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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 102
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Chapter 101-102

Phoebe waited on pins and needles as the grains of sand fell. The only one watching more intensely was Beta Corwin. She knew the bond

was still there. It hadn't been severed but the prince was weakening

Even harder than watching the beta struggle with losing his mate was the ruthless nature Jason had shown. He was cold, calculated and


The Jason she knew and loved was warm and caring. She was desperate to

reach out to him and feel it again but held herself back because she didn’t want to distract him. Phoebe could only hope this was the end of


“The victor is Alpha Jason!”

Phoebe sobbed with relief. She was ready to leap to her feet but Mona and Luke held her in her seat waiting for everything to settle.

Though they held her back, no one stopped Beta Corwin from running to the prince and collapsing as his side

“My prince?” Corwin cried out as he fell to his knees. “Nolan!”

The shift slowly took over. He cried out as his broken limb took the longest to finally finish leaving the prince's battered and broken body

lying bare on the ground. An elder brought a sheet to cover his nude form but there wasn’t much hope in their eyes

“Beta Corwin,” Jason's voice flitted into his mind causing him to stiffen. ‘Get your mate out of here if you want him to live. North entrance

Black SUV. Give the driver the password: sanctuary.’

To his credit Corwin gave almost no sign as he and another lifted the second prince onto a stretcher. They retreated quickly and Jason didn’t

spare them another thought. His attention was already on the sputtering

Chapter 101 king

He shifted back into his human form, accepting briefs handed to him he pulled them on. Then opening his arms wide, he demanded, “What

now, your Highness? Do you want to send your other son out to fight your battles? Or will you face me yourself?”

The king stood red-faced and snarling, “Guards, seize him!”

None of the royal guard moved. Jason's aura rolled off him like waves and none dared move. As the winner he was now the heir to the

throne and therefore he now held authority equal to the king


“My king,” Ansel said, “or should I say former king?”

“Tam still king!”

“No, you're not!” Jason declared. “You've outlived your time. Step down or be removed. Or send your other son out here and I'll end him on

your behalf unless you are wolf enough to face me yourself.”

Howling in rage, the king leapt out of the box surprisingly spry as he barreled toward the young alpha. He attempted to shift as he ripped

off his heavy robe but Jason's punch met his face square in the nose. The king fell back still partially shifted as Jason yanked him up and

immediately trapped him in a headlock. Pity for the second prince made him pull his final attack at the last moment but there was no pity

for those that threatened his Luna as he cleanly snapped the king's neck without remorse

Releasing the lifeless body Jason stepped back watching it crumple. It was a sad end indeed but one that was much deserving and long


And yet, his death wasn't satisfying. The prince had been more of a challenge. Jason reared back his head and howled in frustration

Surprisingly, several answered in solidarity

Chapter 101

He was king

All hail the king

His aura poured out of him as he turned to face Achan when smoke canisters launched toward the arena surrounding him in a foul-smelling

fog. He stumbled clear looking for the first prince only to find the royal box abandoned

“Bring me Achan’s head!” Jason snarled before slim arms suddenly wrapped around him and the scent of lilac and sage filled his nostrils. He

embraced the petite form clinging to him on instinct. “Phoebe.”

She was supposed to remain in the box under Mona and Luke's protection but he could feel the emotions pouring out of her. The last few

minutes had been too much for her. He could feel it in her trembling body

“Shh, Phoebe,” Jason whispered opening their bond and letting his love flow back into it

Shutting her out had been the most difficult decision of his life. But he

had no choice, not if he wanted to maintain focus during the fight. And if he had gotten hurt Phoebe would have been subject to the pain

as well

That was something he couldn't bear, especially not after Delilah’s interference. He would never let her be hurt by him again

“I'm so sorry,” Jason tightened his embrace despite the layer of sweet and grime covering his body

Phoebe shook her head, “It’s fine. I know you had to but! never want you to be like that again. You are so full of warmth and light it hurts

when you close yourself off from it.”

Jason kissed her forehead loving her concern for him


Chapter 101 =

He looked up as two warriors dragged the queen and princess in front of him. They forced them to kneel as Jason accepted a pair of

sweatpants and yanked them on before pulling Phoebe back into his embrace. His wolf

needed her close. The queen was weeping but the princess's eyes glimmered with hate as she stared at Phoebe in his arms

“Where's Achan?” Jason demanded

“He fled,” the warrior replied. “Trackers are in pursuit.”

“Find the bastard!” Jason snarled. Achan was the greatest threat now

“We will,” Luke assured him. The packlink was buzzing with the search. No one was going to disappoint their alpha

“And you!” Jason suddenly moved forward, grasping the princess's neck and forcing her to look at him. “You dare look at my Luna!”


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“You have no right to call me by name!” Jason snarled. “You should be begging!”


His grip tightened, cutting off her air. Selena clawed at his hand but there was no contest in strength


“No threat to my Luna is allowed to live.”

His hand jerked snapping the delicate neck before he released her lifeless body

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novelenglish.net and search the book title to read the entire book for free

«,. Jason...” Phoebe whispered hesitantly reaching for him only for Mona to stop and hug her

This would not be the first time the throne was passed in blood but it had been quite awhile. Until Achan was dealt with it would not be

Chapter 101 J complete. He was worried. She felt it now that their bond was open. At least, he was not closing off the bond anymore.

Phoebe breathed deep taking comfort in that fact

“And what about you?” Jason turned to the queen. “Are you a threat to

my Luna?”

She shook her head

“What about Achan? Do you know where he has gone?”


“And the king? Do you want to avenge him?”

“No. He was cruel, vicious. He killed my mate and forced his mark on me before the body was even cold.”

“Is he Nolan's father?”

“No,” the queen bowed her head. “I was in the middle of my heat when the king forced his way in, killed my mate and finished me. I think

he hoped doing so would ensure more progeny..but Nolan is definitely Dukes son. I see so much of his father in him.”

“Does the king know?”

“How could he not? Wolves recognize their own. He was extremely angry but also couldn't admit the truth. Threatening Nolan's life was all

he needed to do to keep me compliant. And now my baby is dead.”

“He’s not," Jason corrected. “You should pay closer attention to the bond. I told his mate to take him away from here, even gave him a

password so my people would take care of them.”

“His mate? Him?” “Are you surprised?”

“No. It’s Corwin, isn’t it?” the queen smiled a genuine smile for the first time

Chapter 101 = “You knew?”

“Suspected. They were practically inseparable since they were just pups. Corwin was a couple years older and always wanted to help take

care of him. Nolan was always calmer when he was around. Is he?”

“Alive, as far as I know. They took sanctuary with my people. He'll be given the best care,” Jason assured her

“Can I see him?”

Jason gave a curt nod before glancing at the two guards who stood over her. Without a word, they hauled her back to her feet and led her

away though they were noticeably gentler than before

“Achan?” Jason looked to Luke

“still searching.”

“How can it be so difficult to find that cockroach?” Jason demanded his aura slipping out

Phoebe laced her fingers into his. The contact had an instant, calming effect

“He’s had a week to plan his escape,” Luke reminded

“So what do we do?” Mona asked. “He couldn't have gotten far with no wolf.”

“No wolf?” Jason repeated

“According to Phoebe his wolf spirit is dead, probably has been since he killed his mate.”

“Luke, take Phoebe back to the estate.” “You're not coming with us?” Phoebe asked

“I can’t. I have to track him down before he comes after you,” Jason pulled her close, kissing her forehead. “I need you safe so I can focus.”

“Okay,” Phoebe nodded

Chapter 101 iad

Reluctantly they parted as Mona gently pulled Phoebe away. Guards immediately flanked them as they headed for the exit. Jason watched

her retreating form for a long moment before tearing his gaze away to focus on

his next task: finding that bastard and ending him in the most painful way possible

Mona rubbed Phoebe’s shoulder in comfort as they passed under the grandstand. Suddenly, several cans tumbled down from above

spewing a foul-smelling smokescreen all around them

“f**kI” Luke ordered as the clouds enveloped them. It made their eyes water and their vision blurred as well as wreaked havoc with their

sensitive sense of smell. “Eyes up!”

Mona tugged Phoebe back a step before they were suddenly pulled apart. Phoebe stumbled trying to peer through the smoke. Mani

surged to the front

“Phoebe! Danger!”


Phoebe reached out for him on instinct as she was suddenly grabbed

Asharp pain stung her neck and something was injected into her. The burning sensation erupted through her and she blindly swung at her

attacker wearing a gas mask

Drowsiness assailed her and she slumped to the ground


Jason's voice penetrated the fog in her mind but she couldn't answer

Her body felt heavy and she lost focus

“Phoebe? Phoebe!”


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Chapter 102 bid

Chapter 102


That was the only thing coursing through Jasons mind as he ran toward the exit Phoebe had been taken

This wasn’t happening

This couldn't be happening

Turning the corner he arrived to see the smoke slowly clearing. Strewn about was Phoebe’s guard. Some were knocked out, others bleeding

profusely and they weren't alone. Lying among them were unknown warriors but all of those were dead

Luke stumbled to his feet helping Mona to stand and carefully inspected her, feeling the rather large bump on the back of her head from

when she had been knocked unconscious. Otherwise she was unharmed

But there was no sign of Phoebe

“What happened?” Jason snarled

“We were headed to the vehicles when smoke canisters were dropped from above,” Luke looked up at the grandstand. “They came out

from those.”

He nodded to the line of port-a-potties. It was difficult to imagine a wolf sitting in one for any length of time but it was the only logical

hiding place

“Thad her hand,” Mona said, “then someone pulled us apart and hit me. I never saw who. They all wore masks.”

Jason snarled, causing Luke to pull Mona away from him not sure what he would do if his wolf lashed out. Fur bristled along Jason's arms as.

Chapter 102 cd he fought Lobo for control. His wolf was desperate but they had to maintain a clear head or else Phoebe was lost for good

“Explain how Achan could plan his escape and Phoebe’s abduction that we can’t find either of them!”

“Maybe not,” Cam said after wrestling a mask off one of their attackers

“Excuse me!” Jason demanded

“I—I don’t think it was Achan,” Cam said

“What do you mean? Who else could it be?” Luke asked

“I know this warrior and he’s not a part of the royal guard,” Cam nodded at the body in front of him. “He’s from Blood Moon.”

Jason suddenly felt his blood run cold

Blood Moon?

“Are you sure?” Luke asked

“Yeah. He and 1...” Cam blushed, his eyes darted to Dash a moment, * he and I had a thing awhile ago. So..I'm sure.”

“Find Alpha Thomas, now!” Jason thundered. “Alive! So I can kill him right after he tells me where Phoebe is, now!”

Cringing, several the Blue Moon warriors dispersed. Their spotters placed the Blood Moon alpha in the grandstands along with several


Rounding him up wouldn't be difficult

“But why?” Luke shook his head. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

“I don’t care. Just find him and bring him to me. I only need him to talk. I don’t care what condition he’s in otherwise.”

Jason paced. He could feel his control slipping as Lobo grew more and more enraged. Every time he reached out to Phoebe through the

bond he

was greeted with silence it was driving him crazy. The bond had not been

Chapter 102 al severed which meant she was alive but the continued silence could only mean she was unconscious

Phoebe had told him she had a higher tolerance to silver and wolfsbane which meant she would take much more to knock her out if they

dared use that. Lobo growled at the thought. She said her wolf could sometimes maintain awareness even if she was knocked out and yet

Lobo couldnt contact his mate. He had no idea if she was injured, if she was okay or where she was and someone better provide answers

before he lost it

“Unhand me!” Thomas's voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts and Jason paused as the alpha was thrown at his feet. “What is the

meaning of this?”

“Where is my Luna!” Jason snarled his aura pouring out as if suddenly a dam was broken

Thomas flinched, baring his neck in reflex before daring to look at the enraged, newly-appointed king, “Jason.”

“Where is Phoebe!”

“I—I don’t know.”

“Liar!” Jason kicked the lifeless form of one of the deceased warriors

“These are your men! Where have you taken my Mate!”

Thomas looked at the c*****e around him for the first time. Only moments ago he felt the tethers of these warriors break during the chaos

unfolding after the duel. Panicked he had been trying to contact the other pack members he brought as an escort but was receiving silence


“I— don’t know,” Thomas finally spoke. “These men were Katrina's


“Katrina?” Jason repeated. “Where is she?”

Chapter 102!

“I don’t know! Thats what I've been trying to find out ever since I felt these men die. They were supposed to be protecting her.”

“Jason, if these are Katrina's men that means she’s the one who took Phoebe,” Luke said. “Why? I don’t know.”

“Find her and I'll ask right after I break every bone in her body,” Jason growled. “Find her! Find Phoebe!”

Just what game was Katrina playing?


Phoebe stirred. Her head was pounding and her neck was sore and stiff. Slowly she managed to open her eyes only to wince at the bright

light above her

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What happened?

She struggled to recall as her memories slowly pieced themselves together: the duel, Jason's victory, the first prince's escape, her escort

being attacked

Luke and Mona!

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us now and continue your journey!

Phoebe instinctively tried to reach for them through the packlink but felt nothing back. She hoped they were all right. But where was she?

“Well, look who is finally awake.”

The harsh voice was familiar but not one she expected to hear again

Phoebe managed to push her aching body to a sitting position and finally took in her situation

She was in a cell. Silver bars kept her locked in a small space with only a camping cot and a bucket. The single small window also had silver

bars and given its height she assumed they were in a basement

Beyond her cell the rest of the basement was opulently decorated and

furnished complete with king-size bed, leather-bound seating and even a

Chapter 102 ad table currently being set for two by a mute omega. The absurdity of the juxtaposition made her head ache even as the

tantalizing smell of food made her stomach turn

And she wasn’t alone

Seated on the sofa were certainly two of her least favorite wolves: Katrina and Camilla. She wasn’t expecting them but somehow she also

wasn’t surprised. It made a sick sort of sense given their obsession with Jason but they had to know this wasn’t going to end well for either

of them

“Hello Katrina, Camilla. I wish I could say it was a pleasure.”

Katrina snorted but Camilla was enraged by her nonchalant greeting, “You are nothing! Nobody! And you dare act superior to me! Just who

do you think you are?”

“Phoebe Aiman, Luna of Blue Moon and as of not long ago, your Queen,” Phoebe answered evenly

“Queen!” Camilla burst out laughing. “And do, pray tell, what queen rules of a twelve-by-twelve cell?”

“Iwon’t be here long.”

“Oh, such confidence! Nobody knows where you are,” Camilla declared, “and as much wolfsbane as we injected into you...your wolf is

probably dead so there is no hope for you at alll”

“Méni? Manil”

“I'm here,” came aweak reply. ‘She wasn’t kidding about the wolfsbane either. It was highly pure, although laced with something I'm not

sure of”

“What about the pup? Did it hurt our pup?’

“No. I shielded it first. That's why you've been out so long. I'm

Chapter 102 we sorry.”

“No. It's okay. You did the right thing. Do you know where we are?”

“Not precisely. Were still in Calgary. You've been out for an hour, maybe. I can’t sense Mate. The silver is interfering.’

“Can we, is there any way we can contact him?”

“Lean try. There is no silver in the walls, floor or ceiling but..it's the new moon and my powers are lessened. I don’t know if I can reach over

the distance after getting rid of the wolfsbane.’

“Save your strength for now and recover,” Phoebe glanced at the two she-wolves

She didn’t know how they were together. She didn’t know they were even friends. Were they friends? Judging by their body language and

how they sat as far from each other as possible, Phoebe didn’t think so. So why were they working together?

Jason's warning came back to her about how the prince liked to plan

He said it was all like a game of chess which meant...these two were pawns. It seemed the prince set up the board and now she needed to



“You can do this. You are smarter than them and they don’t know I'm still with you so they don’t know our strength.”

“In that case, keep hanging back. Making them underestimate us in the key.”

“Let's not forget the game is only over when the king is captured but the queen is the most powerful piece on the board."

Phoebe took a deep breath and settled her mind. She could do this

Chapter 102 id Jason was searching for her and Mani was recovering, waiting for the right time. It would be all right. She just had to play her

part of the board. Now, it was time to rattle the cage and test the waters

She looked at her captors as she slowly got to her feet. Her body was stiff and sore but nothing felt broken. Phoebe messaged the aching

spot on her neck from the injection they gave her. She let her gaze wander and took in her surroundings again to give them the idea she

was re-evaluating her situation before looking at them again

“Well, it's nice to see you two getting along. Misery loves company, after all.”

“You b***hI™ Camilla snarled. “This is all your fault! None of this would have happened if not for you! I'd be Luna right now!”

“I doubt that very much,” Phoebe scoffed. “You aren't suited for leadership. Will would never have allowed such a weak-willed she-wolf

stand at his side.”

“What!” Camilla leapt to her feet

“Sit down!” Katrina sneered. “She's just calling it as she sees it. And she’s not wrong. You are pathetic.”

“You're one to talk, Miss Blood Moon Princess. You like to act all high-and-mighty but you're no better than me.”

“lam ten times better than you!” Katrina lurched to her feet. “I have alpha blood!”

“And where has that gotten you?” Camilla scoffed. “You are in the exact same boat as 1am.”

Katrina snarled before pouncing on her. The she-wolves rolled on the floor trading blows; pounding and slashing each other. Camilla

struggled to roll them over as Katrina gripped her hair and bashed her head against the floor

Chapter 102 =! ‘Well that was easy, I Manimuttered. ‘Do you even think they remember we're here?" “Enough!” a voice boomed as looming

figure descended down the stair

The master of the house had returned