words brought Bella to tears, and she responded with a loud kiss on his lips.

The man's mood brightened considerably, his large hand effortlessly gripping her astonishingly slender waist as he lifted her and spun her around joyously.

"Ah! Oh no!" Suddenly, Bella felt a chill as the only piece of fabric covering her, the towel wrapped around her slender waist, unexpectedly cloose and flew off.

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This exposed her body, presenting a tantalizing view that quickened the man's pulse.

"I think this is perfect." With a mischievous grin, Justin swept Bella off her feet and carried her toward the bedroom, planting kisses along her skin. "W-What are you doing? I just took a bath!" Bella playfully hit his chest as her skin blushed a delicate peach color.

With a husky whisper and a glint of lust in his eyes, Justin responded, "I'll give you another bath later. Just letrecharge a bit first." * Finally, as night fell, Bella and Justin, accompanied only by lan, returned to Rachel's apartment building.

The couple sat in their car while lan stood at the entrance, keenly watching for Rachel's figure.

Before long, a figure in a simple T-shirt and jeans emerged from the dark wooden doorway.

Sitting in the car, Bella and Justin finally felt a sense of relief seeing Rachel appear. They wanted to greet her personally. However, they realized that it would be too conspicuous for three people to stand there. It might even attract unwanted attention. "Are you... Ms. Mead?" lan paused momentarily, carefully sizing up the beautiful girl before him.

The young girl was fair and pretty, which explained why Charles had targeted her. It was a pity that a brute had marred such a lovely person.

Yet she appeared somewhat more mature than a typical seventeen-year-old.

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"Yes... I'm Rachel Mead." The girl tim Ponded, blinking her large eveset while looking at the man dressed sharply in a suit. S His cultured demeanor and elegant manner seemed out of place in this impoverished area.

Feeling slightly ashamed, she bit her lip and took a small step back.

lan smiled warmly and gestured politely, "Mr. Salvador and Young Madam are awaiting you. Please cwith me." "Y-Young Madam?" "That would be Ms. Thompson." The thought of meeting the couple she adored soon filled Rachel with excitement, her eyes sparkling.

She followed lan toward the black sedan.

Just then, dan noticed the young girl had a d like a rabbit or mack bat cartoon plush backpack bear, charmingly ugly. S a "That's really cute." "Huh? Oh. T-Thank you." lan paused, clarifying, "I meant your bag. It's really cute." Realizing she had misunderstood, Rachel blushed. "Oh, thank you. Thank you, mister." M-Mister?! Did he really look that old? Suddenly, lan felt his vision briefly darken, taken aback by the remark.

The black sedan silently slipped away into the dense darkness of the night.

Just then, sneaky figure emerged from around the corner of the dilapidated apartment complex's wall, watching the car drive away with a cold gaze before pulling out a cell phone.