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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 52
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Chapter Fifty-Two

The sun set hours ago. The patio was lit with soft white and blue lights in addition to the brilliant moon shining above. Floating lights in the



added even more magic to the ambiance. Q Chairs were lined-up for the alphas and lunas dressed in their finest. Most lunas wore bright,

bold colors but a few had chosen light blue which bordered on the silver or white reserved for the honored Luna

It was a direct challenge, one that made Blue Moon pack members sneer in disapproval. Jason merely frowned at the offending lunas and

making note of the packs who dared challenge him. Several alphas nervously pulled at their collars as his amber gaze marked them

His eyes passed over them settling on William who sat rather proud, his arm around his mate. Lily seemed a little self-conscious but that

didn’t stop her from leaning into him. Occasionally he glanced over his shoulder to glare at Liam and his escort who had been quickly

patched up. Jason couldn't blame his friend for being obsessive. But William wouldn't do anything to ruin the ceremony

“Daddy!” Emma squealed as she ran down the aisle

Jason chuckled catching her as she reached him. She wore a pretty embroidered dress with a light blue ribbon around her waist and

matching ones in her hair. Blake trotted up after her dressed in a suit to match the other males though he was told it was unnecessary. Jason

patted his head giving him an approving smile

Blake hesitantly smiled back, self-conscious in front of so many

Giving both pups a found squeeze he escorted them to the Q chairs reserved for his family as his mother arrived in a dark blue evening

gown. All of the

Chapter Fifty-Two = pack wore blue or black signifying their allegiance. He settled them together before returning to his place at the front

with Elder Ansel

The Elder chuckled. Like everyone he had been surprised to learn Jason adopted the pups but after meeting Phoebe and seeing them

together he was less shocked. And they did seem to be a close family unit though he did worry how this would affect Jason decision when it

came time to choose an heir. Most alphas selected their first-born son or, lacking that, a close blood relative

Ben and Lucille emerged next to take their seats followed by Luke and

Mona who took places as the Beta pair. Jason breathed deep as the atmosphere shifted and Phoebe finally emerged

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Her thick hair was pulled in a half-up style. Her gown was shimmering silver in the moonlight as if a part of it. Against Phoebe’s pale skin it

gave her an even more pronounced heavenly glow. Jason sucked in his breath as she quietly made her way down the aisle. All eyes followed

her, captivated, as her gentle aura enveloped them. They were in awe and unable to utter a single word

Jason's chest smelled with pride as he stepped forward to take her hand and guided her up to stand in front of him. Her gaze shimmered

silver and he knew his were amber given how close Lobo pressed forward eager to gaze on their mate. She was gorgeous and she outshone

everyone else

None compared and they were fools to try and compete with her

“We are gathered here on this blue moon to formally recognize Phoebe Aiman as Blue Moon's rightful and beloved Luna,” Elder Ansel

intoned. “As our world has gotten bigger finding our fated mates has become more difficult. In trying times many grow impatient and act


“We forget that our mates are sacred gifts from the Goddess herself

Chapter Fifty-Two iad

They are our second half, our match and the one who completes us. A union between fated mates is always blessed by the Goddess and

great things await those who accept the Goddess's blessings with their whole hearts

“Let us therefore rejoice and celebrate Alpha Jason Aiman’s good fortune at finding his match. May this bond be forged and blessed by the

Goddess for all time.”

Jason pulled Phoebe close. It had been torture to hold himself back but now there was no reason. His arm snaked around her waist as he

tilted her chin and sealed their bond with a kiss. Her soft lips responded beckoning him to more passionate pursuits. He was reluctant to

release her even as their audience applauded reminding him they weren't alone

“I love you, Phoebe,” he whispered softly nuzzling noses

“I love you, Jason.”

The night was filled with the joyful howls of the Blue Moon pack from all corners of their territory. Phoebe gave a start but Jason merely

chuckled. His voice slipped into their mindlink, “/ told you they would love you.”

Elder Ansel cleared his throat, “As is tradition..would Alpha Jason and Luna Phoebe like to lead their pack in a moonlit run?”

Jason breathed deep. This was the moment he dreaded and anticipated most. Though he often sensed her wolf and his own assured him it

was there he hadn't yet seen her wolf with his own eyes. He desperately wanted to run with her. He sensed her wolf would be glorious

“Phoebe, are you...” Jason suddenly stiffened his gaze darted to the


Chapter Fifty-Two ~

Beside him Luke was instantly on alert and Ben lurched to his feet

The celebratory howls suddenly fell silent before an alarm howl sounded

Phoebe stiffened feeling the packlink open as the border patrol reported in. Jason growled pulling her close in a protective embrace as their

guests began to realize something was amiss

“What is it, Jason?” William stood

“A breach,” Jason answered. He blinked as Phoebe mindlinked him with her suspicion

“A rogue attack?” another alpha stood, slightly panicked

“No. It's a lone wolf" Jason answered. “The patrol is trying to catch up with it. It doesn’t smell like a rogue. It's something else. Mom, take

the pups inside.”

Norah stood gently shooing Blake and Emma inside. Lucille stood and followed making certain the pups didn’t try to return where it wasn't

safe but also to guard them. As an alpha’s daughter and the pack’s gamma she was an impressive fighter in her own right

“Shouldn't we all be evacuating?” a luna asked

“One wolf is hardly a threat,” William scoffed though he maintained a protective stance near Lily with a soothing hand on her shoulder

“Well, he sent those two back inside,” the luna huffed

“That has nothing to do with danger,” Jason said before dropping his voice to a whisper. “Are you sure, Phoebe?”

“It’s him.”

Jason growled bowing his head and kissed her forehead, “This will only take a moment.”

Pulling off his coat he tucked it over her shoulders before turning and walking toward the nearby forest. Luke and Ben flanked Phoebe


Chapter Fifty-Two as their Alpha went to meet the intruder

“What's he doing?” an alpha demanded. “Where are your warriors?

“He’s sent them back to their stations,” Luke answered

“He what?”

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“They are not needed,” Ben added. “This is personal. Luna, we should take you inside.”

“II stay,” Phoebe shook her head. This was something she needed to see but that didn’t mean their guests needed to watch. “Everyone,

drinks and food should be ready. If any of you are hungry, please feel free to head inside.”

Jason walked purposefully undoing his tie and cufflinks as he opened his mindlink to his warriors, “Stand down and return to your posts.”

“But Alpha, the intruder...”

“Is here to challenge me. Let him come. It’s time to finish this once and forall.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Jason paused once he reached the field. He carefully removed his

shirt, folded it and dropped it on the ground. As he straightened he spotted the large brown wolf rushing out of the trees. Reaching the

open field it came to a sudden halt before spotting Jason. It cautiously stalked


“Hello Graham,” Jason greeted. “Long time, no see.”

The wolf snarled stepping closer

“I'd ask what brings you here but I think I already know the answer,” Jason said evenly not sure if the other alpha could even understand


Chapter Fifty-Two w You see Phoebe told me everything..about how even after her rejection there were remnants of the bond and she

could feel it when you were with your chosen Luna. It got me thinking what would happen to a wolf who hadn't accepted the rejection.

How much pain would they feel when someone else claimed their mate. So how did it feel when Phoebe gave herself to me?”

Graham's wolf snarled

“That bad?” Jason smirked. “1 told you, she would scream my name

And you have no one but yourself to blame for rejecting perfection.”

Graham’s wolf growled but it came out more as a whimper

“She's mine. You should accept that and move one. You have your Luna.”

The wolf snarled

Jason’s gaze narrowed, “It’s too late, isn’t it? You've gone feral. You're only a step away from going full rogue, aren’t you? Well, it seems I

have no choice but to put you down. Are you ready?”

Graham's wolf leapt on the attack

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