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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 62
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Chapter Sixty-Two Y Chapter Sixty-Two

“Why do I have to do this?” Erick scowled as Luke led him to the gym

There, several warriors were stretching and beginning their warm-up

as exercises. Today's training focused on grappling and close-quarter techniques so it paid to be limber

“You came to train,” Luke said. “So you'll train. You seem to have plenty of energy to make an annoyance of yourself so you should have

plenty for this too.”

Frit mrmulad “Vai rant fall tn ma lila that Veicrs ict 2 Beta,”

ne to try to take my place though I'll warn you challenges are to the death.”

“Why would I want to be a beta when I'm an alpha?”

“If you'd rather challenge Jason that’s up to you,” Luke shrugged

“Where is he anyway?” Erick demanded. “He should be the one escorting me.”

“Well, as an Alpha you should know all about handing off undesirable

tasks to others.”

Erick scowled. Luke was not intimidated in the slightest. It was clear the young wolf placed far too much stock in titles. Not all alphas were

equal and neither were betas. In fact there were quite a few betas capable of holding their own against alphas..and he was one of them

“If you want to complain, Jason is right over there,” Luke nodded

Erick’s gaze followed the gesture to see Jason in the corner ona sparring matt. But it was his opponent that shocked the young alpha

Chapter Sixty-Two Y speechless. Jason wore only shorts as he slowly circled Phoebe who was in workout pants and a sports bra. Embracing

her from behind Jason gripped her wrists as he instructed her how to break the hold and escape

“What is he doing?” Erick scoffed

“In her former pack our Luna was too low ranked to warrant training but when she came here she asked for some defensive training.”

“Low rank? She was an omega?”

“No, just one of the many unranked members that make up the majority of packs,” Luke said. “Our Alpha’s lucky to have her for his Luna.”

“Lucky?” Erick snorted. “How is that lucky?”

“Because finding a caring, intelligent Luna is not as easy as you think it should be,” Luke said. “Our Luna isn’t afraid to admit her

weaknesses and is always eager to learn new things. She inspires others. We've had several she-wolves from all ranks express the desire for

training so we've started special self-defense and strength training courses for them. They all want to follow our Luna’s example.”

Erick frowned, his gaze drifting back to the alpha pair. He watched as Jason stole a kiss, nipping her neck and making her laugh. Despite the

distraction she managed to break the hold. Turning she shook her head at her mate’s audacity even as he pulled her back into his embrace.

Jason kissed her letting his hands caress her before they moved on to the next hold. Both seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves

Erick looked at the warriors expecting them to be disgusted their Alpha was distracted. However they seemed quite happy, stealing glances

at the pair and trading smiles. None of them was upset their Luna came from a low rank even though their pack held such a long history.

How could Blue Moon be satisfied with such a Luna?

Chapter Sixty-Two wa Then again.

He shuddered with the memory of the weight of her aura. How could a low-ranking wolf have such an aura? Even his mother who was beta-

born didn’t have that kind of influence. Just who was this she-wolf?



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Phoebe paused, turning as the head of the housekeeping staff approached. She had only just returned from her training session, her hair

still damp from her shower but it was important for the pack to get back into its routine after yesterday's emergency

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“Gloria?” Phoebe prompted the middle-age she-wolf who had started as a maid herself before rising up the staff ranks

“About Alpha Erick’s room. Janet peeked into it and it’s a disaster. He tore the bedspread to shreds and broken just about everything not

nailed down.”

Phoebe sighed. It probably shouldn't be a surprise given recent events. She hadnt spared him much thought since she concerned herself

with helping Shannon. No doubt Erick and his wolf were suffering from a huge disconnection after rejecting their mate. The fact his wolf

desperately wanted its mate no doubt fueling his rage

“If he wants to live in a pig-sty there is not much we can do,” Phoebe shook her head


“know. It's difficult to leave it but he must either clean it up himself or apologize for how he’s treated all of you. I won’t compromise just

because it’s easier.”

“Yes Luna.”

Chapter Sixty-Two YY

“Don’t worry. None of you will be held accountable. I've already spoken to Jason and he agrees.”

Gloria nodded feeling relieved. It wouldn't be the first time a visiting alpha made outrageous demands and claims. Knowing their Alpha and

Luna supported the pack members gave them all comfort and confidence

It was also why the pack had such deep abiding loyalty

“Leave his room as is for now. We'll see if training helps cool him down.”

“Yes Luna,’ Gloria bowed before departing

Phoebe hoped the assurance there would be no punishment for neglecting their duties would ease the staffs worries. There really was

nothing else they could do

“Luna, we are nearly there.”

“I'll meet you at the door.”

With a sigh Phoebe headed to the front door to meet their next arrival

She only hoped this alpha was easier to handle. Just as she reached the foyer the warrior escort led in a young man. He was slim in build

indicating his youth. Once he matured and his frame filled out he would come close to rivaling Ben and Luke in stature, maybe even Jason.

His auburn hair was curly softening his face and heightening his youthful appearance. He had only one bag, a duffle he carried over his


“Here you are, alpha,” the warrior gave a courteous nod

“Thanks,” he returned the gesture and reached out to shake hands before the warrior departed

It was already clear to Phoebe this young alpha was cut from a different cloth as she stepped forward, “Greetings. You must be Gideon

Welcome to Blue Moon. I am Luna Phoebe.”

Chapter Sixty-Two wa He turned to her his eyes wide in surprise before nodding respectfully, “Oh wow. Hi. My dad said Alpha Jason met his

mate. It's nice to meet


“It’s good to meet you,” Phoebe smiled. “Would you like to see your room or would you like a tour first?”

“Could the tour start with the kitchen?” Gideon sheepishly asked. * The airline food was kind of terrible.”

Phoebe chuckled, “It’s a little early for lunch but let’s see what we can scrounge from the kitchen. Mable, can you take our guest’s bags to

his room?”

A young omega dusting nearby immediately stepped forward, “Of course. Your room is on the third floor, to the left. Second door, alpha.”

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exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

“Thank you,” he smiled earning a blush from her

He followed Phoebe to the kitchen where Myra and the other staff was busy preparing the lunch dishes. Feeling their Luna’s presence

brought the staff to a halt, curious about their guest

“Luna.” “I know it’s a little early but our recent arrival could use a little

something to tide him over,” Phoebe explained. “Myra, young alpha Gideon. Gideon, Myra is the head of the kitchen staff.”

“Nice to meet you,” Gideon shook her hand much to Myra’s surprise

“So what can we get you?” Myra asked giving the young male a fond smile

“Anything is fine,” Gideon said. “Even a sandwich.”

“Now don’t you worry,” Myra chuckled, pleased with his politeness. * We have plenty and no one goes hungry in my kitchen. Just wait a

€ Chapter Sixty-Two omy moment.”

“Here are the potatoes,” Shannon announced stepping into the kitchen from the pantry before dropping the crate she was carrying

The crash caused everyone to look at her. She was pale and Phoebe had been told she was subdued from her normally bubbly personality,

which was to be expected. However the look on her face was not merely surprise, but actual terror

Beside Phoebe, Gideon stiffened. His mouth fell open as he stared at the omega. A tantalizing smell filled his flared nostrils, “Mate.”

Phoebe jerked to attention and even Mani perked up, ‘Well, that’s unexpected.”

“Did you know?’ Phoebe asked

“said he was close,” Mani huffed

Phoebe couldn't believe it. She never heard of a wolf meeting their second chance mate so soon. She had gone five years and Lily over two

But there had to be a reason the Goddess meant this for Shannon. Looking again at the young omega she saw Shannon's face was still

contorted in fear and confusion

Gideon reached for her and hesitated as she backed away. It was clear he was confused by her fear. There was a pained, longing look in his


Phoebe recognized that look. It was the same one Jason gave her when she asked if he was going to reject her. Phoebe moved forward

slipping an arm around Shannon before she could bolt and held her steady

“Luna, I can’t. Ican’t be rejected again,” I Shannon whimpered in her mind

“Shh. You don’t know that about him,” Phoebe replied before looking at their guest. “You'll have to pardon us, Gideon. She was rejected by


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Chapter Sixty-Two I moment.”

“Here are the potatoes,” Shannon announced stepping into the kitchen from the pantry before dropping the crate she was carrying

The crash caused everyone to look at her. She was pale and Phoebe had been told she was subdued from her normally bubbly personality,

which was to be expected. However the look on her face was not merely surprise, but actual terror

Beside Phoebe, Gideon stiffened. His mouth fell open as he stared at the omega. A tantalizing smell filled his flared nostrils, “Mate.”

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Phoebe jerked to attention and even Mani perked up, ‘Well, that’s unexpected.”

“Did you know?’ Phoebe asked

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on novelenglish.net for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away,

exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

“said he was close,” Mani huffed

Phoebe couldn't believe it. She never heard of a wolf meeting their second chance mate so soon. She had gone five years and Lily over two

But there had to be a reason the Goddess meant this for Shannon. Looking again at the young omega she saw Shannon's face was still

contorted in fear and confusion

Gideon reached for her and hesitated as she backed away. It was clear he was confused by her fear. There was a pained, longing look in his


Phoebe recognized that look. It was the same one Jason gave her when she asked if he was going to reject her. Phoebe moved forward

slipping an arm around Shannon before she could bolt and held her steady

“Luna, I can’t. Ican’t be rejected again,” I Shannon whimpered in her mind

“Shh. You don’t know that about him,” Phoebe replied before looking at their guest. “You'll have to pardon us, Gideon. She was rejected by

her first mate. He didn’t want her because she was an omega and she thinks

Chapter Sixty-Two \ J you'll do the same.”

“I’m her second chance?” he asked

Phoebe nodded as Shannon shuddered, coming close to hyperventilating. Gideon suddenly closed the distance no doubt spurred by his

Wolf. His arms encircled Shannon taking over for Phoebe’s support as he held her close

“Breathe,” he whispered gently stroking her hair. “Breathe...ah...”

“Shannon,” Phoebe said stepping back as he took over comforting her

“Shannon,” Gideon sighed savoring the name. “Breathe, Shannon


Her breathe slowly evened out the bond soothing her as much as his words. Gideon bowed his head brushing his lips against her forehead

“I don’t know who you're first mate is, but he’s an idiot.”

“..ButP'm just..'m not...”

“Not what? The most beautiful wolf I've ever seen?”

She blushed at his praise before saying, “I'm just an omega. I can’t be Luna.”

“Who says?” Gideon snorted cupping her chin and brushing away her tears with his thumb. “My mother was an omega before she met my


“..She was?”

Gideon nodded smiling, “She’s going to love you. They both will.”

She hesitantly smiled. He dipped his head to peck a kiss on her lips

They had known each other no more than two minutes and yet he felt an unbreakable connection that sent sparks through him wherever

their skin touched. When his parents told him about the mate bond he hadnt

Chapter Sixty-Two S

believed it. There simply wasn’t any way for such an immediate connection to be made but it was true. All of what they said was absolutely


Phoebe cleared her throat, “Perhaps you two would like to sit and talk before the lunch crowd arrives? Myra can bring you out something.”


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