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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 89
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Chapter Ninety ~~) Chapter Ninety

“Prince Nolan, the king requests your presence.”

Nolan looked at the messenger and nodded. There had been a strange tension throughout the palace for the last week. He heard his father

tried to forcefully search Blue Moon's estate only to be turned away at the gate stating he had no authority to do so. And he didn’t

Pack estates might technically be in the royal family’s territory but they were considered the territory of the individual pack so the borders

must be respected as such. That also meant they were exempt from searches without justifiable cause as approved by the Council. Nolan

had walked past his father’s office to overhear his father in a rage over the phone

“What do you mean I don’t have just cause?! I'm telling you that b***h is dangerous to us all! She'll destroy everything! 1 don’t care if he

has taken her for his mate! Jason has no idea what he’s invited into his pack. It's for his own good. What do you mean how do I know?”

Since then Nolan tried to avoid his father whenever possible. It wouldn't do him any good to attract his notice. Unfortunately they still were

unable to figure out why the king hated Blue Moon's Luna with such vigor. And he had no idea why his father wished to see him now.

Reaching the office he knocked before entering

There he found his brother sitting in their father’s seat a thoughtful expression on his face

“Achan?” Nolan hesitated, “I was told father wanted to see me?”

“He had to go lay down,” Achan chuckled. “The Council wouldn't

Chapter Ninety =) approve a war declaration against Blue Moon.”

“He actually tried that?”

Achan snorted, “I would have requested a halt of trade or an investigation of their assets. They probably would have rejected that too

Blue Moon is, if nothing else, studious in its contributions and record-keeping. Their services are too valuable and apparently that new silver

healing balm belongs to them though how they came up with it is anyone's guess.”

“I heard a pair of she-wolves invented it.”

“Yeah right!” Achan laughed. “Females are only good for one thing and one thing only.”

Nolan gritted his teeth to prevent himself answering. By now he was inured to Achan’s misogynistic and callous nature. According to what

Nolan heard one of the she-wolves who invented the balm was none other than Blue Moon's Luna but he didn’t think that information

would help this situation in the slightest

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Clearing his throat he said, “Well, if father is resting I'l be on my way and see him later

“Hold on.”

Nolan paused looking back at his brother

“Without father here we'll be able to speak freely.”

Nolan gave his brother a curious look

“I don’t suppose father told you why he wants the silver wolf dead?”

“No. He doesn’t tell me anything.”

Achan declared, “We have that in common. He used to be much more

open until Selena’s first shift.”

Chapter Ninety

Nolan frowned. It was rare for Achan to be so thoughtful or curious

However, he was right. Their father had been delighted when their sister was born. But that was before Selena shifted. Their father’s attitude

changed immediately. He barely looked at her and couldn't stand to be in her presence. Whenever their mother praised her rare beauty

their father looked at her in disgust. But why?

And now he was single-mindedly pursuing Blue Moon's Luna

“No matter what you think, it’s strange,” Achan said

“Agreed,” Nolan nodded seeing his brother's gaze gleam. “And you know why.”

“You're not the only one who had been digging,” Achan shrugged

“Are you going to gloat or share?”

“Neither,” Achan said after a moment, “but you..you are going to challenge Jason for his position.”

“You want me to challenge for the title of Blue Moon's Alpha?” Nolan asked. “Are you insane?”


“Forget it.”

“This is your chance to get on father’s good side. If you take over Blue Moon you can hand him that she-wolf on a platter.

“If” Nolan emphasized, “I'll never beat Jason in single-combat.”

Nolan was no fool. A werewolf's aura was a measure of their strength and Jason's far surpassed anything he had ever felt. Not even the king

in his prime matched it, Nolan was quite certain. For him to step in the arena with Jason was suicide

“You are a prince! Surely you are not afraid of a mere alpha,” Achan teased

Chapter Ninety

Just a heads up: novelenglish.net is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter—visit

us now and continue your journey!

“That isn’t how it works,” Nolan said. “You know that. Jason isn’t just some alpha. He’s thee Alpha of Blue Moon. Ancient blood flows

through his veins. Not to mention training. His pack specializes in combat. Were you not watching when he slipped out of our territory right

under father’s nose? We still don’t know where he is.” “He's back in his pack and on his home turf”

“How do you know that?” “Does it matter?” Achan smiled

“What exactly are you planning?”

“The less you know the better,” Achan said. “All you need to know is your part. You are going to challenge Jason.”


“Look, if you win you will have father’s eternal gratitude. You can ask him for anything. There's no reward he wouldn't be happy to bestow.”

“You say that as if I actually have a chance, but know I don’t. So why should I pick a fight I have no hope of winning?”

“Because it's the only way to keep your mate safe.” “I—II don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Yes, you do. Your little ruse may have the old man duped but you haven't been as careful as you think you've been.”

“So you're planning to sacrifice me.”

“Oh please, I doubt Jason will actually kill you.” “So what is the point?”

“The point is I don’t need you to win.”

“You just need him distracted,” Nolan surmised, “I'm the distraction for a different plan, right?”

“As I said, the less you know the better. Just do your part and I won't

Chapter Ninety *) tell father about your mate.”

Nolan gritted his teeth. He wanted to deny it but his brother was too confident. If Achan had any strengths it was certainly his ability to sniff

out secrets no matter how deeply they were buried. Nolan had done his best not to leave a trail but he should have known better. If Achan

wanted to find out something there was no counter measure great enough to keep that information safe

In that sense, Jason was his greatest opponent. The Blue Moon Alpha made security his top priority and as far as Nolan knew Achan had

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

never succeeded in infiltrating the pack either digitally or physically. No cyber attack managed to breech Blue Moon's firewalls and no pack

member would turn spy against their alpha. Had that changed?

No. If Achan had an actual way into the pack he wouldn't need to rely on Nolan as a distraction. Yet, it was strange Achan was sharing this

much interest in anything, let alone something that concerned their father

“Why are you so interested in Jason's Luna?” Nolan asked

Achan’s smile broadened. His eyes gleamed. Nolan couldn't help but think he looked like a cat playing with a mouse. Not a very flattering

image for a wolf to be sure

“She intrigues me,” Achan said

Nolan gave his brother a dubious look

Achan laughed, “You have to admit you're intrigued too. Such a plain, pretty little thing. She must be a tiger in bed!”

Nolan snorted

“What? You saw how Jason was acting: nuzzling and sneaking kisses

Aman like that doesn’t act like that unless the female does him something


Chapter Ninety

Nolan shook his head, “I don’t think you understand the mate bond at

all.» “Oh please, I know all about it. I had a mate, remember?” “Yeah. 1 do,” Nolan winced at the memory of the delicate young omega

She didn’t stand a chance. If fated mates were meant to bring out the best in each other the omega was meant to bring out Achan’s

gentleness and compassion. It might have even worked if he hadn't dosed himself with wolfsbane to prevent his wolf from stopping him.

The omega didn’t last one night. Nolan wished that was the worst thing he ever witnessed, but it wasn't

“I wonder if Jason’s the sort of wolf who prefers a dominate partner or a submissive one. I'd love to find out. Something tells me she’s

feisty. 1 like when they have spirit.”

Nolan warily eyed his brother

Achan picked up the phone on the desk and held it out to him, “But first, you need to make a phone call.”

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Thank you for everyone who has been reading Second Chance Luna. We are definitely turning a corner with this one and it's going to be a

wild ride to the end. Unfortunately my vacation is over and I am feeling the pressure of 8 hours of lost writing time now that lam back at

work. Iwill try my best to maintain double updates for as long as I can but 1

might have to go down to one chapter a day