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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 71
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Avery's face turned a deep shade of red once again.

“No, it's okay. I'm fine,” she replied with a frown.

Fearing that Cayden might lose control and give in to his urges, Avery tried to squirm her way out of his

warm embrace. Alas, she wasn't strong enough to break free and remained pressed against the edge

of the bed.

Then, Cayden's hand snaked down toward her legs.

Avery stared at him in terror, not knowing what he was trying to do.

The next moment, she felt cool between her thighs.

Oh, gosh. He's just ripped something off.

She gazed timidly at the man's dark, bottomless eyes when he suddenly leaned in and locked lips with

her, nibbling and sucking gently as he did.

Worried that the familiar pain would hit her again, Avery instinctively pushed Cayden away.

What he did next, however, made her entire face turn burning hot and red.

He started examining her!

My goodness, he didn't hurt me at all the last time. Yes, it felt painful then, but that pain has been


“D-Don't. Don't look...” Avery whimpered. Unable to break free, she could only pull the blanket in a

desperate attempt to cover herself up, not wanting Cayden to see her so intimately.

Unfortunately, the latter continued with a most thorough check-up.

Ah, thank goodness I didn't hurt her. Otherwise, I think I'd be drowning in guilt.

As Cayden caressed Avery's thighs, electrifying sensations spiraled through her body and altered her

consciousness. When he kissed her again, she couldn't stop the moans from escaping her lips.

Before she knew it, lust and desire were seeping from her every pore.

One thing was for sure—Avery was on the brink of a breakdown.

“Let's change things up. I'll pleasure you in other ways,” Cayden whispered. He was older and more

mature than her, so naturally, he knew what to do without even being taught.

He continued to work his magic with his hands, causing Avery to widen her eyes in shock. The next

second, however, she had to bite her lip and squeeze her eyes shut as her whole body tensed up and


She grabbed Cayden's arms tight, her fingers digging into his suit.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Her toes curled up, and the sheet beneath them became wrinkled as she writhed in pleasure.

Still in his suit and shoes, the tall and lean Cayden lay on his side, looking every inch like a proper

gentleman. His taut body pressed down firmly on Avery, yet his kisses were gentle and delicate.

“Ah. Mmm...”

Soon, Avery found herself in a complete trance and at the mercy of Cayden's hands.

Her body arched toward him, and the sheet around her toes had become a complete mess.

With every passing second, her body tensed up even more.

“E-Enough. Mmm...” Avery pleaded, knowing her body was responding to Cayden's every touch.

One minute later, she knew she couldn't hold it in any longer. By then, a thin layer of sweat coated her

face, and her moans intensified as she rubbed harder against the sheets.

“Ah, that orgasm came fast, didn't it?” Cayden mumbled, his voice deep and sensual.

Avery trembled once again.

She began to lose awareness of her surroundings and was clueless about what happened next. All she

knew was how much more sensitive her body felt, prompting her to cry out at the slightest touch.

The intense and passionate make-out session seemed to go on forever before Avery finally got a

chance to take a breather.

With that, Cayden walked to the bathroom and turned on the tap to wash his hands.

He had long, slender fingers that were both beautiful and strong. After squeezing out some hand soap,

he began to wash them thoroughly.

Cayden's face heated up as he stared at his left index and middle fingers that had just been inside

Avery. The memories from earlier came flooding back, and he finally wiped his hands dry with a

disinfectant towel.

For a moment, he was almost reluctant to wash his fingers.

Back in the bedroom, Avery was trying to put her clothes on when Cayden drew her into his arms and

gave her a long, passionate kiss.

When he finally stopped and pulled away, a string of saliva connected their lips.

Avery didn't know how she got into Cayden's car.

She had made it clear previously that she wouldn't stay overnight at his hotel suite. After all, she knew

Nina would tease her incessantly for staying the night and doing the deed on her first date.

Is Cayden too charming and assertive, or am I too lonely and eager?

After parking the black Land Rover along the road, Cayden stepped out and walked into a convenience

store. He strode to the feminine hygiene section and grabbed a box of panties without batting an eyelid.

The female store assistant on duty couldn't stop gawking at the strapping young man who had just

walked in, to the point where she even forgot to greet him.

Ackleton was full of handsome men, and they'd visit the store daily regardless of the time of the day.

Despite being used to that, the store assistant was still shocked by Cayden's physical appearance. The

latter was tall, lean, and had such chiseled good looks that not even male celebrities might be able to

hold a candle to him.

Before long, Cayden was standing at the cashier with the box of panties.

“How much is it?” he asked as he whipped out his wallet.

Upon hearing his low, magnetic voice, the store assistant felt her legs turning to jelly. She stole a

glimpse at the towering man in front of her and stammered, “E-Eighty-five dollars...”

Without hesitation, Cayden left a hundred on the counter and left the store.

Even as the store assistant collected the money, her gaze continued to follow Cayden out the door.

Oh, he's so elegant and restrained. That being said, he also just bought women's panties, didn't he?

Gosh, that mix of casual elegance and naughty indulgence does make one's imagination run wild!

As soon as he got back into the car, Cayden handed the box to Avery.

“What's that?” she mumbled weakly before reaching out for it.

Throughout their interaction, she never once looked up at him. Naturally, that piqued Cayden's


How long is she going to be this thin-skinned? I hadn't even gone all the way this time and merely

pleasured her with my fingers. I can't wait for the day when she'll finally be able to accept me fully.

Avery kept her head low as she rummaged through the box, only to find three panties in her favorite

design and color. Ah, he remembered right.

The truth was, she was almost dying of embarrassment just by sitting in Cayden's car. The panties she

wore earlier had been ripped off by him, which meant she had no choice but to go commando.

When Avery got home, no one was more surprised than Nina.

“Oh, are you done with your overtime? I thought your boss would bring you to his house for a sleepover

or something,” the latter teased as she took Avery's bag and laptop.

“I'm going to take a shower first,” Avery replied before hurrying to the bathroom.

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With that, Nina continued to hum happily away as she watched her television show and applied a facial


Avery, on the other hand, was tired and sore all over. To make things worse, she'd feel utterly awful

whenever she recalled the shameful act on his bed.

After the shower, she collapsed on her bed and was asleep within five minutes.

It felt like only seconds had passed when the alarm went off, but to Avery's surprise, it was already

three in the morning.

Since she hadn't finished the design last night, she knew she had to wake up early to rush it out.

Otherwise, there was no way she'd be able to turn in her work on time. As soon as she booted up her

laptop, a notification box appeared in the bottom right corner.

Huh? A new email?

Upon opening it, Avery realized it was from an anonymous sender.

However, after reading it in its entirety, she reeled back in shock. Oh, my goodness, Cayden's sent me

the completed design. I can't believe he finished it for me last night.

Avery hesitantly typed out a reply, only to delete it as a blush crept over her face.

In the end, she sent him a response that was simple yet full of gratitude: Thank you.

Now that she didn't have to work overtime, Avery returned to sleep and set her alarm to go off in two


When she woke up again, it was just a little over five. She had planned to visit her father in the hospital

before heading to work, so she was out of the house before Nina.

Since it was still early, there weren't many people on the streets, and only the twenty-four-hour stores

and pharmacies were open. As she walked to the subway, Avery chanced upon a pharmacy and

decided to head inside.

“Please give me a box of contraceptives,” she said embarrassedly to the store assistant.

She remembered how Cayden had rubbed himself between her legs the night before and that he had

ejaculated on her body.

Unfortunately, some of the fluid had flowed into her nether region, and she was worried about getting

an unplanned pregnancy.

After buying and stashing the contraceptives into her bag, Avery stood rooted to her spot. In all

honesty, she also wanted to buy some medicine that could reduce vaginal swelling.

She hadn't even realized how sore and swollen her vagina was until she noticed it while showering the

night before.

Unfortunately, Avery was too embarrassed to ask such a question and left the pharmacy in shame.