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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 741
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Chapter 741 Wickedly Dazzling Grin

Upon hearing Rory's sweet and gentle voice, Avery, Cayden, and the others followed the sound to find her.

“Mommy!” Rory's frail, thin little body was almost swallowed up by the dense sea of flowers.

But she still responded loudly, “Mommy, I'm here!”

At first, Rory felt that the sketching location their art teacher had chosen wasn't beautiful enough. Despite her

young age, her aesthetic standards were unusually strict. So, she decided to choose the sketching location

according to her own criteria.

Rory chose a spot near where her teacher and classmates were sketching. Unknowingly, she walked into this

boundless sea of flowers. She was quickly captivated by the stunning scenery and decided to stay there to paint.

She hadn't anticipated that the place would be so vast and the scenery so similar throughout. Only when she

wanted to leave did she realize that she couldn't remember the way out. To make matters worse, her only link to

the outside world, her mobile phone, had run out of battery.

Just as she was feeling utterly at a loss, she suddenly heard her mother calling her. She was so moved that she

almost burst into tears.

Rory's response was like a beam of light suddenly shooting out in the darkness, instantly pulling Avery's crumbling

heart back together.

At last, following the sound, Avery saw the figure of Rory amidst a patch of pansies.

The little girl stood timidly beneath the flowers, clutching her canvas. Her clear eyes held traces of fear, unease,

and a surprise that only appeared after seeing Avery.



Avery held Rory gently in her arms, her whole body trembling.

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Tears she had been holding back for a long time finally flowed from Avery's eyes, “You silly child. How could you just

run off like that? Do you have any idea how worried I was when I couldn't find you? You've really upset me. I

thought you were taken by human traffickers. You scared me to death! Let's see if you dare to run off again next


As she spoke, Avery became increasingly agitated and anxious, the lingering fear of her child possibly being

kidnapped still present in her heart.

She slapped Rory's soft buttocks fiercely several times.

Avery had always been gentle with her children. Even with mischievous ones like Cal, who behaved like a little devil,

she rarely laid a hand on them. But this time, she disciplined Rory and quite harshly at that. It was evident how

angry she was.

Rory was acutely aware of her own mistake. Her pretty little face was filled with guilt. She obediently accepted her

mother's slap, biting her delicate lips tightly, not making a sound.

The adorable little girl obediently apologized, “Mommy, it's my fault. I shouldn't have run around and made you

angry. I won't do it again. I'm sorry...”

Avery held her daughter tightly in her arms, her eyes still red. “My silly Sweetheart. Did it hurt when mommy hit you

just now? Mommy shouldn't have hit you, but how else would you learn your lesson?”

Once the mother and daughter had shared enough tender moments, Cayden, who had been waiting on the side,

finally came over.

The man's handsome and upright figure stood significantly taller than the surrounding flowers and plants. When he

looked down, he exuded an air of overlooking the world. When he was silent, that aura seemed particularly


The police chief by Cayden's side was wiping his cold sweat, appearing somewhat subservient in front of the latter.

He said, “Mr. Moore, we've found your daughter. You can rest easy now, right?”

Cayden said lightly, “You've worked hard, Chief Lawrence. Consider me in your debt this time.”

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Lawrence gave a forced laugh, saying, “Don't mention it. We're just doing

our job.”

The entire Ackleton was nearly brought to a standstill in the search for Rory. If she hadn't been found, he would

have likely lost his official position. Fortunately, she was eventually located, and Lawrence couldn't help but heave a

long sigh of relief.

The young art teacher also breathed a sigh of relief. She knew how prestigious Rory's status was. When she heard

that the little girl had gone missing, she was almost terrified, and even now, her face was still pale.

Cayden approached Rory, slightly bending over. His eyes clearly concealed his concern for his daughter Rory, yet

his tone was exceptionally stern. “Rory, you are not allowed to run around anymore, and you must not make your

mother angry. Otherwise, my punishment for you will not be as merciful as your mother's!”

“I'm sorry, Daddy. I was wrong.”

Gently lifting her tiny head, she cautiously apologized to Cayden. She wasn't afraid of her kind and approachable

mother, but she was quite scared of her stern father.

For some reason, despite her father's usual doting, whenever she and her brother did something wrong, all it took

was one stern look from their father to send chills down her spine.

Zachary held Rory's little hand, admonishing, “Rory, you can't be so willful in the future. You don't know anyone in

the wilderness. What if you get lost? This time, you got lucky because Mommy and Daddy found you. Next time, you

might not be so fortunate.”

“Okay. I understand now.”

Upon hearing her brother's reproach, Rory playfully stuck out her tongue. Only then did she notice the crowd that

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had gathered around her. There was her father, Kendrick, her art teacher, her twin brother, a few classmates, a

bunch of police officers, and even Seamus, whom she disliked the most!

Seamus was dressed in a blue sweatshirt, matching sweatpants, and a pair of black leather boots on his feet. The

little boy's naturally curly, thick black hair was damp with sweat. He was all dirty, and his fair little face was even

smeared with pollen. His cheeks looked somewhat swollen, completely lacking the suave demeanor of a school

prince admired by all the girls in the school, which Rory found rather amusing.

Seeing Seamus in such a sorry state was a rare sight, so Rory couldn't help but pull a face at him.

Upon seeing her mock him, Seamus indeed felt a bit miffed. Upon hearing the news of Rory's disappearance, he

immediately came to look for her with the art teacher, even forgetting about his own pollen allergy. In order to find

her, I nearly make a fool of myself, yet she still has the audacity to tease me about it! This is just too much!

With a huff, Seamus thought to himself. If Rory disappears again next time, I definitely won't be so foolish to come

looking for her!

At the CEO's office in Trident Group, after the false alarm, the search for Rory came to an end.

Cayden quickly returned to his company to continue his work.

Xavier pushed the door open and handed a bright red invitation to the man sitting at the desk. “Mr. Moore, Fuller

Group is holding their anniversary celebration tomorrow night. Their CEO, Wilson, has sent us an invitation. Will you

be attending?”

Without even lifting his head, Cayden's indifferent figure remained utterly still. “I'm not going.”

Xavier continued, “On the day of the Fuller Group's annual celebration, it just so happens to be the seventieth

birthday of Old Mr. Fuller. The Xue Fuller family prides themselves on their filial piety, so all three brothers of the

Fuller family will definitely attend the event that night.”

Cayden's handsome face slightly darkened, his hand holding the pen paused. His deep gaze fell on Xavier's face as

he flashed a wickedly dazzling grin. “In that case, I must attend the event. Not only are we going, but I'll also

prepare a big surprise for them on that day!”