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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2608
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Luckily, what surprised them was that the iron wires were very soft, and the edges seemed to be curled up, possibly due to years of disrepair. Henry did not dare to delay any longer. After confirming the material of the mesh, he carefully made his way back and sat on the ground again. However, this the could not control his strength well, and he fell to the ground.

Claudia let out a quiet gasp, while the kidnappers outside reacted quickly. The lively drinking noises from the next room continued, but one person, who appeared very sober, grabbed an iron rod and pushed open their door.

After seeing Henry lying on the ground, he warned them, "I warn you not to think about escaping or you're going to get a good beating from this iron rod in my hand!" "It's confirmed that there's one person not drinking next door," said Henry.

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Henry's voice continued to tremble, causing Claudia to becincreasingly alarmed. "Dad, what's wrong with you? Please don't scare me!" The occasional visits from the kidnappers had left Claudia in a cold sweat. She did not know how she would cope if something were to happen to her father.

"I'm fine. I was just a bit startled by the kidnapper who cin. My heart can't handle such excitement. Oh, by the way, Lucas, I've confirmed that the mesh on the window is made of a very tough material, but think we can bend it apart with a little force. We can definitely escape through the rear window!" said Henry.

Lucas breathed a sigh of relief at the good news. "Mister Henry, you should take a breather. You don't sound too good. We'll escape when they're drunk." Even if Lucas had not said so, Henry knew he needed srest. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, causing him to frown and bite his lower lip tightly. He tried not to make any sound for fear of making Lucas and Claudia worry.

Captain Jimmy Collins's judgment was indeed correct. There had been quite a few ex-convicts released from prison in the past six months. One person, Stan Cruz, who had a history of kidnapping, caught his attention. "This guy was like a big shot in prison. He had almost everyone taking his order. Because of that, we relocated those who were close to him to different prisons. Do you remember, boss?" recalled one of Jimmy's subordinates. Jimmy nodded. The situation would be more challenging than he had anticipated if Stan was involved in Lucas and Claudia's kidnappings.

"Check his recent whereabouts. My gut feeling tellshe's definitely involved," Jimmy ordered.

The information from his subordinate cquickly, confirming his suspicion. It was indeed Stan. "Recently, he's been frequently visiting Atlanto City, but before that, he had been living in his hometown, Camrod City. He gathered a few thugs there, all of whom he knew from prison. I think he's likely I planning something big there and then planning to escape!" the subordinate reported.

"You're right. We need to request support from higher-ups." Support for major cases cquickly. Jimmy and his team ran the car plate number Stan used to enter and exit Camrod City to determine his final location.

During such critical moments, they could not afford to be complacent. Everyone in the office held their breath, and even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard.

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"Boss, take a look. Around noon, they appeared near this park. Do you think this person is Stan?"

The individual in question disembarked from the vehicle under surveillance and even (it)a cigarette, showing complete disregard for the police officers present. "Heh, nobody can escape their retribution," remarked Jimmy. He never believed anyone could face

real punishment without fear. Stan and his lackeys' audacity was solely due to their arrogance and tack of NO respect for authority. Those kidnappers worked together for their own and they would scatter for the sreason. They were the type who would refuse to be convinced until they were faced with a grim reality.

'These criminals would only pay the price for their actions by spending the rest of their lives in prison,' thought Jimmy. Thalia, who had been listening intently to the officers' conversation, asked, "So, have you found the suspects yet?"