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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2605
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They gathered around Henry brazenly and made no effort to conceal their identities from him, which suggested that they did not intend to spare him. His apprehension grew deeper when he realized that. Henry found himself thrown into the room where Lucas and Claudia were held. His heart ached for his daughter's safety, and he ran toward her when he saw that she was alive and well.

"Claudie!" Initially still grappling with despair, Claudia sensed that she heard her father's voice and perked her ears as she sat up.

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"Was that my dad's voice? Am I hearing stuff?" Claudia murmured.

Her thoughts were clouded with uncertainty, but Lucas reassured her that she heard correctly. "You heard it right. Your father's here." "Claudia..." Henry's voice reached Claudia's ears once more, and she heard it crystal clear that time.

Her eyes welled with tears. "Where are you, Dad? Why are you here?! Did you cto rescue us?" The other captors chuckled mockingly from the doorway as the father and daughter reunited. "Aww, look at that happy reunion. No one's getting rescued, though! Your father's here to keep you company, so just sit tight and enjoy your tin this musty old room!" The door was slammed shut, and silence descended once more.

"Why are you here? What's happening?" Claudia's voice quivered with emotion. She was still blindfolded, hence the difficulty in confirming her father's presence except through his voice.

"That's not important right now. Are you both all right? Did they do anything to you?" Henry asked anxiously. Claudia shook her head. "Lucas stopped them before they tried to hurt me." Henry's gaze flickered briefly over his daughter's untouched skin. Her words brought him relief, and she seemed more frightened than physically harmed. His presenebrought sreassurance to the children, easing their fears tremendously.

"You must be Lucas. Thank you for protecting my daughter. Your grandparents are working hard to secure your release. Have faith. They'll crescue us soon." "We're classmates. She wouldn't be here if it weren't for me," Lucas said. with a guilt-ridden tone. He did not know how to face Henry after knowing that he was the reason why Claudia was dragged into the quagmire. Besides, his grandparents would be safe at home, too, rather than worrying so much about his well-being.

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"I know what you're thinking, but you're not to blfor this. You're also a victim," Henry comforted him and went to sit beside his daughter.

"How did you get in here, Uncle? I heard they demanded a ransom from Lycansom my grandmother "Lucas asked while his sharp mind pieced the puzzle together. "I'm sorry couldn't do better. I've let you down, and I've let my daughter down, too. The kidnappers

ambushedand knockedunconscious. They admitted with regret.

ransom Haven took then

"You were attacked too? Are you alright now? Are e you hunt?"Claudia asked. X