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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 The Reason He Did This

“Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful and you are so good. If I marry a wife like you, I will pamper my wife at home

every day!” Saint also said while eating.

Paul immediately looked at this person. “You will pamper your wife at home every day. Are you supporting gods?”

When Sarah heard these people’s words, she could not help but laugh. She turned her head and looked at Christian.

She found that he was not angry at all. He still had a faint smile on his face.

She thought that he was born with that sort of cold. But ever since he entered the military camp, this person

seemed to have changed into a different person. His face was no longer as cold as before.

Greta, who had been silent at the time, also smiled when she heard their words. She then stood up and looked at

Christian, “Do you have any more tea leaves at home?”

Sarah immediately stood up to stop her when she heard that, “Doctor Greta, quickly sit down. I will go.”

Although there was only an agreement between her and Christian, she was his wife no matter what. She couldn’t

do things too badly at the surface. Besides, when she saw the soldiers in front of her and saw their relationship, she

was deeply infected.

“It’s better if I go. You don’t know where the tea leaves are!” She did not wait for Sarah to say anymore and directly

went to a small cabinet beside the sofa. She opened the door and sure enough there were tea leaves over there.

She took the teapot and put the leaves inside. She then went to water dispenser to receive the hot water. Only then

she returned to her seat.

Sarah saw that she was doing everything as skillful as a hostess. She suddenly felt like she was an outsider. She

turned around and looked at Christian. She quietly sat down back on the sofa. No matter how stupid she was, she

could feel that there was a strange atmosphere between this woman and Christian.

Paul seemed to have caught the strange expression on Sarah’s face. He immediately smiled and explained, “Sister-

in-law, don’t misunderstand. We often come to Regimental Commander’s house to get things. That’s why we know

this place like the back of our hand.” After he said that, he lifted his foot and stepped on Easton’s foot.

Easton immediately nodded in agreement. “Sister-in-law, so today I will give you a reminder. In the future, no

matter what kind of delicious food and valuable item you have at home, don’t forget to hide them. Otherwise, once

we see those things, you turn around and we will take these things away!”

Sarah was amused by his words. She looked at the time and saw that it was getting late. She stood up and looked at

them, “You guys can chat. I will go and get some food for you guys.”

Christian immediately held her hand and looked at the people in front of him, “If you want to eat here, then go and

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get the food!”

They immediately stood up and said with a smile, “Then let’s retreat! Regimental Commander, tell sister-in-law

some secrets. Let’s go!”

After they finished speaking, they left without a trace.

The living room instantly quieted down. Sarah looked at the door. She thought about how these few people were

chatting and laughing here and she could not help but smile.

She turned her head and looked at Christian. She teased him a little mischievously. “How can you have such a good

subordinates when you have such a bad personality?”

Christian smiled when he heard her. He rubbed her small hand, “What kind of person do you think I am?”

“I won’t say!” His personality was volatile. If she said, wouldn’t he be angry?

“Why don’t you say it?” He wasn’t angry. He asked her with a faint smile.

“It’s easy for you to get angry. If I said something wrong and you will get angry, then what should I do?” After she

said that, she started to regret. Wasn’t it obvious that she was saying that he had a bad personality?

“So you are saying that my personality isn’t good, right?”

“I didn’t say it!” She immediately answered stubbornly.

He smiled and looked at her. “Then I’ll change my personality in the future, okay?”

Sarah thought that she misheard him. What did he say?

She turned to look at him. Her eyes were filled with shock. To be honest, she was a little shocked when he talked to

her like this. She looked at him, unable to speak for a long time.

He looked at her surprised expression. He knew very well why she would have such a reaction. He saw her staring

at him with her big eyes full of shock. He reached out and caressed her cheek. He then said with some emotion.

“I know you’ve liked Julian for nine years. That feeling of feeling betrayed in an instant is like you have lost your

entire world. I know you will be very, very sad. If you want to walk out of Julian’s shadow, you will definitely need a

long way to go. Plus, your father donated cornea to Julian, so you will be hurt more than other girls who have lost

their love!

I am a soldier and don’t know how to treat wounds. But there is a saying in TCM called fighting poison with poison,

so I have been looking for trouble before this. I don’t have any other meaning. I just want to reduce your pain. Now

that you’re in army, you’re already very far away from him. I don’t need to do that anymore. I have done the

wrong thing to you before. I apologize to you. From now on, we’ll live in peace, okay?”

Sarah looked at him in surprise. After hearing so much from him, all the grievances she had suffered during the

period of time, instantly surged up. Tears filled up in her eyes and she looked at him with excitement and happiness,

“Is what you said is true?”

She thought that, after coming here she would have to live that kind of life again. But she did not expect, on the

first day, he would give her such an unexpected surprise!

So he wasn’t as bad as he looked!

He listened to her and smiled again. He stroked her tears with his big hand, “I know you’ve suffered a lot during this

period of time. I also once wondered if I could really help you by doing so. But now it seems that I succeeded.”

Tears could no longer stop from falling. “You are such a bad person. How can you treat me like this…”

He reached out and pulled her into his embrace. He patted her back lightly and comforted her, “I’m sorry! In the

future, I won’t do it anymore.”

Sarah leaned in his arms and kept crying. She clearly wanted to stop crying but her tears could not stop from

falling. During this period of time, she didn’t have a person to talk to. Now she suddenly realized that he did all this

on purpose. Her grievances immediately surged up and turned into tears that could not be stopped.

“Don’t cry anymore. When they come back later and see you like this, they will think, they did something wrong.”

Christian gently reached out and pushed her. He smiled and gently wiped the tears off her face.

Sarah’s eyes widened and then she blinked a few times, “Didn’t they say they left? Why will they come back?”

“We just came back today. There was nothing at home. They went back to get food…” Christian replied with a


“What? How could this be?” Sarah quickly took a tissue and wiped her tears. As she wiped, she glared at him, “Then

why didn’t you say it earlier? If they saw me cry, I would be very embarrassed!”

Christian smiled, “They all like you. Don’t worry!”

Sarah wiped her tears and blinked and stared at him. This turn of events was a little too fast and she still felt a little

surreal. “Was what you said just now true? You really wanted to help me, that’s why you deliberately made trouble

for me? Will you change your mind in a while?”

From the first day she met him, he had always acted like she owed him 78 million yuan. His sudden change made

her wonder if what she saw was real or fake.

“How about I change my way of doing things back?” Christian thought about it. He looked at her and asked back.

“No!” Sarah immediately denied.

Christian looked at her expression and could not help but smile.

Sarah also looked at him and smiled. She suddenly remembered that her hand was still held by him. She

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immediately pulled her hand back with a red face.

Even if their relationship had eased up, she couldn’t forget one thing. He and her were just an agreement!

“You’re too good at acting, you actually lied to me!”

Christian looked at her subtle movements. He smiled and did not say anything.

Christian was right. After half an hour, the soldiers who had left ran back. And there were a few more people than

before. Each of them had food in their hands. They even brought eggs and milk.

The last few people walked were the family members of the soldiers. When they heard that Regimental

Commander Cooper had brought his bride back, they all ran over to take a look.

It was Sarah’s first time visit to army. Before she came, she had already prepared the life she had with Christian in

the past. But she never would have thought that on the first day she came here, so many people had come to see


In a while, they filled up the kitchen and she heard them greet her so warmly. She suddenly realized that she had

made the right decision.

Sarah was influenced by everyone’s emotions. She took out all the candies and delicious specialties she brought

from home to entertain everyone. She was so busy that she looked like a real hostess.

With so many people around, Sarah naturally did not need to cook dinner in the kitchen. The family members of the

army took care of all the work in the kitchen. Sarah also had to go and help. But she was pushed into the living

room by sister-in-laws.

“You just came today and you are the bride. How can we let you do it? Our days in the future are long. We will wait

for Regimental Commander’s leg to recover. We will definitely come and freeload off your food!”

Everyone smiled. Paul walked over and pushed her to Christian’s side to sit down.

“Sister-in-law, don’t do anything today. Just sit here and have a good chat with us. Besides, you don’t know how

Regimental Commander treats his subordinates, do you? In the past when his legs were good, he often punished


“That’s right! Today, in front of sister-in-law, we have to take revenge!”

Christian listened to their words. He was not angry. He just sat in the wheelchair and smiled.

“Sister-in-law, you don’t know Regimental Commander has a nickname, do you?” Saint boldly looked at Sarah and

said mysteriously.

Sarah looked at Christian who was beside her. His subordinates were joking but he was not angry. She looked at

Saint and asked, “What nickname does he have?”

“Take a guess!” Everyone laughed and teased her.

Sarah looked at Christian, who was beside her. She thought about what he had done before. She mustered up her

courage and answered, “Yama King?”