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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 68
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Chapter Sixty-Eight we Chapter Sixty-Eight

Phoebe breathed deep as Jason helped her out of the limo. Despite his assurances she couldn't shake her anxiety. She was about to meet

the royal family. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever entertained that thought. Even if she ahd become Rimrock’ Luna there was

almost no chance that she would stand in front of royalty. Phoebe anxious but Mani was unimpressed

~ For the past week her wolf had been restless and easily annoyed especially whenever talk about the royal family dominated the

conversation which had been quiet often. Norah had painstakingly instructed Phoebe in how to properly meet and greet them. Though the

royal family needed to be respected as Blue Moon's Luna Phoebe didn’t need to pander to them. She should be dignified and friendly but

not overly accommodating

‘Why?’ Mani huffed. ‘We owe them nothing.’

“Everything all right?” Jason asked

“Just nervous.”

“You have no reason to be, angel.”

“Damn straight,” Mani seconded. They're the ones who should be


“You okay?” Lucille asked as she and Ben joined them

Chapter Sixty-Eight Lf

“Yeah, my wolf is restless,” Phoebe said

They stood outside an impressive mansion. It was the royal’s seat of power though it was more like an embassy than a capitol. In Europe the

royal family possessed an actual castle though even Jason hadn't seen it

It had been home to the royal family for centuries. In contrast the mansion in front of them was much more recent. After Blue Moon,

Harvest Moon and Blood Moon immigrated to the Americas the royals’ authority waned considerably. They relocated as well but their

presence here was lukewarm at best. Summoning important pack alphas to attend events such as this one was about the extent of their

power though they were desperate to hide it

A few days ago Jason, Phoebe and their escort had flown in to prepare for the upcoming party. It was clear Jason had very little actual

desire to be there. Though they were welcome to stay in the royal mansion they couldn't bring in their security detail a fact that certainly

irritated Jason whose primary concern was always his Luna’s safety. Instead Blue Moon maintained a small estate nearby staffed by their

pack members

Phoebe thought it was a little overboard until Ben informed her that most packs did the same thing. No alpha willingly relinquished their

authority to the King. Mani agreed wholeheartedly

since Jason couldn't bring an escort he insisted on Lucille and Ben accompanying them much to his sister’s annoyance. All week she

complained about playing nice with the princess referring to her as the royal pain. Phoebe made the mistake of asking her why she didn’t

like her only once

“She’s a stuck-up, whiny b***h,” Lucille practically snarled when asked. “And she had the most irritating voice. Lucy why don’t you speak to

Chapter Sixty-Eight ww your brother? / know you can convince him to take me for his mate. Yeah right! As if I would ever want to be family

with hert

So the Princess was yet another she-wolf with eyes on her mate. The knowledge didn’t really faze Phoebe in the slightest. Between Kristie,

Katrina, Camilla, even young Tracy the list seemed never-ending but fending off the princess sounded like a greater challenge

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“She lays one finger on our Mate we will rip her hand off” Mani growled

Phoebe took a deep breath threading her arm through Jason’s as they

headed to the door. A guard stood there to greet them with a list of packs invited


“Alpha Jason, Blue Moon,” Jason replied. “My sister Lucille and her mate Gamma Ben and, of course, my Luna, Phoebe.”

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The guard looked bored as he checked them off the list until Jason announced his Luna. His head shot up to stare at Phoebe like she was

Chicken Little and just declared the sky was falling. Her gaze shimmered silver at the guard’s obvious shock

“He ain't seen nothing yet!” Mani chuckled

“G-go right in,” the guard finally nodded

“Well if that is the look at the door I can’t wait until we get inside,” Lucille chuckled

Jason stifled a growl

“Oh, come on brother. We should have some fun with this! I can’t wait for that snob to meet Phoebe. It's going to be a show!”

Jason’s grip tightened protectively making Phoebe chuckle. Maybe it came with being an alpha but he always assumed the worst. It would

Chapter Sixty-Eight wa certainly be easier if these she-wolves would leave her mate alone

Walking down hall they ignored the royal guards they passed and made their way to the center of the mansion where it opened into a wide

courtyard. They stepped outside the doors and down steps into an area open to the night sky. As with any werewolf function this birthday

was held

under the moon and stars. Phoebe looked up with a frown. The night was rather overcast and she hoped it wouldn't rain

She glanced around to see quite a few guests had arrived before them and were mingling in the absence of their hosts. Phoebe didn’t know

why but it seemed strange to her. Even if the royal family intended to make formal introductions later shouldn't at least one of them be

there to greet their guests?

“If you are wondering where the royal family is, don’t,” Lucille shook her head. “They'll make their grand entrance a little before midnight

when all the guests have arrived. Until then we can do whatever.”

Phoebe nodded. A server met them offering champagne and earned a snarl from Jason. Baring his neck the server quickly departed


“A little advice,” Ben said before Phoebe could protest. “They only serve drinks with aconite and strong ones at that. I don’t advise

accepting any.”

Phoebe frowned. She knew werewolves had come up with their own alcoholic beverages utilizing aconite. The more aconite mixed into it

the more potent the effects but why would the royal family serve it on such a special occasion? It seemed an invitation for trouble as

drunken werewolves were just as unpredictable as drunken humans

“Don’t forget it also weakens our connection,” Mani reminded

“So the royal family wants us weak?"

Chapter Sixty-Eight WS

“Depending on the strength of the wolf drinking too much would impair their aura and make it impossible to shift. It gives the royal family

an edge especially considering we couldn't bring our own guards. No wonder our Mate is on edge.”

Phoebe mulled over her wolf's warning and gave Jason’s arm a comforting squeeze. This was certainly shaping up to be an interesting

night and it had only begun. Just what was the royal family planning?

“That is the question,” Mani agreed

Phoebe remained on edge as they joined the others. Some were enjoying the champagne without a care but most were abstaining. Even if

they took a glass from the servers it was clear it was only for show as they never sipped from it

“So, if our hosts aren’t here, what are we supposed to do?” Phoebe asked

“We just mingle, chat and enjoy the buffet,” Lucille said. “It's actually quite enjoyable.”

“Alpha Jason.”

They turned toward the voice to see a familiar, lanky Alpha with a pretty Luna at his side. Though Phoebe hadn’t met her she knew instantly

knew who she was

“Alpha Reed,” Phoebe greeted, “and you must be Luna Chloe.”

Reed smiled glancing at his Luna who found it difficult to contain her excitement for this meeting. She had been eager to meet Phoebe in

person ever since her mate came home from Blue Moon's Luna Ceremony

“You must be Luna Phoebe,” Chloe immediately embraced her. “I heard so much about you! Thank you so much for what you did for Lily

We've been so worried about her after...everything.”

Chapter Sixty-Eight wY

“It was my pleasure. Lily is so sweet and I know how difficult it must have been for her,” Phoebe nodded. There were just some things that

were hard to describe if one never experienced them

“wish we could have done more,” Chloe shook her head

“You did everything right,” Phoebe assured her. “You were there for her and made her eat. The rest really depends on time. And you gave

her that too.”

“Thank you,” Chloe wiped a tear away. “Thank you so much.”

Phoebe gave her a squeeze. It was clear Chloe cared a great deal about her sister-in-law. She was grateful Lily had such a support network.


rejection was difficult to overcome but even more so alone. Not for the first time Phoebe wished she confided in her parents. Even if she

didn’t tell them who her mate was at the very least they would have supported her through it

Jason and Reed shared a look. It seemed their Lunas were fast friends

Both of them were certain if they ever had a disagreement their Lunas would take them to task for being too stubborn

“Have you seen Lily?” Chloe asked

“Not since her Luna Ceremony,” Phoebe shook her head

Lily’s ceremony had taken place a month after Phoebe’s on the next full moon though she and William claimed one another long before


Attending it had been Phoebe’s first official duty as Blue Moon’s Luna and she was so happy watching the pair take their vows and lead

their pack on the moonlit run, something Phoebe had missed with her own pack due to Graham's sudden appearance

Unfortunately Reed and Chloe hadn’t been able to attend since the latter was recovering from the birth of their pup. Their eldest son,

Kaede, attended in his parents’ place and whole heartedly congratulated his aunt

Chapter Sixty-Eight ww Though Lily was still underweight it was clear she was thriving under William's watchful eye. Her complexion was

much healthier and a sheen returned to her hair. Her eyes were bright and a shy smile graced her face

And it wasn’t just William who was smitten by his Luna. Though she had only been amongst them a very short time it was clear Winter

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Moon adored her. The omega servers, warriors and ranked members treated her with respect and even relief. Phoebe wondered how long

the pack had been on edge wondering if their alpha would take a chosen mate and subject them to Camilla’s demanding, arrogant


“Oh, she looks so good!” Chloe gushed. “They came to visit for Aarons

naming ceremony.”

similar to a pack initiation Naming Ceremonies welcomed pups born into the pack. For lower-ranked pups a family ceremony was often

held but for ranked members, especially the Alpha and Luna’s pups, they were thrown a much larger party for all the pack to celebrate

which often included close allies as well

Naturally William and Lily received an invitation as they were the pup’s aunt and uncle. Jason and Phoebe were also invited but another

rogue attack prevented them from attending. Phoebe had been devastated they missed it but she was happy to hear Lily made it and was

doing well

“Oh, speak of the devill” Lucille said catching their attention as William and Lily entered the courtyard

It took all of a few seconds for Lily to spy her family and practically dragged William over to join them. Phoebe was happy to note Lily

appeared healthy as ever. The dark rings around her eyes had disappeared and she gained quite a bit of weight. She was still as tall and slim

as her

Chapter Sixty-Eight Ww brother but now with subtle, feminine curves and healthy muscle tone

Beside her looking as proud as a peacock was William his arm around her waist and a new possessive aura warding off any who dared

threaten what was his

Lily eagerly hugged Chloe and Phoebe in turn and drawing quite a bit of attention their way. No doubt it was an odd sight to see three

lunas acting like sisters. Alliances were one thing but to treat one another as family quite another

“Lily, you look fabulous!” Phoebe said unable to hide her delight

Blushing profusely Lily looked down at her simple black gown with a deep v-neck. On many wolves it would be revealing but with her

slender frame it was elegant. Even so, Phoebe had a suspicion William picked it out

“Thank you. L.thank you,” Lily nervously answered still harboring insecurities when it came to her looks

“I'd say we are just about the luckiest alphas in the world,” William announced. “With the most beautiful lunas at our sides.”

“Agreed,” Jason seconded pulling Phoebe close and kissing her temple

Phoebe blushed, glancing toward Chloe to see Reed was also giving her similar attention. Though the Harvest Moon Alpha seemed

reserved when she first met him it was clear he didn’t have any reservations toward his mate

“Oh, Jason. 1am glad you're here,” Reed said clearing his throat. “Last month we sent out samples of the balm to various packs and all of

them have been pre-ordering it by the case. We will start production within the week thanks to Atticus’s supplies.”

“Good to hear,” Jason nodded. With Bridget a part of Blue Moon his

Chapter Sixty-Eight ww pack cold make all they needed for their own purposes but Harvest Moon could distribute it worldwide

“still can’t believe two she-wolves cooked it up in their kitchen,” William shook his head

“And just what is that supposed to mean?” Phoebe playfully challenged. “Is it more believable if two males did itz”

“Well, no... didn’t say that.”

“But it’s what you were implying, yes?” Phoebe teased earning chuckles from the others

“No, Ijust meant...”

“Will,” Lily gently admonished, “just be quiet. Your mouth tends to get you into trouble.”

“That's not what you said last night,” William scoffed

“Never mind,” Lily blushed at the others tried to contain their
