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The CEO’S Unplanned Heir novel (Aurelia and Leopold)

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 Jenny, sitting next to Aurelia, picked up a magazine to obscure her face and whispered, “Ms. Elowen is clearly tailing us, keeping a close eye on the big boss.” That was a given, plain as day to anyone who cared to notice.

Aurelia gestured for her to be quiet. The last thing she wanted was to get caught in a crossfire involving the big boss.

Once the flight had taken off, a WhatsApp message from the big boss popped up: [The upper deck suite is yours. Feel free to retire whenever you want. If you're not feeling well, let me know immediately.] [Thank you, Mr. Leopold.] She replied, maintaining a polite tone.

Leopold furrowed his brows, casting her a glance.

Just as she lifted her head, their eyes met across the cabin, sparks threatening to fly.

She quickly looked away, her gaze falling on the window, her heart pounding quietly in her chest.

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It was dusk outside. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and purples, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

The big boss's mood, much like the sky, was as unpredictable as the weather, which was quite unnerving.

A stern expression crossed Leopold's handsome face.

Was she avoiding his gaze out of fear or guilt? A flight attendant brought over some drinks.

As he took a sip of his coffee, Leopold got up and headed to the aft of the plane, with Elowen shadowing him.

Taking advantage of the momentary privacy, she threw herself at him. “Leopold, | don’t want to be alone tonight. Can | sleep with you?” Coldly, Leopold shrugged off her grasp, his face unreadable, “Stop it. You're causing a scene.” Elowen looked ready to burst into tears. “I'm your fiancée. What's wrong with showing a little affection?” Insisting, she tried to once again embrace him, only to be held back.

As luck would have it, Aurelia chose that moment to head to the dining area for a bite.

Caught off guard by the sight, she froze.

She thought, “My God, | thought there was tension between him and Elowen. But here they are, passionately tangled, looking like they're about to join the mile-high club.” It was a misunderstanding! Quickly, she covered her eyes and turned around, “I'm sorry for interrupting. | didn’t see anything. Please, continue.” Just as she was about to make her exit, a sharp command from Leopold echoed in the cabin. “Stop there!” She was in trouble now! Though she couldn't see Leopold's face, she felt a chill crawl up her spine.

Damn her luck! Of all the awkward situations to stumble upon! “Mr. Leopold,” she turned to face him, pressing her lips together in embarrassment, “I swear | didn’t see 12 Chapter 43 anything. I'm nearly blind without my glasses.” Elowen, already frustrated, was further irked by her presence. “Did you do this on purpose? Are you spying on us?” Aurelia felt wronged. She wasn’t that petty, and certainly didn’t have the guts for it.

“I was just feeling a bit peckish and thought I'd grab something to eat.” Elowen glared at her, looking like she wanted to rip her apart. “Are you always this hungry? We just took off and you're already hungry.” Before she could finish her tirade, Leopold stepped in, showing no mercy. Elowen stumbled back, saved from a hard fall only by the nearby seats.

Aurelia gasped.

She thought, “Good Lord, the big boss sure has a quick temper. One moment he’s all sweet talk, the next he’s as cold as ice.” That was gotta sting for Elowen.

While she was still digesting the scene, Leopold strode over, his eyes flashing with an icy glare, “What are you still doing standing here? Go eat!” Her hunger didn’t matter to him, but his child couldn't go hungry.

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“Oh.” She quickly slipped away.

Leopold disappeared into a meeting room, leaving a teary—eyed Elowen behind, nursing a bruised ego and a literal bruise. Her attempt to follow him was thwarted by the closed door. Frustrated, she stomped her foot.

In the dining area, Aurelia ordered steak and spaghetti.

As she was eating, she suddenly felt a surge of indignation.

Legally, she was his wife.

What they did was akin to an affair! Why did she apologize? She wasn't the one in the wrong.

It was an injustice! A furious Elowen joined her at the table, her eyes shooting daggers at Aurelia, as if she wanted to tear her apart right there.

It was seriously affecting her appetite!