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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 48
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He caressed her slender feet, and his action burned her up.

Avery had no idea when he released his grip on her feet, for she was suffering from menstrual cramps

that caused cold sweat to bead on her forehead.

Plagued by the dizziness caused by the alcohol and her menstrual cramps, she curled into a ball on the

bed and fell asleep shortly after.

Cayden would sometimes rest in that hotel suite, for that hotel belonged to Trident Group.

The hotel suite was his the day he returned to the Moore family and started working at Trident Group. It

was off-limits to outsiders.

After she fell asleep, Cayden set the temperature of the air conditioner to a suitable temperature and

tucked her in.

The sky had turned dark by the time Avery woke up.

She glanced at the unfamiliar hotel room in confusion before recalling what had happened earlier.

Sitting up, she was pretty sure that she had sobered up despite the slight headache that was bugging

her at the moment.

Her phone was right beside her, and she reached out to get it.

There was a text from Cecelia sent at half past four.

Cecelia: I'm back at the office. Ms. Yantz asked where you were and why you didn't come back to the

office. I told her that Xavier gave you an urgent task, so you couldn't make it back today.

Avery stiffened.

She and Cecelia both worked at Trident Group. After seeing what Cayden had done to Avery in the

private room, Cecelia realized what was going on and knew who Avery would spend the afternoon with.

That was why Cecelia covered up for Avery so the rest wouldn't think badly about the latter.

Avery didn't know what else to say and could only reply to her: Thank you, Cecelia.

Cecelia's witty reply arrived mere moments later. She texted Avery: You're welcome. Please don't

forget to promote me when you end up as Boss' wife later. My future depends on you!

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Avery was briefly stunned. She replied: I know my place. I have my limits.

Cecelia: Limits? Are you a fool? I don't care. Anyway, I'll depend on you from now onward.

Sorrow filled Avery's eyes. When Cayden grows sick of me and turns his back on me, who shall I

depend on?

Avery was biting her finger anxiously as she tried to figure out how to open the door. Suddenly, a warm

body pressed against her back. She turned her head around in shock and met Cayden's sharp gaze.

“I'll see you out,” he said. After pressing his finger to the lock, he twisted the handle to open the door.

They walked out one after another.

Avery was flustered as she walked in front of Cayden.

It seemed that Cayden was the only one occupying the entire floor, for the hallway was eerily silent.

There was no one around, not even a server. The atmosphere turned lively when they arrived


On the way out, everyone greeted Cayden politely.

Avery picked up her pace and kept a distance from him. Even so, it didn't stop others from looking at

her. She was trying to hail a taxi to flee the scene when Cayden's car rolled to a stop before her.

At the same time, a taxi pulled over.

Avery hurriedly went to the taxi and got in.

The next moment, Cayden got out of his car and dragged her out of the taxi. He took her to his car and

shoved her inside. He didn't forget to apologize to the taxi driver politely before getting into his own car

and driving her home personally.

Many hotel staff saw his assertive action.

Avery felt so humiliated.

When an ordinary female employee got treated that way by her boss, everyone would assume she was

a scheming woman who had played hard to get to seduce her boss so he would sleep with her.

She would be the only one cursed and inducted into the hall of shame.

The black Land Rover drove past almost half the city before finally arriving at her residential area.

Avery's menstrual cramps came back to torture her on the way back home. In the end, she got so weak

and nearly lost her balance when she stepped out of the car. As she tried to stand straight, her legs

gave way.

“Be careful.” Cayden stepped forward and held her shoulder to support her.

Avery moved out of his reach tactfully and turned to leave. “Mr. Moore, have a safe trip home. Thank

you for giving me a ride home. I'm sorry for spilling the wine on your pants today.”

The environment of that residential area was better compared to the one she had stayed in previously.

Its location wasn't as good as the previous one, so she got to save a bit on her rent.

As it was a new residential area with many facilities, there was a community hospital not far away from

the entrance.

“You should see a doctor. Otherwise, I'll worry about you.” Instead of forcing her against her wishes,

Cayden stood around a meter away from her and stared at her.

Avery lifted her head. She was standing on the sidewalk for the blind, and he was standing on the left

of his car that was parked at the roadside. The city lights shone on him as though they existed for the

sole purpose of complimenting his presence.

Glancing at her watch, she shook her head and answered, “No need for that. I know my body well.”

Cayden pulled his phone out and dialed a number. His expression was grim as he said, “Tell Dr. Zeller

to come here. The address is—”

“No!” Avery shouted before he could finish his sentence. She lunged forward, trying to take his phone

away from him.

Cayden grabbed her hand instead. The skin of her slender wrist was so fair that he could see the green

veins on her wrist.

“I was just joking around.” Cayden lowered his hand that was holding his phone and stared at her with

a gentle gaze.

Her face drained of color, Avery glanced at the phone in his hand. Indeed, the screen didn't show that

he was on a call. He didn't dial that number for real.

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However, she knew he would call Kylee if she refused to go to the community hospital.

Avery didn't want to see Kylee there. She first met Kylee in the hospital after taking the aphrodisiac.

After that, she met the doctor for the second time because she and Cayden had gone too far when they

were making love that her vagina bled.

Both were embarrassing incidents.

She didn't know why she would have a cramping pain in her lower abdomen during the car ride.

Perhaps it was the aphrodisiac's side effects, or perhaps it was because she drank wine on her period.

Maybe I should head to the community hospital to consult a doctor.

Avery jerked her hand out of his grasp. “I can head there alone.”

With that said, she spun on her heels and went to the community hospital, which was only twenty

meters away from where they were.

Avery soon arrived at the hospital.

Cayden showed up shortly after. Clad in his suit, he attracted plenty of attention when he entered the

community hospital. The beautiful receptionist couldn't help but stare at him.

Avery parted her lips and said shyly, “I'm here to see the gynecologist.”

Only then did the receptionist snap out of her reverie and register Avery's name hastily. She seemed

more nervous than the patient, as she kept typing the wrong information into her computer.

The man who caused the receptionist's anxiety went to the waiting area and took a seat. Crossing his

legs, he waited patiently as though he was a husband accompanying his wife there.

He bore a stern expression and fixed his gaze on his “wife.” Thus, everyone assumed he was a loving

husband who only had eyes for his wife.

Avery took her registration slip and waited for her turn.

Once she sat down, a lady poked her shoulder and glanced at Cayden. “How did you manage to get

yourself such a man? You must have a blissful married life. Look at how strong he looks,” the lady

commented enviously.