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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 532
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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 522 Her Warriors! (Huia)

Zane hung up the call hours ago and I wasn’t been able to get the conversation out of my head. I was left

with a bitter taste in my mouth. He wasn’t only the man from hell and our lord, but my nephew as well.

When I wanted to work under him, I thought he would give me respect like a mother Luna queen gets, but

that never happened.

He never looked at me in a respectful manner, hence his people didn’t respect me much either. Especially

this boy, Jay.

I don’t know why Zane chose him to test the master relationship with Shiloh when there were so many better

candidates. This man just loved bossing around.

But what can I say?

Title of the document

Every time I complained, Zane laughed at me and reminded me of all my failures. Now that the dagger was

found, I dreaded how angry he would be at me.

“Why is everything about Beatrice?” I grunted, throwing the herbs into the small bottle to prepare the curse. I was

going to make a perfect curse and send the alpha king brothers to another realm where they can start all over and

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

cry about losing everything they had in here.

“Send it to Jay and tell him to treat it carefully and hand it over to Zane,” I told the one guard who used to laugh at

me with Jay. I hated these youngsters. They were so rude and didn’t respect me for all the hard work I was doing.

He grabbed the bottle and left.

I wanted to rest a little before Zane calls me again. Since I have been doing magic to bind Shiloh and Beatrice to

Jay and Zane, my energy was going down rapidly. I was getting tired very quickly.

While I lay down, I couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with Zane. Our mission was to take over the world, not

to win Beatrice.

She was anyway a problem for us. Her aura had shifted to positivity, so there was no way she was going to change

anytime soon.

I went to sleep and woke up to Jay calling me. I couldn’t believe I slept through the whole night. I must be really


“Yes, Jay?” I answered the call while rolling my eyes. We both didn’t like each other so there was no point in

pretending to be excited to talk to him. “Did you send me the potion?” Jay asked in a tired tone. This is what I hated

about him. He would always act like he was superior to me.

“I did. Have some patience,” I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief.

“Umm, can you also do something to make Shiloh super active—in a sexual way so that she just wants to do it with

me?” as he made that request, I cringed. I knew he would soon ask for something like that.

“You remember what Zane said, right? We have to wait for that. You are not supposed to impregnate her right

now,” I told him. Even if I was allowed to do it, I would not. At least not for him.

“Fine. Just say you are too weak to do it,” he mocked, thinking that would work. Instead, I hung up on him and then

sat down to think about my life decisions.

“A*sshole,” I groaned, getting ready to eat something and then get back to making potions to inject in she-wolves to

bind them to our people.

However, I was about to walk out of my room when I heard some commotion going on outside. I don’t remember

them training today, so it kind of confused me.

“Hey, what’s going on out there?” I yelled, reaching for the door and as soon as I opened the door, horror crept

over my skin in the form of goosebumps.

The dead bodies of our wolves were piled up on the open ground while their blood was scattered everywhere


It was as if I have watched a horror movie. I began to step back and enter the house, quickly locking the

door. “What the heck is going on?” I didn’t understand how it was possible. Did they fight with each other?

Just when I thought I could make it to the bedroom and alarm Zane, I felt footsteps approaching me from the


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Who is there?” I yelled, watching Reign stand behind me with a weird smirk on her l*ips. Before I could

raise my hand to cast any spell, she raised her hand and swept my body back against the wall. My bones

cracked with the slam and I fell to the ground in pain.

“Ughh! Do you have any idea what you are doing? You are bre—aking the treaty,” I hissed at her in

bewilderment. I had no clue what made her come here. I thought they were too busy with Zane and Beatrice.

“The treaty broke the instant you dared put a spell on my Beatrice,” seeing Akin was the biggest surprise I

got even after seeing so many dead wolves lying around.

“I don’t know what you—are talking about—,” I stammered, gulping at the powerful man ready to transition

in front of me. He was already covered in blood, hinting that it was he who killed our people.

“You put a spell on Beatrice and tied her to Zane. Huh! you two thought that would be enough to steal her

from me?” Akin yelled before his bones began to make a cracking noise.

“No, listen—,” I panicked when Reign came closer and grasped my hair in her fist, raising me to my feet,

“This is for all the people you have killed,” she hissed, stabbing me with a knife in my chest whilst Akin

began to wipe clean whatever was left of our people. “My sister saw you as her mentor and you f*ucking

witch—,” Reign had never looked so powerful. I was stunned that she was able to find out what kind of curse

I had put on everyone.

“You need me alive to sav—e Beatrice,” I played one last card, but the confident look on her face told me she

already knew everything.

“That’s why I must kill you,” she finished and stabbed me in the eyes one by one.