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The CEO’S Unplanned Heir novel (Aurelia and Leopold)

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 grants glowed in disarming ugh. * far gain erramutant from their lens, making her shiver iss 6 km wet sheet such 16- all furthered humanity, but to no avail. His abrengt was amply Her great and she could ass fis She began to feat geded hermes spisning unable to muster any strength, she wilted in his arms, slowing him to a her the finally let en ga Locking efter swollen lips, teary eyes, he smirked coldly, “You cry so much How can you be a director like the caine to her senses, blustung in humillation. She wiped away her tears, | never used to cry, I'm pregnant that's why I'm so emotional Alt pregnant women are like this. You wouldn't want me to become depressed over this, it could affect our child that would be terrible.” Leopold frowned, his expression suddenly cold. He harshly gripped her chin, “You think you can use our child to threaten me? Think again!” A chilling aura emanated from his body, instantly freezing the surrounding air She shivered. This is my child too. | would never use them as a bargaining chip. I'm just stating a fact, | am affected | am upset, and | cant control it.” As she spoke, tears started to roll down her cheeks again.

She wiped them away, but they kept falling, like pearls off a string, continuously trickling down.

really tried to hold it in, but they won't listen She choked on her words, her chin trembling. Leopold felt a twinge in his heart.

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He gritted his teeth, scowling. After a while, he grumbled, “Just this once, but if you cross me again, | wort be so forgiving” He never compromised. This was the first time! She let out a sigh of relief, a weight lifted off her chest.

Thank you Mr Leopold She broke into a smile Seeing her smile, Leopold couldn't help but feel like he’s been played again.

Aurelia started preparing for her trip to Paris, she spent a fortune on Amazon buying a few decent outfits, also getting some crystal accessories to go with them.

When she came home from work, Laura told her that someone had sent something over She thought it was just an Amazon delivery, but when she opened it, she was shocked to find a Chanel. haute couture dress.

Wow, it was beautiful, but surely there had been a mistake. She could never afford such luxury.

Just as she was about to contact the courier, her phone rang. It was a WhatsApp notification.

It was from Arnold: [Did you get the dress?] She was shocked. It was from him! [This is too expensive, | can't accept it, you've already done me a huge favor, | haven't even had the chance to thank you yet.

How could | accept your gift!] [Are we friends?] [Of course.] [Then don’t be so formal with me, otherwise you're not considering me a friend, and I'll be upset. You're my model now, you need to shine at the jewelry show.] But.

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Aurelia wasn't used to accepting gifts, especially such expensive ones. She was not well off, and she couldn't afford to pay him back.

While she was silent, Arnold sent a smiling emoji: [Try it on, see if it fits.] She hesitated for a moment, then tried on the dress.

It fitted perfectly! She took a few selfies with her phone, and sent them to him.

[How did you know my measurements?] [Isn't that the basic ability of a photographer?] Leopold flashed a charming smile. His eyes were like a ruler, and he only needed to look at a woman once.

to estimate her measurements.

[You look beautiful. See you in Paris.] Aurelia was slightly taken aback, [You're going to Paris too?]