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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2616
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"It's not like they have wings. I refuse to believe three grown people can slip away from under my nose just like that. They must still be nearby. Search carefully." "Yes, boss!" Henry's eyes widened inside the stuffy and foul-smelling trash can. He heard Stan's footsteps approaching.

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Stan even tapped on the lid of the trash can. "Hey, don't forget to clear the garbage at the gate tomorrow. The garbage truck only comes once a day in this remote town." His lackeys, who were in the midst of their search, were puzzled by his sudden mention of this matter. They responded with a bewildered 'okay' or 'understood, Boss', Only Henry felt uneasy.

Meanwhile, Claudia, who was fleeing, suddenly cried out and collapsed to the ground. Her legs had given way. Lucas immediately stopped and asked her, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" She was clutching her chest, and tears were streaming down her face.

"I... I think something happened to my dad!" Thalia, who was approaching the town, also clutched her chest suddenly. "Officers, please hurry! My dad might be in trouble=" Beatrice glanced at her. Her expression beceven more serious, and the officers sped up the car.

The trash can Henry was in was kicked over, and the other kidnappers surrounded him, wondering why Stan suddenly targeted a trash can. However, Henry pretended to be dead, lying motionless as the garbage spilled onto the ground.

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"Hey, ctake a look. Someone's "ו hiding in the trash can. These rich folks are really afraid of dying! This trash can is so smelly and disgusting. Leven saw someone throw dog poop in there! Hehehe Stan's smile grew wider and wider. must say I admire your ability to endure all sorts of humiliation for the sake of escaping. I'm sure it has worked out well for you in the past, but unfortunately, it'swho you're dealing with today. I wonder where the other two kids went. Ah, Henry, you probably don't want to know what happens to those who don't listen, do you?" Henry trembled in fear. He had already endured a beating from these kidnappers in the car earlier, and his chest was throbbing with pain. He could not move after being knocked down. He tightly closed his eyes as if that would help him endure their brutality.

"Tsk. Although I admire people like you, I hate mute people the most. When I ask you a question, you better answer," Stan said, standing up and wiping his hands with a piece of tissue. He nodded in Henry's direction, and several kidnappers approached and started kicking him.

"It's a pity. If we weren't enemies, we could've been friends. It's getting harder to make money these days, and you just had to mess withDo you really think those two kids can escape? You underestimated me. Haven't you considered that I have a backup plan if I dared to send only two people to guard you?"

Stan turned and cruelly smirked at the nearly unconscious Henry, "Of course, have people stationed in the town too. Why else would I choose I this town?"

Even though he was beaten to the point of nearly passing out, Henry suddenly opened his eyes wide when he heard that. Slowly and resolutely, he crawled in Stan's direction. "Please... I beg you, spare...the two kids, I beg...of you."

They were too naive, thinking they could escape by running out of the house. None of them had expected that the town and Stan were in cahoots all along. Tears streamed down Henry's face.