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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7027
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Chapter 7027 Morgott suddenly rose to his feet and said, "Do you want to meet the sfate as mine, James? Why are you even considering partnering with him?' James turned to Morgott and asked, "Have you partnered with him?" Morogtt sneered, "Of course. His persuasion back then was more convincing and heartfelt than what you're hearing from him right now. He spoke of righteousness and defending the Greater Realms. It really swayedand lowered my guard.

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'Vet, at a crucial moment, he struckwith the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword and sealedaway for eons." James looked at Qadeer with a questioning expression.

Qadeer snapped, "The audacity you have to bring that up! I carefully laid out a plan, but you didn't follow it!" "Your plan would leadto an even more agonizing demise!" Morgott retorted, then he eyed James and said, 'Trust no one but yourself!" Qadeer interjected, "It's not like that, James. While my partnership with Morgott did put him in a bad situation, it wasn't completely fruitless. We unveiled the true nature of the Waitara Path and prompted the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness to force him to reincarnate." Morgott snorted, "It also allowed you, an unwelcomed existence in the Forty-Ninth Heaven, ascend to beca Path Emperor." Qadeer was seething with rage after Morgott had exposed him. However, he was still restrained by the black dragons and could not take action. He turned to James and said, "You're so much smarter than that fool, James. After all, you're the first in the Greater Realms to have integrated the Three Treasures. In the future, you'll definitely be stronger than me.

"While our paths may lead to conflict in the future for dominance over the Greater Realms, for now, we share a common enemy." "Our disputes are but internal struggles among our kind. What's more important is to prevent the Leere Tribulation. For if our worlds are destroyed, what's the point of existence?" James remained enigmatic, offering no response.

Suddenly, Lesia burst forth and stared at James furiously. "After all I've said, you still don't trust me? Instead, you trust this despicable man over me? If he really were righteous, why would he keep silent about the Tai Chi Tribulation? Why hasn't he spoken a word about Thea? Instead, he is defending Yehria!" Qadeer was flustered at Lesia's sudden outburst.

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"I can prove my sincerity, James. As for your wife, I'll definitely make it up to you. But as I've said, your wife isn't a while yet, and now is not the time.

"How about you release my daughter? I'll punish her and make her apologize to your wife. Whatever retribution your wife wants, we'll comply. Spare her life." James raised his eyebrow at the proposal but maintained silence.

Lesia scoffed, 'You talk of justice, but Yehria is the Tai Chi. The Yin governor won't be able to trigger a Tai Chi Tribulation if not whole. Even if Yehria dies, she can still reincarnate.

"If you truly are righteous, order her to self-destruct." Qadeer was at a loss for words.

Lesia turned to James and said, "I warned you not to trust-"