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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7007
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Chapter 7007 James turned his head and saw a striking man in a black robe with long, flowing hair racing toward him with a flying sword.

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The man had thick eyebrows and sharp, upturned eyes, exuding a remarkable aura. His exquisite facial features were as if they were chiseled by a master sculptor, capable of captivating every woman who laid eyes on him. His upright and powerful physique added to his extraordinary and commanding presence.

James recognized the man's face but felt slightly unfamiliar, as if it were someone he had not seen for eons.

After recovering from the shock, James blurted out, "Mr. Yianni?" The handsman placed his hands behind his back and responded smilingly, 'Tsure does fly. I'm already of so much seniority in the current era." James was overjoyed and immediately dropped to his knees with a thud, paying his respect to Yianni. "Master!" Yianni raised an eyebrow, surprised by the greeting.

Morgott also approached, intrigued by James' actions. "Who's this man, James? Why does he deserve such respect from you?" James scolded frustratedly, "Get lost. What do you know? I'm respecting and honoring my master!" Morgott snorted, "Young man, it seems your Primordial Spirit is about the sage as mine. What makes you qualified to be James' master?" After being momentarily taken aback, Yianni snapped back to his senses. Then, he asked, "Morgott?" Morgott replied arrogantly, "Ha! So you know me! Con, bow totoo! I want to feel important..." Before he could finish speaking, James punched him in the face.

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James bowed his head and apologized, "Please forgive his lack of manners N Yianni waved his hand, lifting James to his hand with his powers, and interrupted, "That's enough. It's fine. With him as your friend, how could I dare acknowledge you as my disciple?" James instantly had an awkward expression and thought, 'Even if Morgott is older than Yianni, that doesn't necessarily mean his status is higher, right?' Yianni looked at James with a relieved expression and said, "We finally meet, James. I'm glad we weren't wrong about you." James was confused. From his memories, he had only met the residual soul of Yianni in the Marciais Combat Form's originating place. Hence, he could not grasp the meaning of Yianni's words.

Suddenly, Yianni stared at James and said, "After so many years, are you still angry and unwilling to see me?" Stunned, James attempted to respond. However, a colorful light emerged from his body, and Lesia materialized before him. Lesia looked at Yianni and said sarcastically, "You lack the Three Treasures, Five Spirits, and don't have a celestial body. It's a miracle you've survived so long within the Gate of Mystery.

Yianni chuckled, "You can scoldall you want. I've never regretted my choice." After that, he sat down in the void. With the wave of a hand, he summoned a jar of fragrant, rich Chaos Absinthe. Then, he began to talk big gulps.

Lesia crossed her arms and snorted. Meanwhile, James stood aside and watched while perplexed.