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The Billionaire’s Kick Ass Wife

Chapter 663
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Chapter 663 Isabella and Draxton's lips twitched after watching Elsa's live broadcast.

They once again sympathized with the chief of the Allied Nations.

But more than that, they felt sorry for the kids.

"They're too young to experience that kind of danger. It's our fault as parents." Isabella looked guilty.

Draxton was silent for a moment. He did not say anything, but the light in his eyes dimmed.

Luckily, the kids were extremely brave and intelligent. Two of them had completely overcthe dangers and difficulties and even regained the initiative.

Although Isabella and Draxton felt sorry for the kids, they had no intention of bringing them back immediately.

The next morning, Ms. Thompson," Elsa said suddenly. "It seems like people under that chief have detected the trail of the aircraft. Their submarine is on the way, heading in its direction." Isabella opened her eyes right away. She had lost her sleepiness. She was thinking about how to deal with it when Draxton spoke. "If someone is approaching the aircraft, kill them all." He wasn't talking to Elsa, but to the golden butterfly and to the Big Dipper through the studs.

The submarines of Big Dipper had long been hidden in the dark, guarding the aircraft at all times.

Upon getting Draxton's order, they immediately turned into operational status and surrounded the enemy.

Ten minutes later, the enemy's submarine slowly sank.

They had completely lost connection with the bodyguard commander.

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It had already been two hours when the bodyguard commander realized that the connection with his subordinates was lost. However, all clues had been cut off at that time.

They had to rediscover the Allied Nations chief's whereabouts.

Isabella and Draxton went to the room where Rayshaw was being held after making sure no one could spot the aircraft.

As soon as Rayshaw saw them, his eyes widened in horror, and he kept shrinking toward the corner.

"What... what are we going to do?" Isabella didn't say anything and immediately cast a Truth Poison bug.

Truth Poison bug went into Rayshaw through his ear.

"You... What did you do to me? You put a bug on me?" Rayshaw looked at Isabella with a pale face.

"Seems like you knowquite well. That's right, it's a bug.

"Now, I'll ask the questions, and you answer them.” Isabella said it coldly.

"Don't even think about it. The chief will cand save me," Rayshaw said angrily.

Isabella looked at him coldly and said, "What's your relationship with the chief?" Rayshaw opened his mouth and said, "I think it should be a cooperative relationship, but the shameless Franky has something on our family, and he wants us to give him the weapons we developed. Not only did he occupy our weapons, but he also treated us as slaves to develop weapons.

"But | don't agree with that at all. We're planning to kill him." His tone was extremely angry.

However, his expression was twisted.

H-how could he tell the truth? Damn it, he even revealed a huge plan.

For a moment, he was extremely angry, but he was even more afraid of Isabella.

"Witch, you're a witch!" Isabella could not help but sneer. You're so ignorant. The inheritance of Lucsia is mysterious and ancient. How can someone like you understand it? "It only shows your ignorance by saying I'm a witch." Rayshaw's face turned red as he roared, "Don't be smug. Franky will definitely cand save me. He's still counting on us to work for him!” Isabella said mockingly, "Franky is the chief of the Allied Nations. Do you think he’s a fool? "Do you think he can't tell what you're thinking? Now, the Charles family is useless to him. Do you think he still cares about the Charles family?" Rayshaw was speechless.

Because he knew Isabella was right.

Isabella saw the fear on his face and immediately chuckled in satisfaction. "Very good. It seems that you have recognized the reality.

"Letask you, how many of those weapons have you produced in total? How powerful are each of them?" Rayshaw for sure did not want to answer, but he spilled the beans under the effect of the Truth Poison bug, which caused his brain, tongue, and mouth to be completely out of his control.

"The production cost of this weapon is too high. We need a lot of rare materials. Over the decades, we have only produced a bit over 10,000. "Moreover, its power was only one-hundred-thousandth of the original. Although its destructive power was still powerful, it was far inferior to the original one.

"Also, because of the energy problems, each weapon can only be used three times a day." After saying that, Rayshaw's face turned ghastly pale.

He looked at Isabella as if she were a monster. Lucsian was too terrified.

Their inheritance was too ancient and mysterious.

Was this the mysterious Eacian witchcraft? How the hell did they do that? He lowered his head dejectedly, just like he had given up.

"What's your plan this time? Kill us and Fernando? Seize the experimental results of crystal potion and the prcode? Isabella asked.

However, Rayshaw suddenly looked up and said, "That's just Franky's goal." "Oh? Then what's your goal?" Isabella asked with interest.

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"Of course, to kill Franky with your help. Or, when both you and Franky suffer, I'll be the final winner." When Isabella heard that, she immediately laughed. "Good idea! However, why do you still provokeagain and again while you have such a plan?" Isabella didn't get it. Shouldn't this person keep a low profile and make them start the fight with Franky? However, Rayshaw acted as cannon fodder the moment he appeared and provoked her again and again.

Rayshaw suddenly glared at Isabella with an angry expression and said, "My original plan was to seduce you, so you would actively hand over the prcode. Then | can make use of you to deal with Franky." Isabella was in doubt.

Her facial expression showed she had a lot of questions in her mind.

She looked at Rayshaw in disbelief, then looked at Draxton blankly before she looked at Rayshaw again and asked, "Mr. Charles, do you think... I'm blind?" Rayshaw looked puzzled.

"Why would you think I'll have a crush on you with such an outstanding man, which is my husband in front of me?," Isabella asked.

"And you were even attempting to tempt me... There are countless diseases that can be treated around the world, but not narcissism! Mr.

Charles, | believe you may be having sissues." Isabella was really shocked.

Draxton was very angry. This person actually dared to have such a dirty mind about Bella. However, when he heard Isabella's words, he smiled immediately.

"He is indeed having sissues,” Draxton said. His eyes showed his killing intent.

Rayshaw immediately flew into a rage out of humiliation. It was fine if Isabella did not like him, but she even humiliated him! Rayshaw believed that he was very charming.

"Letask you one last time. Where are all those weapons stored now?" Isabella was speechless and asked.

Rayshaw did not want to say it at all, but he said, "We brought 1,000 items onto the liner this time. The remaining 1,000 items are all in the hands of Franky's private team." At this point, he suddenly smiled smugly. ‘Don't be smug. You wouldn't be able to leave the Pacilian Ocean.

Franky has already discussed with chiefs from other countries. When he sends the signal, your liner will be surrounded and killed.

"In the end, the liner will sink, the Lockwood family will fall, and Lucsia will suffer a great losses. At that time, your President will only be beaten up, haha!" But Isabella sneered. "I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. Franky won't get a chance to send the signal. He's going to float with a wood!