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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 75
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Chapter Seventy-Five

“Target neutralized, Alpha,” Casper relayed

“Send Team One.”

“Team One. You are good to go,” Casper relayed

At the front door the estate sat three unmarked SUVs with a team and drivers waiting. Once the word was given the doors opened and four

figures were quickly escorted to the waiting vehicles. The motorcade pulled away and headed out the gate

“Decoy is away,” Casper nodded once it was confirmed

“Good.” Jason looked back to where Phoebe stood with the staff. « Phoebe.”

She turned seeing his outstretched hand before bidding the staff farewell and returned to his side

“Oh, Luna. Here. It's rather chilly tonight,” Matilda approached with a woolen jacket

With a grateful smile Phoebe pulled it on before Jason helped her into the unmarked SUV. Ben and Lucille climbed into another as the

escort team took their places

“Shot is green on Target Two,” Casper intoned and waited for the all clear before signally them to proceed

The garage doors opened the trio of SUVs departed. Phoebe nervously fidgeted at they moved out in silence. This certainly was not how

she expected their brief vacation to end. It was meant to be a relaxing week away from the pack but it had become its own sort of


Phoebe pensively stared out the window. A warmth suddenly

Chapter Seventy-Five

enveloped her hand and tingles traveled up her arm. Turning she looked to see Jason watching her with concern and she realized he felt

everything through their bond. Leaning forward he kissed her

“Iwon't let anyone hurt you, Phoebe.”

“Jason it's not—if someone gets hurt because of me...”

“If someone gets hurt it won't be your fault,” Jason shook his head. “ It'l be on the king. Remember that.”

Phoebe nodded not sure what else she could do. Perhaps he was right

but that wouldn't alleviate her guilt in the slightest. Ultimately it was her presence that brought this conflict

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“This conflict was set into motion long before us,” Mani suddenly spoke. “Wolves have turned their back on the Goddess and now they must

pay the price.”

“What do you mean?” “You'll see.’

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Phoebe bit her lip wanting Mani to continue but apparently her wolf said all it intended to. She could never be certain how much her wolf

really knew. It didn’t feel like Mani was deliberately keeping information from her. Perhaps it was something her wolf could feel but not

describe. Their wolves usually had a sixth sense when it came to trouble and danger

Maybe that's why her wolf could only give hints

But how could any wolf turn against the Moon Goddess?


Did it have something to do with the rogues? Or was it about the fact so many were taking chosen mates over their fated ones? Or was it

both? Was it all connected?

It seemed to Phoebe the Goddess had definitely been trying to tell her

Chapter Seventy-Five

children they had taken the wrong path given the difficulty for wolves to find their fated mate. Maybe it was more than just a sign. What if

she had been right all along?

And the rogues.

She though back to Mona's finding. What if all of them had been rejected by their mates? But surely that was impossible. Certainly that

many wolves couldn't have rejected their mates

till, she couldn't forget the royal family and everything Ben disclosed

The state of any pack was reflected its alpha. Jason was studious and organized as was Blue Moon meanwhile Rimrock had fallen apart as

Graham did. Even if the king didn’t hold power some at least revered him

His dismissive attitude towards mates trickled down to the lower-ranking wolves

But it obviously didn’t extend to all wolves. Jason, Ben, Lucille, Luke, Mona, Reed, Chloe, William and Lily all had their fated mates. Clearly

not everyone followed the king's example and yet they were also suffering from increasing rogue attacks. So what did it all mean?

“Hey,” Jason gently tugged her closer, sensing her anxiety, and kissed her temple, “I promise I'll keep you safe.”

Phoebe snuggled into him accepting his comfort. Right now it seemed the future was unstable and she needed to cling to everything she

could count on. He was number one on that list. No matter what lay in the future they would face it together. She wouldn't be alone

Jason's chest rumbled comforting her and pleased when he sensed her contentment. This was not how he expected their life together

would be. He knew she was special but seeing her wolf completely blindsided him. She was magnificent

Despite Phoebe’s petite size her wolf was larger than a Beta though

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us now and continue your journey!

Chapter Seventy-Five

lankier which made her look smaller. He had glimpsed her speed earlier that night. She flitted through the trees like a ghost. Even Lobo had

been stunned. Of course that didn’t stop him from indulging in his mate

He certainly hadnt heard of a silver wolf and Luna Kleio’s speech left him with more questions than answers. Jason had no way of knowing

if anything she said was true and a quite frankly he didn’t care. Phoebe was his mate and nothing would change that not even if they said

she was the Goddess herself

More confusing was the pure hate radiating from the king. Jason had been ready to tear him apart and Lobo practically crawled out of his

mind wanting a bite out of the king the moment he tried to command them to reject their mate. If Phoebe had not been in his arms he

might have let his wolf loose

Phoebe had to be kept safe and out of the kings reach. Getting her back to the pack’s territory was step one. But what then? He couldn't

remain defensive. There was one surefire way to end it and that meant taking out the king and anyone who stood at his side

He didn’t doubt his pack’s strength but he wasn't sure an open conflict with the royal family would be supported by the werewolf

community at large or his allies for that matter. There was always danger in challenging the status quo. Jason certainly didn’t want them

thinking he was some power-hungry dictator. To protect Phoebe he would be just as ruthless

The trio of SUVs entered a short tunnel under an overpass and pulled to a stop beside the median. Jason quickly ushered a confused

Phoebe out of their vehicle as Ben and Lucille emerged from another. As soon as their Passengers were out the SUVs drove onward.

Scooping Phoebe into his arms Jason headed to the median and stepped over it to where three

Chapter Seventy-Five identical vehicles waited with Garrison's team

They ushered in their passengers and waited for the all clear before they started up and drove away now heading in the opposite direction

Phoebe nervously glanced out the windows and looked to Jason who seemed completely at ease


“It's all right, angel,” he kissed her hand, “just a little shell game.”

“We're not leaving by plane, are we?”

“Not this time,” Jason smirked

Phoebe didn’t quite share his amusement but she relaxed in her seat resting her head on his shoulder. Jason held her close and nuzzled her.

He would keep her safe. He had to


They reached the pack territory late in the evening the following day avoiding larger towns whenever possible and stopping only for fuel

and to change drivers. Phoebe had finally fallen and Jason had no desire to wake her. They kept watch for suspicious vehicles but didn’t

notice any tails. It appeared their shell game had worked. With a sigh Jason slid out of the SUV and gathered Phoebe in his arms

Entering the packhouse Jason couldn't help but feel they were setting a strange precedent. This was the second time he carried Phoebe up

to their room after fleeing a dangerous situation. Reaching the top floor he found it still quiet meaning most were likely asleep. They would

greet the pups in the morning as a surprise since they originally planned to be gone a whole week

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Laying Phoebe down on the bed he gently removed her shoes before taking off his own and shrugging out of his jacket. Jason returned to

the bed frowning. He really didn’t want to disturb her rest but she would sleep

Chapter Seventy-Five more comfortably if she changed out of such warm clothes

Just a heads up: novelenglish.net is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter—visit

us now and continue your journey!

“Angel?” Jason leaned over her nuzzling her and found she seemed to be slightly feverish. “Angel?”

Phoebe mumbled in her sleep. He placed a hand on her forehead and noted her rising temperature. Even her face was getting a little


“Angel? Phoebe, are you all right?” Jason gently shook her wondering if he should call the doctor

Werewolves rarely got sick. Their healing ability handled most things without displaying symptoms. When they did actually manifest

symptoms it usually meant something serious was brewing

It couldn't have been anything she ate. Only pack members prepared her meals and he ate the same things. He hadn't allowed her to touch

anything at the princess's birthday celebration. The pack members made them sandwiches for their hurried departure though they

purchased snacks on their occasional stops. Still, there was nothing unusual in that

Phoebe had been anxious since the confrontation with the king. She had a big heart and hated anyone getting hurt on her account. He


put it past her to worry herself sick

“Phoebe, angel, I need you to wake up for me,” Jason urged

She finally stirred forcing her eyes open. They seemed glazed over making him worry even more as he got her to sit up and removed her

jacket. He peeled off her sweater to find her covered in a layer of sweat and

her skin hot to the touch. She whimpered as the cool air hit her fevered body

“Phoebe, are you all right? Angel?”

Her vacant gaze seemed to sharpen and she saw him for the first time

Suddenly she grabbed him smashing their lips together. Jason tried to

protest wanting to call for a doctor but her tongue dove into his mouth, dominating his as her scent flared. He growled as its musk filled his


His own body temperature rose and a possessive snarl burst out of him as she tore his shirt off eager to feel his skin. He flung the rest of

their clothes to the side not caring if they were intact before forcing her down on the bed. She growled presenting herself as he thrust into

her. In all the times they mated he always took his time to pleasure her but now there was only one goal, one need: to claim her and fill her

with his seed

“Yes! Yes!” Phoebe gasped in ecstasy as he buried himself inside her

Her back arched and moved her hips to meet his as he thrust with increasing force. “Yes Jason! Yes! Faster! Morel”

Usually she was rather quiet, seldom voicing anything more than demur moans but now she practically howled. Her cries urged him to take

her with everything he possessed until her body finally clenched milking him dry and filling her