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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 76
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Chapter Seventy-Six ad Chapter Seventy-Six

Jason groaned slowly stirring. His head pounded and every sound echoed painfully in his ears. Every inch of his body ached, even his hair if

that were possible. His chest felt tight as if a weight rested on it. Forcing his eyes open he found the weight was quite literal as Phoebe lay

with her head pillowed on his chest

~ Her dark hair spiea ove snouraer and her arm draped across his waist. She breathed deep and relaxed. Though he certainly didn’t

mind the view he wondered how late they had slept

“Earth to Jason,” Lucille’s voice intruded. “Any survivors?”

Jason growled as his headache pinched, “Now js not a good time for


The link vibrated with her laughter, “/t’s almost one o'clock.”

“What?! How could you let me sleep so late?! I have to organize patrols, increase security...”

“Relax! Already done and done. Luke increased patrols and the warriors are on high alert. Ben's making inquiries into the royal family and

everything to do with silver wolves so relax.

Jason let out an uneasy sigh. He was glad things were being done but they shouldnt have let him sleep so long

“By the way... hope you are sitting down. We got back to the pack three days ago.”

“Three days. It's been three days!! How?”

Chapter Seventy-Six Lucille’s mirth echoed through the link, ‘It's called a heat cycle, brother dear.” Jason's gaze widened as he recalled

arriving at the packhouse and carrying Phoebe to bed. She felt like she had a fever. And then..


That was three days ago? But how? He shifted his aching body. Did they mate again after that? How many times in three days? “Hey Jace,

everything all right?” “Yeah. I suppose. I remember getting back but not much after

Just snippets.” “Phoebe’s heat probably triggered a rut,” Lucille answered rather sagely. “Memory loss isn’t uncommon, especially for your

first time.” Jason ran a hand through his hair

“It's lucky your bedroom is soundproof I can only image how badly our ears would have bled.” He groaned and felt his face warm at the

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“Mom and I have been sliding food trays under the door for you two

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Your wolf definitely wasn't letting anyone near his Luna during her heat.” “Sorry.” “It’s fine. But if you are coherent you probably want an

actual meal. If it's safe shall I send up some?” Jason's gaze shifted to Phoebe. He ran his fingers through her hair

She moaned softly, snuggling against him. She looked so peaceful he hated to wake her but if what Lucille said was true then she hadn't

had a descent meal in three days and that he couldn't allow, especially now

“Give us another hour,” Jason finally said. “Then send it up.”

Chapter Seventy-Six


He couldn't help but hear her chuckle. With a sigh he tumed his attention to Phoebe still sleeping peacefully, no doubt as unaware of the

past three days as he was

“Phoebe? Angel? You need to wake up, luv."

She sighed muttering unintelligibly as he nudged her. He shook her shoulder a little more forcefully trying to stir her awake


Finally she raised her head groaning at the soreness that had settled throughout her body. Jason grimaced at her discomfort but movement

would help. She slowly stretched looking up at him


“Hello, angel,” he cradled her close as he rolled so they lay facing each other. “How do you feel?”

“Um..sore? What time is it?"


“One! In the afternoon?” Phoebe suddenly sat up only to whimper as a pain pierced her temple and she fell back down

Jason held her close allowing the bond to sooth her as he gently caressed her smooth curves. He didn’t have to imagine the discomfort she

felt as he was certain it mirrored his own

“Take it easy, angel,” Jason sighed. “There's more.” “More?” “It’s one o'clock three days after we arrived home.”

“It's been three days?” Phoebe’s brow furrowed trying to grasp the strands of memory just as he did. “How?”

“You went into heat as soon as we got back,” Jason explained. “We've

Chapter Seventy-Six been in bed three days. It's finally done.”

“Three days and we've been...” Pheobe’s voice trailed off as she blushed. Three days of non-stop s*x? /s that what he was trying to say?

Jason chuckled kissing her forehead as his hand moved to caress her stomach, “That also means in all likelihood you are already carrying my


Phoebe stiffened, her eyes going wide. That's right. Normally if a fated pair mated during a female's heat cycle they were practically

guaranteed a pup. According to Mani their chances were a little different but she hadn't told him that bit of information yet. Looking at his

heated gaze now she couldn't say it

“Our pup,” Phoebe finally corrected

“Ours,” he smiled and kissed her. “I'l get a bath running. Lucy is sending up dinner soon.”

Oh, well. 'm not..”

“No,” Jason frowned. “No missing meals. You're eating for two


He kissed her again before rolling out of bed and heading to the bedroom. Phoebe watched him but her mind was concerned with other


“Mani?” “Yes?” Are you, okay?” “Oh yes. Our Mates certainly know how to satisfy. | wouldn't mind another three days.” ‘What about, the

other thing?" “Other thing?’

Chapter Seventy-Six

Yason thinks we might be pregnant.”

After all that I should say so."

“But you said we'd only be fertile on the full moon, remember?”

“Sweetie, I don’t know if you noticed but it was the full moon.”

“It was?" Phoebe struggled to recall the princess's party. It had been overcast but she and Jason had gone on a moonlit run afterwards and

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the skies had been clear then. Yes. The moon had been full, or nearly so

Td say the chances are ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent,” Mani snickered

Phoebe felt her face warm all over again as her hands settled over her stomach

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“We'll know soon enough,” Mani said. About a week or so."


Early pregnancy tests could be inconclusive, but she-wolves generally sensed their pregnancies far sooner as their bodies prepared to carry

the growing pup. About the time its heartbeat was audible their scent would change alerting their mate of their condition

Phoebe bit her lip caressing her stomach. She was pregnant. They were going to have a pup. It would be hers and Jasons. She couldn't

believe it. The news simply wouldn't sink in

“Ready, angel?”

She looked up to see Jason had returned. He smiled as he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bath. Easing her into the warm

water he joined her pulling her into his lap so she could lean against his

chest before turning on the jets letting the warmth and bubbles ease their aches

Phoebe sighed leaning against him. His hands caressed her stomach as his chest rumbled in pleasure. There was no mistaking his joy in the

simple hope they would soon have a pup. Thanks to Mani’s assurance she knew it wasn’t a false hope but what did that mean for the future

and the conflict looming over them?

“This is probably the worst timing of worse timings,” Phoebe said

“Hmm? Are you thinking about the king again?” Jason asked. “Don’t

Tl never let him touch you. I'l protect you and our pup, angel. I swear it.”

“Just make sure you come home,” Phoebe said as he held her. “You are important too. I don’t want our pup growing up with only stories

about you.”

“Iwon't let that happen, angel. Promise.”

Phoebe snuggled into his chest breathing in his scent and enjoying the strength of his embrace

If the future was uncertain she would hold onto these moments. She wasn’t sure what the Moon Goddess planned for them but it wouldn't

tear them apart. They would find away to stay together. Their pack was strong,

their love stronger