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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93

“Stop yelling at each other” A weak voice said.

The moment the Chamberlains family members heard the voice, they immediately stopped yelling at

each other and turned to the direction of the voice

“Grandpa!” Liam, Tanner and other members of the Chamberlain family shouted at the same time

A few seconds later, an old man could be seen descending the staircase in the villa. He was

accompanied by a man seemingly in his early seventies. Everyone present knew who the man was. He

was their grandfather most trusted butler and assistant

Tanner hastily arranged a sofa for his grandfather to sit. When his grandfather was comfortably seated,

the butler emptied a bottle of water into a cup, and then handed it over for their grandfather to drink

Their grandfather emptied the contents of the cup before setting down the cup on the table.

“I heard about the precarious situation of the Chamberlains Corporation.” Evans, their grandfather


When the people present heard their grandfather’s words, they immediately turned to glare at his butler

who stood beside him. The butler quickly averted his gaze, but one could see the beads of sweat rolling

down his head.

Of course it was only him that would tell their grandfather of the current situation,

Their grandfather, Evans Chamberlain, was an old man in his eighties. He was already past his prime

and was not in good health.

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For the sake of his health, all the members of the Chamberlain family had come to the conclusion to not

divulge the current state of the company to him. They were afraid that he wouldn’t be able to handle the

shock of the news and further deteriorate his health

Although on surface it seemed as if the whole success of Chamberlain Corporation was built by Liam

Chamberlain and Trevor Kellick, it was far from the truth

With many top companies in the Almiron city, how could a new company suddenly rise all the way to

prominence and become well known so easily?

The truth was that the reason why Chamberlains Corporation was overlooked by the top companies and

allowed to grow this far in Almiron city was because of Evans Chamberlains.

The top business companies knew that Evans Chamberlains had connections with the Killick Group.

which was an upper class conglomerate group in Almiron city. As such, many of them let Chamberlains

Corporation be.

However, it seemed that either the Gillette Group had no idea of Evans Chamberlain’s connection with

the Killick Group, or that they were not bothered by the Killick Group at all.

It was another reason why the Chamberlains were anxious. Any business group in Almiron city certainly

knew about the Killick Group, so the fact that they were being targeted and suppressed so much even

with that idea in mind was something shocking

11 showed that the Gillette Group had no thoughts of backing off at all, and they were not afraid of the

Killick Group retaliation

know what you are thinking “Evans said when he saw his Liam and Tanner’s furrowed brows

“Nonetheless, don’t you think that you’re underestimating me?” Evans asked, and a tinge of annoyance

could be heard in his voice.

“Of course not, Grandpa, but this is something that you shouldn’t involve yourself in. We can’t keep

relying on you every time we run into some trouble.” Tanner replied pleadingly.

“Yes Grandpa. Tanner is right. It’s not ideal. If we keep doing such, we won’t be able overcome troubles

without your help.” Liam said.

“Besides Grandpa, everyone knows that the Killick Group is only our backer because of you. When you

are not around anymore, you won’t be able to protect the Chamberlains Corporation.” Liam added.

Evans sighed when he heard his grandsons’ replies. They were right. The reason why the Chamberlains

Corporation could grow this far was because of his connection with James Killick of the Killick Group

Even now, he wasn’t sure if the Killick Group would agree to go against the Gillette Group for their sake.

After all, even though the Killick Group was above the Gillette Group in terms of strength, it was not by


It would be too much of a stretch to request the Killick Group to take care of the Gillette Group on their

behalf. If the Killick Group did so, it would greatly weaken them, and at the same time threaten their

standings among other business groups in Almiron City

Even at that he had to still try his best. There was no way he would stay idle while his son’s sweat was at


“Hand me my phone.” Evans said. The butler immediately reached into his pockets and handed him his


Everyone present, including Pearl, knew what his intention was the moment he asked for his phone, and

they couldn’t help but get their hopes up.

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Evans typed in a phone number on his phone and made a call. The phone rang for some time, but no

one answered the call. Just as everyone thought that the call wouldn’t connect the call finally connected.

“Hello Mr. James! It’s me, Evans Chamberlains.” Evans said enthusiastically as soon as the call


“Hello Mr. Evans.” James replied blandly. Since the phone was on speaker, everyone could hear James

reply, and the dull response made them anxious.

“Mr James. I’m calling to-” Evans said, but was rudely cut off by James.

“Mr. Evans. I’m aware of the reason you’re calling.” James started curtly

“However, it is unfortunate that I’m unable to help you, Mr. Evans,” James concluded coldly

Evans could barely believe his ears, and it was the same for everyone present James reply was the

same as cold water being doused on their heads.

“I’m sorry, Mr Evans.” James said.

His reply jolted Evans back to his senses.

“Not at all, Mr James” Evans responded wryly.

“Alright Have a nice day Mr. Evans.” James sald.

You too. Mr James.” Evans replied before disconnecting the phone call He then put down the phone on

the table before reclining in the sofa,

Everyone present now had incredibly grim expressions on their laces. It was unexpected that even the

Killick Group was reluctant to go against the Gillette Group

I vang ini oul arvelul pigh It was unexpected, but it seemed that this was the end for Chamberlains


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