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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 486
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“Flynn!” I muttered under my clenched jaw, glaring at him to show him he didn’ t surprise me.

“Ah! You remember my name,” he pushed the hat up to reveal his eyes and then took off the face mask, smirking

as his eyes stared into my face.

“I thought you must have forgotten about me,” there was a weird pain in his voice. I don’t ever remember doing

him wrong.

“Especially after that a*ssh*ole Zane attacked me and left me hurt. He found me before everyone else and tried to

k*ill me. Not because I have abducted you, no! but because he wanted to have you. He knew I had figured out how

evil he was, and he silenced me. At least for some time,” the way he kept talking in the softest tone, I felt shivers

run up my spine.

Title of the document

“Then you must have heard that you cannot hurt me. That I am the mistress of doomsday,” I sighed, trying to look

confident. I wasn’t too comfortable seeing him in the hospital where Gwen was giving birth. I started contemplating

why he chose this day instead of any other day.

Why meet me in the hospital?

“I heard and was so proud of you. But—then I realized that must have made you even more c*oc*ky, and I am not

wrong. You are a weredragon princess and also a mistress of doomsday. The confidence is displaying itself on your

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face. And the fact that you got fooled by the driver, who is on my side, proves how c*oc*ky you have become. But

do you think I came empty-handed?” The moment his tone changed, I felt my muscles stretching and tensing up.

“Then know this: that I won’t go down without putting up a fight,” I said as soon as the elevator opened. We walked

out to the empty hallway.

“I don’t have a problem,” he said, taking off his hat and lunging at me. I am sure his plan wasn’t to kill me here, so

all I had to do was prevent him from knocking me unconscious. As I dodged him, I punched him in the back of his

neck and he fell to his knees.

“Ugh!” he groaned in frustration, getting up with his eyes expressing how much it hurt his ego to get a hit from me.

“Why do you look so sad? It is not like I haven’t warned you,” I laughed, chuckling as I rushed at him and punched

him in the stomach, knocking him down again.

He must have miscalculated my strength or wasn’t aware of how much damage I could cause him. Once he got up

again and tried attacking me, I dodged and kicked him in the shin. He fell to the ground and let out a cry.

Before he could be on his feet again, I hissed and dug my claws into his chest, ripping his skin open.

“It’s evil people like you who should not be given a second chance to wander around,” I grunted, planning to cause

him severe trauma and then imprison him. But as soon as I lifted my arm, I just felt the same feeling of being

frozen that I have been feeling since last night.

It was as if my body stopped listening to me. The surroundings turned slow and hazy. My eyes couldn’t look past


“What is wrong with you?” He coughed, gurgling and sliding away from me. At least he was able to create a good

distance between us.

My bad; I really needed to be in my senses at the moment, but it was something I couldn’t control any longer. Soon

he was on his feet, while I was frozen in my spot.

As he attempted to come closer, I flinched but still couldn’t move. “Oh! You are having a problem,” he finally

understood. I was in a state of despair, and it led him to let out a laugh.

“Babe! Why don’t you come over and finish the job?” As he called for someone, I felt my skin get filled with

goosebumps. The high heel ticking as the person walked closer caused me to gulp and fight harder to get out of

this trance.

I wish I had first spoken to Reign and discussed my issue with her. But it was too late. A girl in all black came

forward and hunched over to match her face level with mine.

“Hello Beatrice!” Mariyah looked me directly in the eye and smirked.


How the hell did I forget about this evil bitch? She was definitely lurking around for so long. I should have kept the

information on Flynn. There is no way nobody was taking care of him after his mother died.

“It seems like we finally caught you when you were at your lowest,” she said, straightening her back and speaking

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“Here, I brought you a gift,” she then pulled out a syringe, which I am assuming consisted of poison for a


“I am sure it will hurt a little, but a weredragon princess like you will feel nothing,” she rolled her eyes as she lifted

the injection, and then, without wasting a minute, she hit me in the neck with it.

The instant the poison entered my body, my trance broke. But it didn’t come in my favor. I was already dizzy,

“Ah!” I fell to the side and let out a little yelp.

“What do—you–,” I couldn’t even bring myself to ask them anything.

“Hush! You talk a lot,” Flynn rolled his eyes when silencing me.

“It seems like she is ready to be taken away,” Flynn wrapped his arms around Mariyah’s waist and pulled her closer.

The two hunched over me, watching my eyelids get heavy and my eyes slowly close.

I wasn’t sure if I would even wake up anymore or if they would use me to hurt the brothers. I fell into a deep

slumber against my will. The next thing I remember, through blurred vision and a hazy memory, is Flynn picking me

up and carrying me out of the hospital from the backdoor.

They dropped me in a black car, and soon the engine started. With every passing second, I began to grow

unconscious. And then finally, I passed out.