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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 82
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Chapter Eighty-Two Chapter Eighty-Two

“Are we there yet?” Christina asked even as she carefully maneuvered the X jeep down the narrow access road

“Almost,” Emily said

~ “How many kilometer.’ a/most?” Christina asked. “And are we going to drive off the edge of the world before then?”

Emily snorted shaking her head. Christina was always so impulsive and impatient. Secretly Emily thought it was her alpha blood that made

her so impetuous. She would never say so aloud as any mention of Christina’s birth father almost always ended with an argument. Christina

only acknowledged her one father: Gamma Ramon

nitely the winner. Even so, she didn’t think it was wise to ignore her past. It was

would talk about it or at least scream about it once and awhile

“We're here,” Emily announced as the Q jeep rolled to a stop in front of an old, decrepit gate

“Good guess,” Christina huffed

Cutting off the engine they stepped out and walked up to the rotting gate. An old, weathered sign hung from the top rail. The words barely

legible: Parque Nacional de Mercantour

“I think we made a wrong turn,” Christina studied the forest around them

“What turn?” Emily chuckled. “No. This is the right place.”

“What place? There is nothing here but trees and more trees.”

Chapter Eighty-Two <

Christina scoffed gesturing to the coniferous forest surrounding them. A slow mist rolled through giving it an ethereal feel but there was

nothing mysterious or unusual about that at this elevation

“Didn’t you pay attention to your cryptid lessons?” Emily admonished

Christina rolled her eyes. Though most packs made use of human schools for their primary education, they also supplemented it with

lessons within the pack. Most of these lessons consisted of werewolf history and biology as well as information on other supernatural

beings many of which humans still believed to be myths despite the truth of the ones they knew existed. It was strange that humans knew

werewolves and vampires were real but still thought yetis and dragons were mythical

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“Yeah, yeah,” Christina sighed leaning against the grill of the Q jeep. “We

shift into wolves and vampires become bats.”

“First of all, vampire can’t shape shift into bats or anything else for that matter,” Emily said leaning on the gate. “They can cast a glamour

over themselves to change their appearance.”

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Christina rolled her eyes

“Second, witches protect their covens by casting barriers to prevent them from being seen or sensed.”

“So, there’s a barrier?”

“Yep,” Emily nodded. “You can feel it like static electricity. It makes the

hair on your arm stand on end.”

Christina looked at her arm rolling up her sleeve

“You can also smell it, ozone,” Emily tapped her nose

The signs were subtle and easily overlooked but obvious when you knew what to look for. She doubted a human would pick up on it given

Chapter Eighty-Two their inferior senses and rampant skepticism

“So if there’s a barrier how do we get in?” Christina asked

“We don’t..not without a guide unless you know how to manipulate energy fields.”

Christina sighed. In other words, they needed a guide. Aloud, she asked, “How do we get a guide?”

“We wait until they invite us in.”

“I hate waiting.”

“I know.”

Emily chuckled while Christina scowled. Her face was warm but she wouldn't acknowledge the good-natured embarrassment. It was one of

the things she loved most about Emily. No matter what situation they were in she always had a quick wit and knew how to find the humor

Christina glanced around unnerved by the strange silence. Turning back to Emily she suddenly stiffened and growled. Emily looked over her

shoulder to see a young woman standing in the middle of the path beyond the gate

She was no judge of human ages but the woman looked to be in her thirties or forties. Her long black hair was braided to the side and her

clothing was homespun and colorfully dyed. An amulet hung from her neck and the smell of herbs wafted around her

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“Ah, hi,” Emily greeted, “we're...”

“Here to see our Reverend Mother. She’s been expecting you. Follow me.”

The hesitated as the unknown woman turned and walked back the way she came. When they didn’t follow she paused and looked back at


Chapter Eighty-Two “You're wolves, aren’t you? Surely you know how to heel.” Christina growled earning a nudge from Emily. They ducked

under the gate and caught up to their guide who turned around and continued on the path

The air grew heavier and the mist thickened. Christina shivered with the uncomfortable feeling of being closed in. She hated small spaces

When she was little her mother often stuffed her under the cot to keep her out of sight from her father when he visited before they were

rescued from the nightmare

She could never forget that day. Her mother tried to stuff her under the cot but she refused. She couldn't stand the thought of being in that

small space again. Trembling in fear, she sobbed for her mother not to punish her anymore. Her mother was desperate to hide her, sensing

her mate was coming

That was how Christina met her biological father face-to-face for the first time as he stared into the tiny cell. He was domineering, tall and

good-looking in a dangerous sort of way. But that first impression didn’t last long as a cruel grin replaced his scowl. He approached slowly

as if he was stalking prey. Her mother shoved Christina behind her but he quickly tossed her aside like trash

“So this is what you've been hiding from me. Well, well, little one

Want to have some fun with daddy? We'll make mommy watch.”

“NOI” her mother screeched rushing at him claws extended

Christina was shoved to the hard floor bumping her elbow. She whimpered in pain looking for her mother only to see her father beating her

mother bloody. A scream tore out of her but he wouldn't stop

And then Ae arrived. Christina had no idea her father was hosting the

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Alpha and Gamma from another pack and certainly didn’t know they were

Chapter Eighty-Two a

wandering around on a tour. Ramon was on the shorter side, broad in the shoulders. He filled the doorway for a moment before charging in

partially shifting as he ripped her parents apart and wrung her father like a


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us now and continue your journey!

He swept up her mother in his arms and gently took Christina by the hand leading her out of the small, dark cell for the first time in her life.

She barely understood what was going on but Ramon took them to the hospital forcing the doctors to treat her mother and demanding

food for her. For the first time, she had a full stomach and fell to sleep in his lap and the safety of his arms

“Easy,” Emily soothed caressing her arm

Christina sucked in a breath unaware she was close to hyperventilating. When she was younger she suffered from panic attacks and intense

claustrophobia. Her reactions were less severe now but odd things occasionally set them off. Like witch barriers, apparently

Taking a deep breath she suddenly found the air clean and fresh. She blinked looking around then realizing they stood in a large field with

small thatched cottages sprinkled throughout each with a garden and the occasional horse, goat or sheep

Christina came to a sudden halt glaring at the scenery around her completely dumbstruck. She looked at Emily expecting the same kind of

awe only to be met with a smirk. It seemed her mate expected this

Frowning, Christina narrowed her gaze in expectation of an answer

“You really never paid attention in school, did you?” Emily chuckled

Christina rolled her eyes before marching ahead to catch up with their guide who patiently waited for them. She seemed as amused by

Christina’s reaction as Emily but also concerned. However, she said

Chapter Eighty-Two nothing as she led them onward to one of the cottages

“Here you are, the Reverend Mother is waiting for you,” she simply stated before leaving them

Christina hesitated looking at the rather simple structure. It certainly didn’t speak of importance or reverence. In fact it looked like every

other cottage. The only difference was the organization of the garden that made each cottage somewhat unique

“So, do we knock?” Christina asked

Emily shrugged in response. Even she didn’t know the particulars of Wiccan society as they tended to seclude themselves from the rest of

the world

“It’s not polite to stand in doorways,” an aged voice suddenly called out. “Come in wolves, or stay outside and be gone. I don’t have all day