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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 97
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Call it wishful thinking or overthinking, either way, Dorothy decided to lay it all out on the table.

That revelation left Kenneth a bit stunned.

"I don't care about any of that.” He was firm in his response.

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Actually, from the moment he first laid eyes on Dorothy, Kenneth was deeply impressed! Coupled with his sister always singing her praises, he found himself growing more and more interested in the girl.

But because he had a steady girlfriend before, he didn’t entertain any other thoughts. However, after breaking up, when his sister suggested setting him up with Dorothy, he admitted that he was very interested.

It wasn't just because Dorothy was pretty, but more so because of her strong spirit, which made him want to protect her.

“But | do care.” She stated calmly, “| want an equal marriage, but under these circumstances, | can only become a burden to a family.” “How can that be? Even if your mom needs a few more surgeries, it’s just a few million at most! My family can totally afford it.” Kenneth’s tone was somewhat urgent, “If this is the only reason why you're keeping me at arm's length, then there’s no need!” Dorothy shook her head, “You don’t understand what | mean.” “I do understand!” Kenneth looked unusually anxious, “My parents don’t care about all that social status stuff, and as for the several million in medical fees, we can give it to you as a cash gift! | mean, | have to give one when | get married anyway.” “Mr. Nelson, besides money, can you tolerate my mother calling you at all hours? Even when you're in class, in a meeting, or even when you're tired from working overtime and haven't slept for days, you must go immediately, or you'll be scolded to high heavens.” “I can!” “That's because you haven't experienced it.” Dorothy knew her mother all too well. She wouldn't have let go of her daughter's marriage so easily.

The way she has tormented herself over the years, she would have done the same to her son-in-law.

"Dorothy, | haven't experienced it, but | want to try. Give me a chance." Kenneth took a deep breath, "I know it's not the best time to say this, but I'm serious, and my parents are very supportive.” "Don't step into this messy situation.” After speaking, Dorothy bowed slightly, "Mr. Nelson, thank you for everything. Please take your parents and leave. With my relationship with Karen, you wouldn't want our future encounters to be awkward, would you?” After a long while, Kenneth could only laugh and nod, “All right, we'll leave for now. But remember, you can always come to me if you need anything.” Dorothy watched as they left, her nose suddenly stung, and she almost shed tears.

She had to face the reality.

She wasn’t good enough for Kenneth, let alone for Everett.

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It was delusional.

Her mother’s surgery was a success.

The doctor Everett had personally asked for did an excellent job and even laid a good foundation for a potential second surgery.

"The patient needs to rest well, and when she goes home, make sure she doesn't get too emotional, as it could lead to heart complications." "All right, | understand. Thank you, doctor!" As Dorothy pushed her mother's bed back to the V1 ward, she noticed the table was full of fresh fruit and expensive supplements! She didn’t see Kenneth bring them in the morning.

She went over to look and found a note from the merchant next to the fruit basket, besides the ward address, it also had the name Mr. Lopez written on it.