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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 36
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Second Chance Luna

“Let me know as soon as they arrive,” Jason closed the link.

He leaned back in his chair. With the Council's tactful approval he was eager to begin negotiations. He had only met the Harvest Moon

alpha once or twice before. From what he recalled the alpha was a tall, lanky wolf but quick and suitably stubborn. His luna was more

amicable and cooperative so he hoped she could convince her mate to work with them.

“There, you are,” Lucille said entering without knocking. “You do realize there is a party going on.”

“Not for a few more hours.”

“Well, you have to get ready too, you know. It doesn’t look good if you are late to your own party.”

“It doesn’t take that long.”

Lucille snorted, “Right, I forgot males are so easy. Fine, well. Head up whenever. Mom and I are getting Phoebe and the kids ready in her

suite so you'll have yours all to yourself”

“Why in mother’s suite?”

“So you can’t sneak a peek at your precious Luna until the party,” Lucille smirked. “If we let the two of you get ready together you'll never

make an appearance.”

Jason frowned.

“I'mean, I know mates are all over each other but you two have been like rabbits.”

Jason felt his face warm.

“Don’t worry. We'll take care of her. Just don’t get so caught up in work you forget to join us.”

Jason grunted as his sister departed. She had a point. Every time he saw Phoebe he could barely contain himself and Lobo was no help

filling his mind with all sorts of lewd ideas. Try as he might he had no self-control as soon as he caught her scent.

And despite her inexperience Phoebe didn’t seem able or willing to deny him. She accepted him heart, soul and body and seemed to crave

him as much as he craved her. They had lost their inhibitions surprisingly fast trying new positions each night all equally satisfying though

he had his favorites. The only position he had no interest in was her going down on him. He didn’t like anything that focused on his own

gratification. He preferred their bodies grinding together in perfect rhythm.

Even now the thought was enough to stir him. Jason growled at himself and sighed. Somehow he had to marshal his control tonight...at

least until they returned to their bedroom. Lobo was already wagging his tail in anticipation. Jason tried to shake the thoughts away and

focused on work.

Time passed more quickly than he realized. When he looked at the clock he had less than an hour to get ready. Cursing himself he closed

his laptop and hurried to his room jumping in the shower. When he emerged and stepped into the closet he had a moment of panic not

knowing what Phoebe was wearing. He didn’t want to clash nor appear too formal. Finally he settled on his customary black silk shirt and

trousers before heading down.

“Where are you brother?”

“Work ran late. 'm on my way down now.”

Lucille gave Phoebe a sympathetic smile, “I swear he doesn’t know the first thing about moderation.”

Phoebe chuckled. Jason seemed incapable of balancing work and play. Though running late on such an important night didn’t seem to

surprise everyone else who considered him a workaholic she couldn't help but feel it was her fault in some way.

“Well, yes and no,” Mani said. You two have been going at it pretty steadily.”

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“What do you mean? I assumed it was because our bond was new.”

“Well, yes. But we're also approaching the full moon.”

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“I already told you. We are only fertile on our heat cycles that coincide with the full moon so it’s natural that our mate would have an

enhanced libido during that time.”

“But...I'm not in heat.”


Phoebe caught Mani’s meaning. Even if she wasn’t in heat Jason would still be affected by the full moon and desire her even more strongly.

That would mean he would also become more protective since he wouldn't want another male near her during those times.

“Bingo. Now you get it.’

“Does this mean he’ll calm down after the full moon?”

“Possessive wise? Probably. But he likes making us call his name so probably not in bed. So don’t worry.”

Phoebe fought her blush. That wasn’t what she was worried about.

*‘Mhmm. Sure...”

“Something the matter?” Lucile asked.

Phoebe shook her head, “Just a disagreement with my wolf.

Lucille nodded. Just because their wolf spirits were part of them didn’t mean they always agreed. After hearing about Phoebe’s situation

from her brother any interaction Phoebe had with her wolf was an important achievement.

“What do you think you are doing?!”

Phoebe jerked to attention at the harsh voice and saw a she-wolf towering over her pups. Since arriving at Blue Moon Blake and Emma had

enjoyed an easy, carefree life. No pack member would think about threatening them.

“Do you know how expensive this dress is?”

“We didn’t mean to bump into you,” Blake said picking up his sister who had fallen during the collision. “We were just playing.”

“Playing? I'll show you play!”

“That won't be necessary,” Phoebe said barely keeping the growl out of her voice as she quickly approached.

“Mommy!* Emma ran up to her hugging her leg.

“These are your spawn?" the she-wolf demanded as Blake joined his sister under their adoptive mother’s protection.

“They are my pups, yes,” Phoebe corrected warily eyeing her.

She was several inches taller though that meant little to Phoebe used to facing wolves taller than herself. The she-wolf had a voluptuous

figure with breasts and hips that would turn just about any male's head especially when crammed into her short, red dress. Her auburn hair

was silky smooth and framed a narrow but pleasing face. She would have been beautiful if not for her scowl.

“They ran into me and nearly knocked me over. What if I bruise?”

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“I think you will survive,” Phoebe answered evenly much to the she-wolf's shock.

Phoebe had always been the first to back down whenever conflict arose because of her low rank much to Méni’s consternation. Now that

she was Luna it was becoming easier to stand up against unreasonable wolves. She might have a gentle nature but she certainly wouldn't

tolerate anyone threatening her pups.

“Kids, say you're sorry for bumping into this... lady.”

“We're sorry. We'll be more careful,” they said in unison.

“Apology not accepted.”

“Well, that really isn’t our problem is it?” Phoebe said shooing the pair towards Lucille. “Go back to your aunt and uncle you two.”

“Hang on!” the she-wolf demanded. “That's itl You're not going to punish them?”

Phoebe calmly looked at her, “Apologizing to you was punishment enough.”

“Why you—"

“Daddy!” Blake and Emma suddenly squealed.

The room fell silent as Jason entered. Before he could apologize for his tardiness two small forms ran up to him with their arms open wide.

Chuckling, he scooped up the pair of pups and nuzzled each in turn. After a week of awkwardness Jason now had a comfortable familiarity

with the pups. His scent was firmly established with theirs and since they spent the majority of their day with Phoebe her scent was also

strongly entwined with theirs and the combination was rather addictive.

“Daddy, you're late,” Emma loudly declared.

“I know. I'm sorry about that. It won't happen again,” Jason said earning a few chuckles around the room from his pack mates. No doubt it

was quite amusing to see one of the most powerful alphas being chastised by a little pup.

“You better not or you'll be in trouble,” Emma warned earning another round of laughter. “Right, mommy?”

Jason looked to see Phoebe approaching and nearly dropped the siblings. Her hair had been crimped to give it more body and partially

tamed in a half-up do. She wore a classic, little black dress showing off her shapely legs. The neckline was square with wide shoulder straps

and dipped just low enough to tease him with the swell of her breasts.

All of her shapely curves were on display and he cursed himself for not asking ahead of time so he could mentally prepare to see her

looking so sultry. No doubt that was Lucille’s intention. It was going to be a long night.

“You're late,” Phoebe said as he carefully set the pups down before pulling her close.

“I know. I'm sorry,” he kissed her temple savoring her scent with a pleased growl. His mate. His Luna.

“Careful Alpha,” Phoebe whispered smelling his arousal, “or your punishment will be to sleep alone tonight.”

The warning practically made Lobo curl up on his back begging for a second chance while Jason marshaled his control saying, “That's not

fair, angel.”

“No, what's not fair is that I'll be punished too if it comes to that,” Phoebe corrected. “Do you want me to suffer for a crime I didn’t


Jason chuckled, “Message received. I'll be on my best behavior.

“T'll believe it when I see it.”

Jason cleared his throat realizing they had an audience. Turning to face them with his arms around her waist he said, “Friends, thank you for

coming all this way. These days it seems we're always gathering to face some sort of crisis so I'm sure you'll all agree how nice it is to be

together for a joyous event instead.”

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The alphas, lunas, betas and gammas from various packs gathered nodded in agreement. Lately it had been rogue attacks, a year ago it had

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been hunters and before that vampires. They always seemed to be facing one crisis after another so it was good to gather for a celebration.

A pack member carrying a tray of drinks approached allowing Jason and Phoebe to each grab a wine glass.

“As most of you know I've been looking for my fated mate for some time,” Jason said, “I can’t tell you how glad I am to finally be able to

introduce her to you. Everyone this is my mate and Luna, Phoebe. And our pups, Blake and Emma. I'm sure you're all eager to meet them as.

Twas so let’s toast the most beautiful she-wolf I have ever met...though I have been told I'm biased.”

The crowd chuckled as they raised their glasses and toasted the new couple. Though some had doubted the announcement given how long

Jason had been waiting there was no denying the body language between them. At long last he had found his mate and Blue Moon finally

had a proper Luna. None would be able to ignore the pack’s influence now that it was complete.

“I must say, this a surprise.”

Jason grinned wide and eagerly shook the approaching alpha’s hand, “It’s been a while Will. Phoebe, this is Alpha William of the Winter

Moon Pack. Will, my angel, Phoebe.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Phoebe smiled sensing a long friendship between the two alphas.

“The pleasure is all mine. And this is Camilla,” William said as he snaked an arm around a curvy she-wolf Phoebe could hardly forget.

“Ah yes, we've already met,” Phoebe nodded daring the she-wolf to elaborate.

No one had been more surprised by Jason's arrival or announcement than Camilla. When William showed her the invitation she assumed

Katrina had finally managed to snag her alpha. But now she found herself facing a very different she-wolf. Phoebe was petite and though

pretty enough certainly didn’t have many major assets. And yet, Camilla couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something unnerving

about the female that had her own wolf cowering and ready to expose its belly.

“I am curious though,” William continued. “Pups? You two only just met, right?”

Phoebe smiled, “Blake and Emma are adopted. They were orphans in my former pack. I took them in.”

“Naturally they came with Phoebe when she joined Blue Moon,” Jason nodded. “1 adopted them officially during their pack initiation.”

“Initiation? You mean blood initiation,” William said to which Jason confirmed. “Still...”

“It's kind of rude to expect a male to raise someone else’s pups, isn’t it?” Camilla said, “especially an alpha.”

“Depends on the male, I suppose,” Phoebe eyed her coolly. “Though I think any male willing to display their paternal side is extremely


“What's precious to Phoebe is precious to me,” Jason added as he glared at the she-wolf who spoke out of turn. “Besides, I never heard of

an alpha denying their luna anything her heart desired.”

Jason's embrace around her waist tightened pulling Phoebe against his chest as Lobo growled agreement. Nothing their mate requested

would be denied.

“So why did your first mate reject you? Was it the kids or the fact you are wolfless?” Camilla asked. Since arriving she had been making

rounds throughout the room and gained quite a bit of gossip.

Jason growled. William shot her a panicked look pleading for her to watch her step. Phoebe only smiled as her eyes shimmered silver. She

didn’t bother to hide her amusement at Camilla’s attempt to insult her. The rumors meant nothing to her. She made no attempt to hide her

past rejection and felt no shame. As for the rumors of her being wolfless, anyone in tune with their wolf would know it was false as Jason

already proved. For the rest they would realize the truth soon enough when they led the moonlit run.

“Neither as far as I know,” Phoebe answered calmly. “My first mate had already settled on taking a chosen mate. Apparently he was more

interested in listening to his d**k than his wolf.”

Jason's chest rumbled agreement as he kissed the top of her head and breathed deep. Phoebe knew he was angry but it wouldn't do to

cause a scene here. Hopefully her scent would keep him calm.

“The pups weren't even born then and as for the other part...that will be cleared up on its own.”

“Why not clear it up now?” Camilla smirked. “Scared?”