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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 38
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Back in the ward, Avery stared at the shopping bags and fell into a trance. Only after quite a while did

she come to her senses before dragging herself off to take a shower.

Cayden and Zachary did not stay long before they left.

After showering and changing into her pajamas, Avery tucked herself into the hospital bed. However,

she ended up tossing and turning in bed.

With her eyes wide open, Avery heaved a self-deprecating sigh. For the past twenty-four years of her

life, never had anyone treated her as nicely as Cayden had today. She recalled how he took off his coat

without hesitation for her when she felt cold earlier. There was no way she would not feel touched at

the gesture.

After stepping out of the hospital, Cayden and Zachary hopped into their car to head for home.

Not long after their car left the hospital, it pulled to a halt at a traffic light.

Cayden grabbed the chance to roll down the window and light a cigarette. Holding it between his

fingers, he took a puff now and then. At the same time, he narrowed his eyes gradually as his obsidian

eyes stared into the distance in front of him.

“Daddy, didn't you tell me it's impolite to answer others' phones without their consent?” Seated in the

child safety seat in the back of the car, Zachary bit his lip and lamented, “Then how could you ask me

to answer Ms. Ery's phone?”

Cayden only took a puff on the cigarette silently.

Zachary mumbled in bafflement again, “We didn't even get Ms. Ery's permission before that...”

After flicking the cigarette ashes into the car ashtray, Cayden explained solemnly, “I asked you to do so

to ensure that it was not a call from a bad person.”

“I see...” Zachary scratched his head quizzically in silence.

In the meantime, Avery finally drifted off to sleep in the ward.

The following morning, Kylee Zeller, the doctor who attended to her earlier, dropped by to checkup on

her. The doctor advised her to have sufficient rest for the following week and avoid staying up late.

Avery nodded at her gratefully. “Thanks a lot, Dr. Zeller.”

Kylee flashed her a smile and put the medical devices away.

“Dr. Zeller, am I allowed to be discharged?” Avery asked eagerly. She did not wish to stay any longer in

the hospital. The daily charge for the private room was overwhelmingly high. Furthermore, she

happened to know that Xavier had requested someone to arrange for that.

No doubt, accompanying Zelda for a meal was considered as carrying out a task assigned by the

company. Hence, the company would have to bear all the expenses related to her hospitalization.

Nonetheless, she did not like the atmosphere in the hospital.

“There's no issue if you wish to be discharged. I'll prescribe you the medicine you need. Take them for

the next few days,” Kylee replied politely with a nod.

That was the first time Avery came across such a good-tempered doctor who treated her nicely. She

proceeded to settle the discharge procedures right away without even taking lunch.

On the way home in the subway, Avery received a call from an anxious Nina, who asked about her

current condition. She reassured the latter that she was fine.

“My brother...” Nina brought up another topic.

“Ah! The subway has reached the station. I have to get going now. Talk to you again, okay?” Avery cut

her off by giving an excuse.

She had made things clear when she requested to break up with Zayne previously. Since then, their

relationship had officially ended.

As for whether they could still remain friends in the future, she decided to go with the flow.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Seated in the subway, Avery felt her waist ache terribly. According to Kylee, it was one of the side

effects of aphrodisiacs.

Back at home, Avery cleaned her room and changed her bedsheet. After a shower, she was worn out

and could barely get up from the bed. Moments later, she fell into deep slumber unknowingly.


After what seemed like an eternity, a bolt of lightning sounded abruptly, waking Avery up.

She opened her eyes immediately and was stupefied to find the whole room in darkness.

Only then did she realize that night had fallen. Soon, it began to rain heavily.

Regaining her composure, Avery took a deep breath and got down from her bed. She had just switched

on the light when the doorbell suddenly rang.

Perplexed, Avery walked toward the door and asked carefully, “Who's that?”

“It's me.” Cayden's low, charismatic voice rang out.

Why is he here? Puzzled, Avery looked through the peephole and saw a drenched Cayden carrying a

plastic bag containing a few boxes of medicine that looked familiar to her.

Realization finally dawned on Avery that she had forgotten to bring the medicine that Kylee prescribed

her home. It had slipped her mind as she dozed off after tidying her room earlier.

Avery had no choice but to open the door sheepishly.

Cayden handed the well-sealed plastic bag to her while staring at her. Avery took it from him at once.

The man was drenched from head to toe. Even the exterior part of the plastic bag was wet.

Surprisingly, the boxes of medicine were not affected at all.

Avery looked up at him and asked doubtfully, “It's raining heavily. Why didn't you use an umbrella?”

“Can I go in?” Cayden cut the crap without replying to her.

“Sure!” Avery was thankful to him for delivering the medicine to her and gave way to him.

Cayden stepped into the house and changed into slippers before elucidating, “I didn't think much on the

way here. There was suddenly a heavy downpour when I reached the main entrance of this residential


Avery could not help feeling guilty. The heavy downpour had apparently started a few minutes ago

when the thunder sounded.

Cayden remained nonchalant and exuded his usual unique aura despite his current dishevelment.

Knitting his brows, he turned to ask her, “Is it convenient for you if I take a quick shower here?”

Avery kept quiet.

Noting her silence, Cayden headed straight toward the bathroom.

“Take off your wet clothes, and I'll dry them for you, okay?” Avery asked warily, considering that he

needed dry clothes after the shower.

Cayden turned to look at her and nodded approvingly. At that very moment, his eyes darkened with a

glint of indecipherable emotion.

Avery retracted her gaze hastily. She could not help thinking it was inappropriate for them to be alone

with each other in her place at such an hour. However, she felt bad as he had only been caught in the

rain because he was delivering the medicine to her.

Not to mention, those few boxes of medicine were very important for her. Since aphrodisiacs could

cause damage to the ovaries and uterus, she had to take medicine accordingly. If not, there could be a

possibility that her uterus would have to be removed.

Before entering the bathroom, Cayden took off his coat. His drenched light gray shirt stuck to his

muscular upper body like a second layer of skin. Avery could make out his perfect figure contoured by

it even from a distance away.

Seconds later, she lowered her head hastily after coming to her senses.

Next, she headed toward the kitchen robotically to grab a piece of bread. Then, she swallowed it before

pouring herself a glass of water to take the medicine. Shortly after, she put the other boxes of medicine


After keeping the medicine properly, she stopped outside the bathroom to pick up the clothes that

Cayden had taken off a while ago and momentarily stiffened upon seeing his boxer brief.

Later, she washed the clothes with the washing machine, then dried and ironed them accordingly.

The whole process took around forty minutes.

After the shower, Cayden only had a towel wrapped around his waist while waiting for his clothes to dry

He looked devastatingly stunning, with his wide, muscular back, defined muscles, and Apollo's belt.

Even so, Avery dared not look in his direction at all.

Meanwhile, Cayden remained silent as he stood on the balcony and smoked.

Seeing that Avery had ironed his clothes, he strode toward her and stood behind her. “Have you

finished ironing?”

Overcome by a wave of uneasiness, she took his clothes from the ironing stand and replied softly,

“Yeah! You can put them on now.”

Cayden took the ironed clothes from her and nodded. “Thank you.”

Avery blushed uncontrollably when she felt his hot breath against her dainty face.

When he entered the bedroom to put on his shirt and trousers, the doorbell rang again.

Avery was dumbfounded. She racked her brain on who it could be at such an hour.

Cayden, who was still in the bedroom, did not pay much attention to it.

Catching a glimpse of the man who had not yet put on his clothes in the bedroom, the alarm bells were

going off in Avery's brain. Regardless of who her unexpected visitor was, she had a feeling the situation

might be out of control in a while.

Consequently, she had her heart in her mouth when she finally reached the door. She looked through

the peephole and saw Zayne standing outside the door.

With an umbrella in one hand, he leaned against the door and puffed a cigarette while pressing the


In a split second, Avery's mind went blank.

She was not intimidated by Zayne, but she could not let him bump into Cayden in her house. If not,

Deborah's gossip that she was her boss' mistress would become a reality for the others.

“Avery, I know you're at home. Open the door!” Zayne yelled out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He got all worked up and was even throwing punches at the door.

Irked by the loud noise, one of Avery's neighbors stepped out of her house and lambasted, “Who's

yelling there? Have you gone nuts?”

Wearing a look of intense grimness, Zayne turned to snap back at the woman, “Mind your own

business. Get lost, and don't get on my nerves!”

The woman could smell a whiff of repulsive alcohol stench when he opened his mouth. Thus, she

dared not provoke the drunken man, fearing that he would go berserk. She knitted her brows and held

her nose with a grimace before slamming her door.

“Ery, I order you to open the door now! Do you hear me?” Zayne raised his voice as he continued

banging on the door with punches.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a hint of intense fury in the man's voice. It was as though he would flip out the next second.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Meanwhile, Avery dashed into the bedroom before Cayden was about to step out of it. She picked up

her phone that was being charged at the bedside table immediately. Squatting on the floor, she scrolled

the contact list on her phone apprehensively.

In the meantime, Zayne was still banging on the door.

The number of the management office! Avery continued to scroll her phone desperately to retrieve the

number of the management office. To her, the best way at the moment was to call the management

office and request the security guards to come and take Zayne away. Nevertheless, she could not

seem to find it.

Right that instant, Zayne sent her a WhatsApp message, scaring the crap out of her.

His message read: If you still refuse to open the door for me, I'll open it myself. Don't you know that the

landlord gave me a spare key?

Seconds later, Avery heard the sound of a key twisting in the lock of her front door.

With Cayden standing right in front of her, she could smell the refreshing smell from him. Staring at the

unfazed man, she was almost pleading with him, “Please stay here. Don't come out, okay?”

On the heels of that, she wanted to step out of the bedroom to resolve the matter.

Cayden stepped forward, not used to being forced to hide from others.

Avery had just placed her hand on the door handle when the man behind her stretched out his hand to

wrap it around her. The next second, she was pressed against the door of the bedroom.

“What are you doing? You don't have any right to meddle in my private affairs. Let go of me!” Avery

lashed out at him.

Nevertheless, her bottom lifted unintentionally at the slightest movement, brushing lightly against the

man's crotch.

There were flickers of fiery rage in Cayden's eyes. Pressing his thin lips against the back of her ear, he

enunciated coldly, “Am I such an embarrassment that you can't allow others to see me?”

Of course, Avery did not mean that.

No doubt, she did not care what Zayne would think of her even if he spotted her alone in the room with

Cayden. However, she could not let Nina misunderstand her.

Undeniably, she was in a relatively ambiguous posture with Cayden at that very moment. Regardless of

how well Nina knew her, she might not believe there was not anything between the duo.

To make matters worse, Deborah had spread rumors about her earlier. Because of that, the others

might think there was no smoke without fire.

Avery wanted to say something to appease Cayden, but it was too late.

Zayne had already opened the door and entered the house, throwing the key on the floor.

“Let me enlighten him on whose woman you are!” Cayden hissed and flipped her over.

The moment she was turned over, Cayden pressed his lips onto hers.

It was indeed a deep and slightly painful kiss that reflected the man's dominating nature. Avery let out a

moan as she began to feel lost.

After walking around the house once, Zayne finally stopped outside her bedroom. “Ery, I know you're in

the room. Can you open the door so we can have a chat?”

Dumbstruck, Avery gazed pitifully at the man in front of her, shaking her head while struggling


Flustered, Cayden grasped her wrists with one hand, not giving her any chance to break free. At the

same time, he deepened his passionate kiss and lifted her ankle-length thin nightgown with another

hand. In an instant, she felt a cool sensation on her exposed leg.

Cayden slipped his hand in between her legs and began rubbing.

Avery tried to speak, but only moans escaped her lips as she panted heavily.

She suddenly realized the windows in the kitchen, balcony, and living room were all wide open. At the

same time, she could not help but wonder if the sound of the heavy downpour was able to drown out

her moans. At the thought, she tensed up, fearing that Zayne would hear her.