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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 73
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Chapter Seventy-Three

Chapter Seventy-Three

A shiver traveled down Phoebe’s spine at the thought of Rimrock being overrun and slaughtered by royal warriors. Jason’s embrace

tightened quelling her unspoken fears and reminding her she was no longer with that pack. That's right, she was with Blue Moon now and

the situation was different

No matter how much he might want to the king couldn’t just march in and raze the pack. Blue Moon was too strong and too notable for

that. They also had too many allies, allies that would not stand idly by. Did Mani know this would happen? Her wolf was being oddly silent

“So..what happens now?”

“First, we return to the estate and get you a change of clothes,” Jason said making her blush

That's right she was still very much naked, covered only ina tablecloth

“Then Ben is going to contact our pilots and arrange for immediate departure. The jet needs to be refueled and we need to file a flight plan

with the humans.”

Ben nodded. Jason didn’t often make use of Blue Moon's private jet unless time was of the essence. Most wolves preferred to keep their

feet on the ground. Returning to the pack as quickly as possible and keeping Phoebe safe was his priority. The king could not challenge Blue

Moon outright but as long as they were here they were only a small force and

vulnerable to attack

Even as their limo pulled up to Blue Moon's estate Ben was already on

Chapter Seventy-Three the phone making arrangements. It was like a mini pack of its own. The mansion served as the packhouse and the

grounds included acres of forest all enclosed in a stone wall and guarded by its own dedicated group of elite warriors

With just over two hundred and fifty staff residing in it year round it really was like a small pack all its own while still enjoying the benefits of

a larger pack. Phoebe had been nervous when she first arrived never having any contact with these wolves but she found them equally

welcoming to her and eager to meet their Luna. They were so focused on making Phoebe’s stay as pleasant as possible they virtually

ignored their alpha

Ben joked Jason was nothing but chopped liver in comparison

“So, we can’t go for a run?” Phoebe asked. She could feel Mani’s annoyance at having to wait again

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Jason hesitated, saying, “I'm pretty sure if we don’t my wolf will revolt. He’s wanted to run with his mate for months. We have a little time.”

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Their driver opened the door allowing Jason to carry her out. He left Ben to make arrangements for their departure as he carried Phoebe

around the estate to the spacious backyard and enticing woods beyond. It was nothing like the vast tracks of land encompassing Blue

Moon's territory but for a quick run it would do. It was also closely monitored by cameras and patrols so help was close at hand

Jason carried her into the trees and finally set her on her feet. Phoebe wobbled before finding her balance again while still cocooned in the

tablecloth. Curling a finger under her chin Jason tilted her face toward his kissing her tenderly and filling their bond with his love and

adoration. It was almost overwhelming

With a sigh Jason slowly eased back stroking her cheek with his

Chapter Seventy-Three thumb, “Wait right here and don’t look away.”

“Okay,” Phoebe agreed not sure what he wanted

Reluctantly taking a step back Jason shed his jacket hanging it over a tree branch then yanked off his tie before unbuttoning his shirt


“Don’t look away, angel,” Jason said. “Lobo wants to meet you.” Phoebe’s cheeks heated up as he shrugged out of his shirt before

loosening his belt. While most wolves quickly lost their inhibitions when it came to nudity Phoebe had never been around wolves while they


To make matter worse she couldn't help but ogle Jason's fit frame and

averted her gaze to the ground

“Eyes up, angel,” Jason reminded

Hesitantly she looked up to see he had kicked off his shoes and shed his pants. His briefs were about to follow but he refused to remove

them until she met his eyes. Phoebe bit her lip struggling to hold his gaze as he removed his last cover and stood in front of her in all his


He smirked as she fought waves of embarrassment and arousal at the sight before her. His eyes swirled amber as he lowered himself and let

the shift take over. Dark from bristled all across his body as his joints and bones snapped, realigned and lengthened. There was no sign of

pain and happened rather quickly. Perhaps not as smooth as her own shift it was certainly close and in a matter of moments a large,

chocolate-brown wolf stood in front of her

In the dark of night he was nearly black but in the lights of the distant mansion and the moon above Phoebe could just make out the subtle

reddish variation of his coat making it brown. His amber eyes practically glowed gold as he took a careful step forward. He was a massive

wolf easily outweighing any other by a hundred pounds. Approaching slowly he

Chapter Seventy-Three whined hoping she was not afraid of his sheer size. He would never harm her

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Crouching Phoebe held out her hand. Wagging his tail Lobo pressed forward rubbing his cheek against her palm. Phoebe stroked his soft,

warm fur. Lobo raised his head licking the tip of her nose. She chuckled which pleased him judging by how his tail whirled in the air

“Okay, you've had your fun. My turn!” Mani insisted

Planting a kiss on Lobo’s cold nose she stood, backing away from him

She hesitated before dropping the tablecloth and giving control to Mani

settling on all fours Mani shook herself enjoying the moonlight shimmering across her coat

since they had never shifted in front of others Phoebe didn’t have a proper idea of scale for Mani’s size. She was quite a bit larger than

Shannon's wolf but she was only an omega. Now standing in front of Lobo she could see Mani was nearly as tall though lacking his bulk.

Touching noses she gave him a lick before ducking under his chin and rubbing her body along his as she circled him. Lobo growled in

appreciation as she rubbed her scent over him

“You have one hour, Jason warned his wolf


“Imean it. We need to get them back home where they are safe.”

“know. know,” Lobo huffed but despite his irritation he would adhere. Their mates” safety came first but that didn’t mean they couldn't have

some fun

With a spring in his step Lobo headed deepen into the woods his tail held high. Mani trotted alongside him and Jason couldn't help but

wonder what kind of picture they made together: one wolf as dark as night and the

Chapter Seventy-Three other shimmering silver like captured moonbeams. Suddenly Mani burst forward bounding several paces ahead

“Phoebe? What's wrong?” Jason asked as Mani turned capering in front of them

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“She wants to play. Hope you can keep up.”

With that she took off like a silver streak. With an excited woof Lobo sprang forward in pursuit. They had always been the biggest and the

strongest. No wolf was capable of overpowering or subduing them. They had yet to meet the wolf that could keep up with their speed and


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However, Mani flitted through the trees like a moonbeam and almost as soundlessly. It was clear Lobo was just as amazed and enamored

with his mate as Jason as he struggled to match her playful bounding

He circled around a particularly large tree and suddenly came up short. He chuffed and looked around him but didn’t see the silvery form

he had been following but her lilac-sage scent was fresh and more fragrant now in her wolf form. He felt no distress through their bond

which assured him she was well and nearby

Cautiously he stepped forward trying to locate her through their bond

The longer she was out of sight the more anxious he became. A whine tore out of his throat before he was even aware of it. At the same

time teeth clamped on his tail sending telltale tingles through him as the bond ignited

Lobo whirled around as Mani released him. With a happy yip she dropped her forelegs so that her tail was held high in the universal canine

gesture for play. He wanted to berate her for disappearing from his sight but he couldn't help but be impressed. Yet he had to maintain his

dignity as she bounced around trying to elicit his playful side

Chapter Seventy-Three sf

“Oh, come on Mister Serious! Play with us!” Phoebe laughed in his mind

“Is your wolf always so playful?” — Jason chuckled at his own wolf's hopelessness

“What do you expect? She’s never been able to run around with another wolf before. We've had to be careful no one saw us. We've always

run alone.”

At that Lobo whined and suddenly all thought of being dignified was gone. If his Luna wanted to be silly and frolic like a pup then so could

he, anything to make her happy. Dropping his guard he chuffed and mimicked her play gesture. Excitement and elation flooded their bond

as she nipped at his nose before bounding off. With a possessive growl he followed. The things they did for their mate


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