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The Conquerors Path-Novel

Chapter 684-The Jealousy Begins.
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Chapter 684-The Jealousy Begins.

"Keep close to me and follow what I have to say, alright?"

Nini spoke, her cloak now down, with her eyes focused on us to which the four of us nodded our heads at the same time, the action making her smirk as she whistled out, just as she did, the sounds of hoofs sounded out as within seconds five presences of powerful horse-like beasts soon marched towards us.

The horse-like beast had four eyes in its head, its body being extremely robust with red burning skin and black patterns over its body, three small horns tumbling out from its head, while their ears had a turned point, three powerful tails swinging on their back, while the snort that left them producing minor winds.

"Origin rank 5?" Carmelia snapped behind me with that voice, her surprise being evident in the other two, to which Nini's smirk just got better, her eyes turning to me as she spoke.

"Well then get on."

With that, she took the lead, sitting upon a horse that seemed to be at origin level 7, while the rest waited for us, though their attitude seemed to say they didn't like us, well not me but the rest of the three. As soon as I reached the beast, it detected the whiff of life energy from me so potent it turned directly into a happy beast.


With a cute snort, it started to rub its head lovingly against my hand, its rough texture filling my hands as I patted its head a bit, my eyes turning towards the already seated Nini as I asked.

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"What's her name?"

"Titi," she spoke, her words causing my lips to twitch at her nonsense-like naming skill, my hands lightly patting her mare as I spoke.

"Guess you are having some rough time too."

As I said this, I lightly passed through some energy of life through the horse; its power lightly elevated while its status of strength burned up.

"Neigh! Neeeeiiiggghhh!"

Titi called out as she felt the energy rising through itself while the rest of the horses, gave t an envious gaze, thus only getting more pissed off at its riders for not getting me.

'This will be fun.' ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪs ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ʙʏ N(o)vᴇl(F)ire.nᴇt

Laughing internally, I quickly took a seat above, while my gaze filled with fun focused on the other three. Carmelia struggled to get the horse to like her, it just huffed away while she tried to pat it, while the other two had it much worse, the horse even trying to kick them as they tried to get on it, the 5 horses in total all being women and they're not being that easy to tame at all.

Carmelia is making some progress due to her innate moon-like sway and also due to her being a woman, but the other two are getting it rough. Of course, as trained horses, they would easily allow for traveling and passengers, but Nini is making it intentionally hard on them. Why? Well, it's fun...

'And I asked for it too.'

Thinking so, I gazed at Nix who got headbutted in the ass by the horse, while Melvin trying to soothe it with some expensive food got his hand bitten tight. Now Nix was on the ground holding his ass, while Melvin was on the side teared-eyed, rubbing his bloating red hands.

"Come here."

My words broke her out of her reverie as she walked close to me, soon reaching beside me. Though when she did, the horse gave her a rough glare, making her flinch, to which I caught her hand with mine, holding it tight. The action startled Carmelia as she looked at me, the sudden action causing our noses to touch due to our close proximity.

Our eyes now met each other, due to the disguise we looked like any normal demons but for a moment, the world seemed to freeze. But I didn't fall for that romantic hold for now as I turned my head to the side, slowly taking my hand with hers and placing it lightly on the horse's mare, it snorted a bit, but it let Carmelia touch it.

"You need to be more gentle and open with horses like these, got it?" I spoke while still holding Carmelia's hands and rubbing it on the mare, her focus now on the feeling of the horse. And while she did this, I looked towards the other two, their faces now ugly, as I could see the two boys grinding their teeth together.

'All is well.'

With that, I let go of Carmelia's hand, striding her again, but she didn't take her hands off the horse. As while she kept rubbing the horse, she looked at me.

"Thank you."

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She spoke, to which I just snorted and walked away. Though I could see the light smile on her face from it.

'The first part is done then.'

The reason for this action is to show Carmelia and Carmel that perhaps they might have a chance, the thought that I am doing this all because I am very angry at her and might perhaps still hold her like a family passing through her mind, and that's what I will go with, keeping a rough texture outward while being kind to her at her difficult times, going with things like 'I am doing this just not to waste my time.'

'The tsundere play.'

Not one I like, but it's the one that I am going with now. With everything I have planned, I will be having a lot of good times with Carmel and Carmelia. Thus, while sitting back on my horse, I gave a discreet nod to Nini, who with a smile, suddenly spoke.

"Yup, that's enough. I enjoyed the show for now."

With that, she snapped her hands. The moment she did, the other two rowdy horses, already having roughed up the other two enough, suddenly stood in attention, them being entirely accommodating. The sudden action caught everybody off guard, and I with a frown spoke.

"You couldn't have done this before?"

My tone was rough, and God, I could see Nini almost tremble on her horse. Thankfully she held it well as she responded with a cheeky grin on all her mouths.

"Then I wouldn't have fun, would I?"

Her tone sounded childish, and once again, I could see the two grinding their teeth, their grievance-filled eyes focusing on Carmelia, who with that colder touch, spoke with a light tone.

"You guys deserved it for now."

These words make their faces turn for the worse. Thus, with the mixed complex emotions, everyone got on the horse, and the travel starting forth.