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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7032
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Chapter 7032 "Outstanding?" Suddenly, Morgott said with an unfriendly tone, "James, you're terrifying. You're more terrifying than Xanthakos and Waitara. I'm scared to be your friend. What if you selloff withoutknowing and I count the money for you?" Upon hearing that, James and Yianni exchanged glances and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Angrily, Morgott shouted, "All of you are smart. Only I'm dumb. I deserved to be deceived and be a fool. Are we friends or M Before he could finish speaking, James waved his hand. A black energy bead appeared before Morgott. It exuded a rich Demonic Energy.

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Morgott was taken aback. Then, he grabbed the energy bead. He liked it a lot as he played around with it excitedly.

"It's the Innate Demonic Bead. This is Hokuwn's greatest treasure. It's on par with the Three Treasures Integration." Then, he raised his head and looked at James. "Where did you get it?" "Is this enough for the compensation?" James asked.

Excitedly, Morgott nodded. "It's definitely enough." "Are we good then?" James rolled his eyes.

Morgott answered, "Of course." James repeated the question in another language. At once, Morgott was bewildered. Lesia burst into laughter while clutching her stomach. Even Yianni smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Then, Morgott who was enraged because he was deceived instantly becJames' servant and supporter. He spun around the latter and massaged him. He also praised him endlessly.

Nonetheless, about James' and Lesia's act, not only did Morgott want to know what happened, but Yianni was curious too. Truthfully, it was all thanks to James entering the Zenthur Rank.

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The Zenthur Rank was the most primitive, simple, and essential existence. Everything was centered on letting nature take its course, which was the core of Daoism and transcended any cultivation.

Thus, as James' second body, Lesia was no longer useful. Besides, she was the Soremsia of the head of the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness, Frona. So, she chose to kill her second body and return to the Soremsia of Frona. It was a natural process.

It was just that James and Lesia took this opportunity to set up an Enchantment Formation for Xanthakos and acted out an exciting act.

After hearing James' and Lesia's explanation, Morgott asked, confused, "What did you get from putting on this act? Aren't you still trapped in the Gate of Mystery?" "You're seriously dumb." Lesia flicked Morgott's forehead again. "We gained a lot. There are three main benefits. Firstly, by putting up this act, Master ended the confrontation with Xanthakos and rescued you.

"Secondly, Master and Xanthakos signed a soul contract. For three entrapochs, Xanthakos can't attack all worlds and the Great Historial Land. Instead, he will return to the Fortieth Heaven and fight for dominance."