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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7201
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Chapter 7201 At that moment, Thea suddenly turned to Goyo and asked, "What about the Path Designation Bead?" Goyo smiled faintly and began slowly, "After the Waitara Path perished, he left behind three suprtreasures, all of which becthe Haleth Realm's foundation.

"The first is the forty-nine cauldrons in the Wuia Palace. Inside lies everything of our Haleth Realm. Whoever obtains it can freely modify the Haleth Realm, including controlling all beings.

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"The second is the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword, divided into the Upper Three Swords and the Lower Six Swords. Whoever possesses all of them can slay anyone in the Haleth Realm. No matter how high their cultivation or strength, under the nine swords of the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword, there is no chance of survival, nor any possibility of reincarnation. It's the Haleth Realm's greatest treasure.

With a sigh, Goyo continued, "As for the third, it is the Path Designation Bead. Originally, it did not exist..." Thea suddenly interrupted, "It's the Waitara Path's spiritual essence, isn't it?" Goyo nodded and said, "Yes. His spiritual essence contains the power to control everything in the Haleth Realm. Whoever holds it can rule the Haleth Realm." Upon hearing this, James and Thea exchanged glances.

Then Thea asked, "These suprtreasures, except for the Wuia Demon Slayer Sword, are all kept in the Wuia Palace, right?" Goyop said helplessly, "Originally, even the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword was also kept together in the Wuia Palace. However, outstanding powerhouses like Chuba, Zemra, Harper, and Yianni, reached the Forty-Ninth Heaven with ease. Their existence threatened the suprveins. Hence, the Five Path Emperors, Taiyi and Taichu, opened the Wuia Palace, to deterthem.

"Unfortunately, during the battle with them, a mysterious figure in black joined them. It led to the loss of the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword's Lower Six Swords. Since then, I've only had the Upper Three Swords." James had a meaningful look.

He could almost conclude that this mysterious figure in black must have been Xanthakos. After all, he obtained the Lower Six Swords from one of his subordinates.

Considering how powerful Chuba, Zemra, Harper, and Yianni, were back then, they fell into Xanthakos' trap and fought with Goyo, believing they were doing good.

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Meanwhile, Xanthakos recruited four powerhouses. His status in the Forty- Ninth Heaven grew rapidly, instantly changing the power structure, even threatening the Five Path Emperors and Goyo's power.

James voiced his suspicion.

Goyo nodded and said, "You're right. Xanthatkos used the opportunity to gain favor from Taiyi and rose from the bottom ranks to nearly rival my position.

"After that, I rarely intervened in the Greater Realms' affairs and went into seclusion under the guise of wanting speace. Then, I wandered around as a leisurely deity." Goyo smiled and said, "After Xanthakos secured his position, he pushed his daughter, Yehria, to becthe Taichi.

"From then on, the Haleth Realm descended into chaos, rife with power struggles and deceit, marking the onset of suffering for beings across the Greater Realms.

Goyo sighed and said bitterly, "So when you accused US of being the masterminds using the Historial beings as puppets for our goals, it was truly upsetting."