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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 17
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The trio of males blushed at the same time, realizing what Bridget was asking. Jason's gaze immediately shifted to his Beta and warrior with

a growl. Just the thought of another male seeing his mate bare raised his hackles. Normally, Noah would have immediately backed down,

but his mate was there. He wouldn't tolerate anyone threatening her.

“All right boys!" Bridget said as the male's auras grinded against each other. “This is a hospital not a bar! Out, so I can get her dressed. All

of you!”


Sheepishly, Jason followed Noah and Luke out the door, which closed firmly behind them. He looked at his equally embarrassed warrior

while Luke chuckled and shook his head.

“Did we?” Jason asked.

Noah nodded with a smirk.

Jason couldn't help, but echo Luke’s laughter. There were reasons warriors had a difficult time finding their mates. It was something of a

running joke they made for a good night, but you didn’t want to make a life with them. Warriors had a physical presence that intimidated

others. It took a special kind of person to match a warrior. Perhaps that was why so many seemed to find their mates among medical

professionals: people who were not only caring but also authoritative.

It was several minutes before the door opened again. Bridget bowed to Jason before joining Noah, who happily wrapped his arms around

her. Jason had no interest in watching his warrior. He preferred to be with his own mate.

Returning to the bedside, he found Phoebe was now wearing a hoodie and sweatpants so she would be comfortable and warm for the

journey to come. The IV had also been removed. Jason leaned over her, kissing her forehead. How many hours had passed since he last

heard her voice? Since he last looked into her beautiful silver-gray eyes?

Please, Phoebe, open your eyes even just a little.

Lobo whimpered.

Jason felt his wolf trying to link with hers. Despite what her pack thought, he knew she had a wolf. Her rejection might have suppressed it,

but it was there and Lobo had been gently coaxing it out ever since they met. In fact, his wolf had claimed some success, but what about

now? Depending on the severity of the silver poisoning, her wolf could be unconscious for hours or days, even months in the worst-case

scenario. They could only hope Phoebe’s wolf was as resilient as she was.


He stirred, glancing at Luke.

“We're ready.”

Nodding, Jason stepped up to the bed, carefully cradling Phoebe in his arms. She was so light and small, vulnerable. Luke preceded him to

the door, holding it open as he walked through. In the hallway, Chaz waited. He took the lead, escorting them to the waiting Q SUV where

another warrior stood guard. They were taking no chances with their Lunas safety. Jason appreciated their attention to detail.

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Jason slid into the back seat, still cradling Phoebe to his chest as Luke closed the door. The others climbed in with Chaz, driving to the little

cottage that had been his mate’s home.

There he found his warriors patrolling its perimeter as the movers loaded its entire contents into a large truck. Jason stepped out of the

Q SUV, carefully setting Phoebe back in the seat. He reclined it so she could rest comfortably before turning back to the cottage. Chaz and

the other warrior remained on guard as their Alpha stepped up to the small, cozy home.

Jason stifled a growl as he watched the proceedings. This was his mate's home and it was being invaded. Jason took a deep breath to calm

himself. This was all necessary. He wouldn't leave any part of his mate behind. As he looked on, the movers were loading the last of her Q

furniture and appliances. Even the porch swing had been taken down. The cottage looked forlorn and abandoned, as if it knew it would

remain empty.

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“Bridget packed Luna's @ clothes and keepsakes. They put those in one of our vehicles,” Luke said. “Those can be taken directly to the

packhouse. The rest will have to be stored until Luna can decide what she wants to do with it all.”

“And the other thing?” Jason asked.

“Riley took pictures of everything. Every room and every inch of the garden,” Luke said.

“Good.” Jason nodded. He had played with the idea of making himself a private home for years...just a place to escape to every now and

again, though he never carried through with such plans. But now he had an incentive. He was certain Phoebe would miss her childhood

home. Imagine her surprise if he managed to recreate it.

His gaze took in the scene once more before settling on the pups waiting nervously at the garden fence. Jason quietly approached them.

They sensed him immediately, looking up at him with wide startled expressions. Jason crouched, bringing himself to their level and hoping

he didn’t seem as threatening, though he couldn't really do anything about his aura.

“What are your names?” Jason asked.

“...Blake,” the boy said after a minute. “And this is Emma.”

“Blake, Emma, has anyone explained what is going on to you?”

“They said you're taking Miss Phoebe away because she belongs to you,” Emma said.

Jason grimaced. It wasn’t technically wrong, but it also didn’t paint the right picture. With a sigh, he said, “Phoebe and 1 are mates. Do you

know what that means?”

The pair shared looks before Blake said, “It means you are supposed to be together...like our mom and dad.”

“That's right. I need to return to my pack, so Phoebe is coming with me. She’ll become a member of my pack...and I'd like you two to

come with us.”

“You want us to come too?” Emma asked.

“I do. My pack is a lot bigger than this one and there are a lot more pups to play with. Everyone will welcome you.”

“And if we go with you...we can stay with Miss Phoebe?” Emma asked.

“That's right,” Jason smiled. “What would you say to Phoebe and me adopting you?”

“Adopting us?” Blake repeated in awe.

“What does that mean?” Emma asked.

“It means you two will be our pups and well be your mom and dad,” Jason explained.

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As far as he knew, very few alphas ever adopted pups, preferring to care for their own progeny. Only those who failed to produce heirs of

their own eventually turned to the prospect of adopting one. However, he was serious when he said what was precious to Phoebe was

precious to him. He would not leave anything of her behind in this pack, and that included her pups.

“You and Miss Phoebe will be our mommy and daddy?” Emma asked.

“That's right. And you will have an aunt and uncle too and a grandma once you meet my sister, her mate and my mother.”

“And they'll like us?” Emma asked. She was tired of the pity stares they received from the pack.

“They'll love you.”

Emma shivered with anticipation of having a family, not just a daddy and mommy, but a whole family. It was like a dream. She glanced at

her brother, but his response was less favorable. Though he had misgivings about the male in front of him, he also didn’t want to be left

behind. As long as Miss Phoebe was there, he knew they would be taken care of even if others changed their minds.

«...Okay,” Blake finally agreed.

“Good,” Jason smiled. “You two go with Bridget and Noah. They'll take care of you until we get home.”

“We can’t go with Miss Phoebe?” Emma asked.

“Phoebe’s still sleeping,” Jason explained. “But she’ll want to see both of you as soon as she wakes up.”

The pups nodded and looked at the waiting Bridget. She, at least, was a familiar face. They knew she was good friends with Phoebe. With

some confidence, they followed Bridget to one of the waiting vehicles where Noah helped all three settle in for the drive.

Jason stood, watching the movers secure the . truck and received directions from Luke. Everything was finally ready. Leaving the

arrangements to Luke, Jason returned to Phoebe. She seemed to be resting comfortably, but he worried she would catch a chill. Without a

word, Chaz handed him a blanket from the vehicle's emergency kit. With a nod of gratitude, Jason buckled Phoebe in before tucking the

blanket around her, careful to avoid disturbing her injured leg.

He leaned forward, kissing her temple. Soon they would be home and she would be safe. She would never suffer like this again. Quietly

closing the door, Jason paused as his skin prickled with the knowledge of being watched. Turning, he scanned the tree line before his keen

eyes settled on a lone figure: Graham. He could feel the other alphas indignation and envy.

Lobo growled, wanting nothing more than to tear apart the one who caused their mate so much pain.

“Let him look,” Jason said. ‘Let him see exactly what he lost...and we gained.”

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“Yes! Mate is ours!”

Smirking at his would-be rival, Jason circled the SUV and climbed in beside Phoebe. He would love nothing more than to hold her the entire

trip, but it was safer this way. Jason settled with holding her hand. ..for now. Chaz and Luke joined him, sitting in the front seats. The moving

truck slowly pulled away and they followed.

The trio of SUVs lined up randomly as they trailed the larger truck. They would shift positions as they continued their journey north, making

it more difficult to know who was in which vehicle. They paused at Rimrock’s border to allow Bridget and the pups to renounce their pack

bonds. The pups cried at the severing of the link, but Bridget was there to comfort them. They soon settled down, especially after stopping

at a McDonald's drive-thru.

Jason worried about Phoebe and her pack link, but Lobo informed him it was already done. Perhaps her rejection had started the process,

allowing it to break on its own, or perhaps her wolf was aware enough to sever it. In either case, he was happy her last links with her former

pack were gone. A new pack waited for her, eager for their Luna.

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Once on the road, he dialed his mother. She answered on the second ring, “Jason? How is everything? When should we expect you?”

Jason chuckled, “Everything is fine. We're on our way home now. We probably won't be there until tomorrow, late. I have a moving Q truck

filled with everything from her house. It'll have to be stored until she can sort it.”

“I'll have them clear out storehouse E. That should give her plenty of room to sort it out. But sweetie, you sound stressed.”

“There was a rogue attack. Phoebe was hurt.”

“Is she all right?”

“It's a long story, but yeah. She'll be okay. She’s asleep now or else I'd let you talk to her.”

“Let her rest. We have plenty of time to talk once she gets here.”

“Maybe less than you think.”

“Now, Jason, the pack needs to bond with their Luna, so don’t think you can hog her all to yourself.”

“I know. It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

“We have three new pack members besides Phoebe. Noah found his mate. Shes with us and, well, Phoebe adopted two pups from her

pack, orphans, so they are also with us.”

“Well, of course they are. You certainly couldn't leave them behind. What are their names? How old?”

“Blake and Emma. Blake can’t be much more than six or seven. Emma is a year or so younger.”

“They will have rooms ready and waiting. This is so exciting! And Noah found his mate too? Then this trip was well worth it.”

“Yeah, I'd say so. It'll be late when we get back, so official introductions will have to wait.”

“Take care of your Luna. We'll see you soon.”

Jason set down the phone. He raised Phoebe’s hand to his lips, kissing it as he gazed on her serene face, “Everyone can’t wait to meet you,

Phoebe. And they are going to love you.”