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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 62
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"Really? Fine! Then you tell me, where the money for the surgery came from, and how your so-called boyfriend agreed to lend you so much money all at once!" Dorothy licked her parched lips and lowered her eyes for a while, "I really wasn't kept by him. We... got married.” She didn't want to tell her mom about that, but there was no other way around it! Dorothy knew Bella too well. She was the type who would have rather died than spend a man's money.

Maybe if she threw the marriage license, there might have been a chance to persuade her.

Perhaps Bella didn't expect her always obedient daughter to even get married without telling her. She looked at her, opened her mouth a few times but didn't say anything for a while.

Afraid that her mother would faint again, Dorothy quickly went out to find a doctor.

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Fortunately, she was given a pressure-lowering injection in time, but it also made the doctor busy for a while.

Not until the sun set outside, and the night fell, did the ward regain its quietness.

Bella lay on the hospital bed, not saying a word, not closing her eyes, just looking at the ceiling.

Dorothy stood aside like a child who had done something wrong.

"Is it true that you got married?" Suddenly, Bella spoke.

"Yeah." "Let him come. | want to ask him in person." Dorothy pursed her lips tightly, refusing to say anything, "It's not that he won't come. He's just too busy with work." "You married him to gather the money for my surgery, didn't you?" Bella was not stupid just because she couldn't move her legs! How could she have not known that her daughter did all that for her? But she only had that one daughter. She was scared that her daughter would have followed her old path.

"No." Dorothy answered simply, "We have feelings, Mom. He's really good to me." He really was.

"Good? Then why doesn't he dare to see me?" Dorothy was unable to answer that question.

"You say he's busy, then I'll give him time! | must see this man before my surgery. Otherwise, no matter when the surgery is scheduled, | definitely won't do it!" After leaving the hospital, Dorothy didn't go straight back to Bay Residence but walked to the beach.

Because it was late at night, without the hustle and bustle of the day, all that could be heard was the sound of the waves hitting the beach.

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The wind was a bit strong, whistling past her slightly swollen cheeks, causing a faint sting.

Dorothy rubbed her cold arms, her gaze unfocused.

When she was in Havenbrook City, she also liked to go to the beach at night. Especially when she encountered something that bothered her and she couldn't figure out, she always felt that the vastness of the sea could give her the strength not to escape.

She had been tired for a long time.

But the problem still needed to be solved. The root cause still existed. Her mother needed to have surgery.

She sat on the beach for who knows how long, until Everett called, then she stood up.

"Where are you?" "I'm at the hospital!" "Dorothy." Everett's voice sank a bit, "My man is at the door of the ward." Dorothy was silent.

She forgot! "I'm coming to pick you up. Send me your location.” He would never ask too much, his first reaction was always to see her first.

Dorothy glanced at the taxis passing by not far away, "No need. I'll take a taxi back! It's already late. You go to bed first." She didn't want to face Everett now, because she hadn't figured out how to ask him to help her see her mother.