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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7044
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Chapter 7044 Youcef stared intently at Emperor Qadeer expressionless. He was a proud, even arrogant martial fanatic, but that did not mean he was truly foolish. He understood better than anyone else just how ruthless and cunning his father could be. The sudden rage followed by a change of demeanor concealed many schemes and plots. It was thought-provoking.

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'Then go," Emperor Qadeer said. "Not only will I allow you to go, but I'll also have you take the Twelve God-Kings, the Eighteen Emperors, and a hundred thousand Marauder Army to bolster our prestige." Upon hearing this, Youcef squinted his eyes and stayed silent. The Twelve God-Kings and the Eighteen Emperors were the top- tier powerhouses under his father's command. Their combined might could dominate half the Greater Realms. It would be even more formidable if the hundred thousand Marauder Army joined. Yet, to deal with James alone within the Gate of Mystery, he wondered if such a grand display of force was necessary. He was curious about what kind of schhis father was playing at. Seeing Youcef's silence, Emperor Qadeer sneered. "Are you afraid? You dare not go?" "I'll go, but alone," Youcef spoke each word deliberately. "James is my greatest opponent and the most deserving of respect. I won't engage him with anyone's help." "Foolish!" Emperor Qadeer erupted again. "It's not just James within the gate. There is even the vicious Morgott, and most importantly, the leader of the Nothingness Gods, Frona Soremsia. Going in alone will mean certain death, with no chance of return." Hearing this, Youcef looked up. "Morgott? Frona Soremsia? You've imprisoned them in the Gate of Mystery?" A smug expression flashed across Emperor Qadeer's face. "I still have stricks up my sleeve, huh?" "Another schachieved?" Youcef asked.

Youcef's words immediately darkened the previously smug expression on Emperor Qadeer's face.

"Youcef, I'm having you take so many elite powerhouses not just for your personal matters. This concerns the life and death of our Qadeer Sect. In this difficult moment, you must consider the bigger picture, share the burden for me, and not act recklessly and rebelliously." Youcef's face remained cold and silent. Emperor Qadeer knew his son too well. Although he dared not openly challenge his authority, he was stubborn to the core. Without something to balance him out, he would surely act according to his wishes. Realizing this, Emperor Qadeer raised his hand and conjured a shimmering blue Soul Energy Ball in his palm.

At the sight, the once silent Youcefs face changed drastically. "Mom!" "Youcef." Emperor Qadeer spoke calmly, i'll grant your greatest wish if you helpaccomplish this. I'll resurrect your mother." At these words, Youcef gasped for breath. He never expected his dad use this as leverage to deal with James. It was not just despicable but insane. With this, Youcef saw through his father's true face. In his mind, power, schemes, grand ambitions, and sole dominion over the Greater Realms were the ultimate goals. Under this objective, anything could be easily sacrificed, even familial affection, and father-son love.

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The father and son locked eyes as if seeing through each other. Even the remaining hint of father-son affection becthe last bargaining chip in dealing with the James issue.

After a long while, Youcef raised his head and took a deep breath. "You must fulfill your promise even if I fall in battle." "Do you truly believeto be so heartless?" Emperor Qadeer said slowly. "Lettell you, you won't die as long as you don't act recklessly. It's merely a matter of using your reputation for the Twelve God-Kings, the Eighteen Emperors, and a hundred thousand Marauder Army to hold off James, Morgott, and Frona Soremsia. Givetwo epochs, and I will once again control the Gate of Mystery. By then, it will be considered that you have completed the task." Youcef said no more. He straightened his back and looked at the Path Cauldron shrouded in the Bohnwer Light. "Open the gate." A sense of endless loss suddenly overwhelmed Emperor Qadeer's heart. It was as if in an instant, he felt that he had completely lost the heart of his son. However, he did not immediately open the Gate of Mystery. Instead, he pointed at the void and the spatial gate appeared. Within it, twelve figures clad in purple and gold robes and eighteen super powerhouses in emperor's robes stepped out.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" After the appearance of the thirty transcendent powerhouses, they all knelt before Emperor Qadeer.