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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 16
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Zayne knew that Avery did not love him as much as he loved her.

Therefore, to make sure that he would succeed in his proposal, he asked his parents to invite his

grandparents, aunts, and uncles after making up his mind about the proposal in the afternoon.

There were dozens of guests in total.

Once Avery was led upstairs by the Richter couple, and right as the door to the Richter residence

opened, she froze.

Even Nina was staring at the house full of relatives as if she had seen ghosts.

“You've come!” The one who spoke was Zayne's second aunt. When she saw the girl who looked

identical to the one in the photo, she hurried over to hold her mother and cried out, “It's Zaynie's

girlfriend, Avery Rumpley! She's here! What a beauty she is. Mom, come take a look at her...”

Avery was stupefied.

“Come in,” Zayne prompted as he cast her a gentle look and held her hand.

Avery had no choice but to smile politely at his whole family.

Zayne's grandmother held onto Avery's hand the entire time, and every time she said anything to

Avery, she gave the young woman's hand a little pat.

A sensation not quite ominous but not quite pleasant at the same time rushed into Avery's mind.

When her eyes scanned her surroundings to look for Zayne, she spotted him on the balcony, smoking.

His hands were in his pockets, and he seemed tense. It was as if someone was weighing on his mind.

That night, dinner was particularly scrumptious.

Nina commented, “I haven't even had anything this good even for the holidays.”

Zayne's parents and grandparents were sitting at the main table, and Zayne and Avery joined them


Meanwhile, the others sat at the other table.

During the meal, they chatted away about everyday topics.

When Avery was almost done with her meal and was about to put down her fork, Zayne suddenly

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looked her in the eyes and said, “Come with me.”

The two went to Zayne's bedroom.

“What's the matter?” Avery asked quietly. Her voice was so soft that Zayne could not help but think of it

as the gentle sunlight before noon.

He looked at her determinedly but tenderly, held her hands, and started in a shaky voice, “I have to

apologize to you. I shouldn't have behaved like that in the morning.”

“I've already forgotten about it,” Avery said.

“Thank you. Thank you for understanding my fear.” Zayne pulled her into his arms and closed his eyes.

“You have no idea how afraid I am of losing you.”

Avery did not reply to that.

Zayne continued, “You know that I've fallen for you a long time ago—from the first time you came to my

house. Back then, you were only in tenth grade... I felt horrible for falling for such a young girl. I tried to

fall for other girls too, but none made my heart skip a beat as you do. They always frustrate me in the

end. So, later on, I told myself that, one day, you'll grow up. All I needed to do was wait for you. Finally,

you grew up, and we had the chance to study abroad together. You've been through a difficult past.

When you were honest with me about it, frankly, I was shocked.”

At that, Avery's body shuddered despite herself.

So he does mind that.

“Listen to everything I have to say first.” Zayne tightened his hug. “It's not because you're dirty, but

because I felt guilty. I hated how I didn't enter your life from the very start. I hated how I couldn't protect

you well enough to keep you free from any worries. Ery, you have to know that no man has fallen in

love with you earlier than I have. No man in this world loves you more than I do.”

Perhaps he was truly terrified of losing her because his shaky voice slowly dissolved into sobs.

It would be a lie if Avery said that she was unmoved by his words.

Her heart melted, in fact.

Finally, someone was sincerely treating her well.

Avery had been trying her best to forget her past, and that was what that rich and powerful, mysterious

man back then hoped for as well.

Avery could still remember the butler telling her, “I hope you have a happy life from now on.”

After the incident, Avery had wondered, Will the rest of my life really be a happy one after all these


Alas, this was the road she had picked, and she did not regret it. It would be fortunate if the rest of her

life was well; but if it was not, she could not blame it on anyone.

A good life, to Avery, was not a life of riches. All she wanted was for someone to love her and

understand her. She wanted someone with a similar mind who could take care of her and let her do the

same for him. That was the kind of peaceful life she wanted.

That man she wanted was certainly Zayne Richter.

Stepping away from his arms, Avery looked at him and said, “Don't feel insecure. I feel bad to see you

like this. I'm not an excellent individual, and no man will notice me.”

Zayne could not help but think about the flowers sent by air freight upon listening to that.

“Even if there is, I can hold myself back,” Avery said solemnly.

Her words made his confidence return, and he held her hand again.

The two then went out of the room.

Just as Avery was about to head toward the couch, Zayne pulled her to a stop in the middle of the

living room.

“What's the matter?” Avery lifted her head and gave Zayne, who now had a strange look on his face, a

questioning stare.

In front of his many relatives, he took out a black velvet jewelry box and opened it toward her.

“Wow! This is so sudden!” Nina cried out as she covered her mouth.

No wonder he invited so many relatives! He's going to propose to her!

Zayne went on one knee before Avery and uttered, “Marry me, Avery Rumpley. Become a part of my

family and my dearest lover...”

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Avery was speechless for a moment.

She had never thought about getting proposed to before. In fact, she thought that marriage would not

be something so soon in her life.

“Say yes, girl!” Isabella anxiously urged at Avery's lack of response.

Nina nudged Avery as well.

I have no other choice. From the day I agree to date Zayne, I knew that I'd eventually marry him if

nothing went wrong.

Avery only went home after chatting with Zayne's grandparents until nine at night.

Zayne drove her to the entrance of her residential area.

Getting out of the car, she said, “You should go home now. I want to take a walk by myself.”

She had been through too many things that day, and she needed some time alone.

“All right. Good night.” Zayne did not insist.

After the two bid each other farewell, Avery watched as he drove off.

The street lights by the residential area were already lit, so the place was not dark. Some people who

were out for an exercise were still strolling leisurely.

Avery walked toward the building she was staying at. Once she reached the door, she stuck her hand

into her bag to look for her keys. It was then a boy's soft but eager voice traveled into her ears. “Ms.


Avery turned toward the voice and froze at the sight before her.

Behind the street light were two figures—one adult and one child.

Cayden's deep-set features seemed to look even more defined under the lights, and his expression did

not seem like a happy one. As a matter of fact, Avery thought he seemed to be holding himself back

from an angry outburst.

The boy, on the other hand, was biting his lip miserably. He was no longer as haughty as he was back

at Hallsbay Hotel as he looked at his father and Avery.

“What... are you guys doing here?” Avery asked, unable to figure out what was happening.