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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95

The family members present turned to Liam in astonishment. They did not expect that Liam who looked

so dejected would suddenly spring up to his feet invigorated.

Liam looked around the room with his eyes widened in shock. He hastily put his phone on loudspeaker

so that they could hear the whole conversation before speaking

Hello. Am I speaking to Liam Chamberlain?” the caller asked professionally from the other end of the


“Yes, I am Liam Chamberlain!” Liam answered energetically

“I’ll repeat what I said earlier.” The caller said politely

“I am Zack Lyle from West Atlantics Int’l, and I would like to invest in your company”

Everyone, including Pearl, looked at Liam with their eyes widened from shock.

Invest in their company?!

They could feel their hopes being rekindled once more when they heard Zack’s words, but they forced

themselves to calm down.

While it was great news that a company was willing to invest in them, they didn’t think much about it. At

most, it would be a small amount of money in exchange for some percentage of shares

“How much are you willing to invest Mr. Zack?” Liam asked hesitantly

Since Chamberlains Corporations had been forced to pay back the money they borrowed from the

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bank. they needed about $20 million to solve their cash flow issue

Twenty million dollars was by no means a little sum of money, so Liam wasn’t expecting Zack to invest

that much amount of money in their company, especially when it was probably in exchange of shares.

Yet, Zack’s next words completely stunned them.

“We are willing to invest $100 million dollars in your company, Mr. Liam.”

“Ar-Are you serious? Liam asked incredulously. He thought his ears were playing a joke on him.

“Of course I am.” Zack answered as he chuckled lightly from the other end of the phone, but he was

cursing greatly in his heart.

Why wouldn’t he be serious? Would he dare joke at a time like this?

The chairman, Darius, had specifically called him and told him invest as much that was needed into

Chamberlains Corporation.

He could only obey his superior and not question him, so he immediately reached out to Liam

Chamberlain to inform him.

As for their conflict with Gillette Group, Zack could not care less about a minor thing like that. The

Gillette Group was not even worth mentioning in front of West Atlantics Int’l.

Zack was the head of a third rate company before, therefore one could imagine his shock when he

found out that the starting capital for investments in West Atlantics Int’l was $50 billion.

It meant that West Atlantics Int’l was a multi-billion dollar corporation!

Wouldn’t it be extremely unfair to pitch West Atlantics Int’l against a business group that just had its net

worth in millions?

Liam naturally didn’t know what Zack was thinking: therefore he was very skeptical about Zack’s


He was afraid that Zack was only reaching out to them so that he would acquire more than 50% of the

shares, hence becoming the majority shareholder of Chamberlains Corporation.

“Also, West Atlantics Int’l has no need for any percentage of the shares of your company. Mr. Liam.”

Zack said, clearing out the doubts in his mind.

“You don’t need the shares? Liam asked disbelievingly. This was simply too shocking!

Not only was he investing an astronomical amount of money in their company, he was also unwilling to

accept their shares.

What kind of domineering display was this?

Even the top companies in Almiron city would not be able to bring out $100 million casually without it

affecting them severely!

“Thank you so much Mr. Zack!” Liam exclaimed happily. He was close to bursting out in tears.

Just some minutes ago, they could see the downfall of Chamberlains Corporation, but now, someone

had contacted them out of the blue and suddenly offered to invest in them, despite the fact that they

were being pressured by the Gillette Group.

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It was nothing short of a miracle.

“Don’t mention it.” Zack replied nonchalantly.

“I’ll be heading over tomorrow with the contract for the investment.” Zack announced.

The two of them continued talking for some time, and by the time they ended the call, Liam was all


It wasn’t only Liam that was elated. Every other member of the Chamberlain family was incredibly

happy. including Evans.

They didn’t know how it happened, but they had miraculously thwarted what looked like a great crisis.

The atmosphere in the villa lit up, and in just a few minutes, everybody was celebrating with one


Only Pearl found the situation to be a bit odd.

How come someone contacted them out of the blue and willingly invested $100 million in their


What was more shocking was that he didn’t even seem to be bothered about the Gillette Group at all.

It only meant two things, and it was either the person was ignorant of the Gillette Group strength in

Almiron city, or they couldn’t be bothered about the Gillette Group, and Pearl was quite certain that it

was the latter

Pearl couldn’t wrap her head around it, but since everyone was in a celebratory mood now, she

decided to pursue the truth on her own later.

She had a notion that this matter wasn’t as simple as it appeared, and that there was more to it than

met the eye,