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Save Myself from Desperation by Cara Agnes

Chatper 92
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Chapter 92

Bryce let out a disdainful sneer upon hearing Matthew call out to Ash.

Just moments ago, he’d been so full of malice towards Ashley that he’d almost wanted her dead. But

now, he was shamelessly approaching her. Bryce thought, ‘Shame on you!”

Matthew, always so arrogant, now seemed unaffected by Bryce’s mockery.

He was no longer concerned with anything around him. His eyes were solely for Ashley, and Ashley


Matthew’s eyes were red, his lips trembling. “Ash…”

But as he uttered her name, Ashley glared at him fiercely.

It was a look filled with disgust and indifference.

Matthew’s words faltered.

Being looked down upon by the person he respected and followed most, as if he were a nobody,

twisted a painful knot in his heart, almost suffocating him.

Regret and guilt filled his chest.

“Ashley… You are Ash…”

The truth finally came to light.

It was Ashley who pulled him out of the dark mire…

It was Ashley who single-handedly elevated him to the throne of honor…

Ashley should have been the faith he followed, the deity he looked up to, someone more important than

his own life….

But what did he do?

How did he treat his benefactor?

Matthew cursed Ashley with the vilest language. He was determined to drive her out of the Ramos

family and wished for her death!

How could he be so despicable?

He was a monster!



Chapter 92

“Ashley… Ash…”

Matthew’s voice choked, his eyes red as he looked at Ashley, his throat burning uncomfortably.

He had no right to call her name!

His past behavior was utterly foolish and made him look like a joke!

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Ashley remained indifferent all the time. She glanced at Matthew without expression, then turned to the


In front of thousands of netizens, she made a public announcement.

“From now on, Matthew is expelled!

“He is no longer a student of Ash!

“I have nothing more to do with him!”

Ashley declared, her words clear, resonating in everyone’s ears.

Matthew’s mind whirled. He felt a blur before his eyes and dizziness in his head. With a thud, he

clumsily fell to the ground.

Ash broke off their relationship…

She even publicly declared that Matthew was no longer her student…

Matthew’s faith had completely collapsed at that moment with a thunderous crash.

He was a superstar with at least ten million fans. And now there he was, awkwardly sprawled on the


Matthew’s face was pale, his eyes lifelessly fixed on Ashley, looking. soulless like a walking dead.

Ash didn’t want him anymore…

His idol, thoroughly disappointed in him, was abandoning him…

Ashley looked down at him, her eyes emotionless.

“Remember, everything I’ve given you, including honor, I can take back at any time,” she said.

This statement might sound arrogant, but it was utterly compelling coming from Ashley.

Chapter 92

Struggling to his feet, Matthew reached out to grasp the hem of Ashley’s clothing, tears brimming in his

eyes. “Ash…”

But Ashley moved away before he could touch even a fragment of her garment.

The audience in the livestream was initially shocked to hear about Ashley severing ties with Matthew,

but soon erupted in overwhelming support.

They recalled how Matthew had bullied Ashley in the past.

He dared to embarrass her openly on the show, so one could only imagine what he did privately.

Ashley had once saved him under the name Ash. Such kindness wasted. on the ungrateful!

And even if Ashley wasn’t Ash, even if she had never helped Matthew, she was still his biological sister.

How could Matthew be so cruel to his flesh. and blood? Was he out of his mind?

Eventually, “The Shape of Music” ended amidst astonishment.

As Ashley walked towards the backstage, Matthew, staggering, hurried after her. “Ashley!” He called


Matthew’s appearance hadn’t changed much, but he looked significantly more dejected, unable to hold

back the tears welling up in his eyes.

“Ashley, I was wrong. I am sorry! I’ve been such a jerk before!

“Can you still take me as your student?”

Matthew couldn’t bear it.

To him, it felt as if the world was ending.

Matthew’s face was etched with pain as he reached to grasp Ashley’s sleeve. Catching a glimpse of

her disdainful expression, he meekly withdrew his hand.

“Ashley, even though I’m your brother and older than you, I’ve only now realized that it’s been you

looking after me all this time.

“And yet, I was so cruel to my sister…”

Matthew recalled what he had done to Ashley in the past. The first day Ashley returned to the Ramos

Villa, he called her filth and chased her



pler 92

from the dining table.

Later, even though Ashley was obedient at Ramos Villa, he deliberately picked on her and locked her in

the cold, damp basement with

cockroaches and rats. He only released Ashley when she had a fever, still berating her as over-


Tears surged from Matthew’s eyes, and he began to slap on his face.

“Ashley, I truly don’t deserve to be your brother!”

He felt he was worse than any beast.

Ashley watched Matthew slap himself, her expression calm and untroubled, without a flicker of

emotion. “Matthew, it’s too late for you to say this.”

She had once harbored hopes for the Ramos family, compromising step by step for the sake of what

they called family, even at the cost of her well-being.

But all it had brought was intensified suffering.

Ashley had seen through it all.

The people of the Ramos family weren’t worth it.

Matthew observed Ashley’s indifferent demeanor. His heart was filled. with heaviness.

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Trembling, he pleaded, “Ashley, I’m sorry. I’ve wronged you.

“You helped me escape the darkest phase of my life, and I repaid your kindness with ingratitude…”

Ash had always been a good teacher to him, selflessly teaching him the art of songwriting and

supporting him like a true friend.

However, his behavior towards Ashley was nothing but criticism and insults.

Despite his harsh treatment, Ashley continued to teach him as Ash.

Back then, Ashley might still have had hopes for him.

Perhaps she was still longing for a hint of familial love.

Matthew closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks, his heart aching with pain.


Chapter 112

“Ashley, I realize I’ve been wrong all along. I’ve never fulfilled my responsibilities as a brother…

“I know, whatever I say now, you won’t forgive me.

“But, Ashley, even if I am no longer your student, can’t we become siblings again? Give me a chance to

make it up to you…”

Ashley stared at him, her gaze calm yet tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

“Matthew, don’t forget the bet we made at the shooting range. You and I will never be siblings again in

this lifetime.”

Upon hearing this, Matthew’s eyes widened suddenly, followed by intense regret and frustration

swirling in his heart.

“No, I…”

He had personally severed their sibling bond.

Shaking his head vehemently, Matthew pleaded, “Ashley, I was wrong… I regret it so much! Can we

nullify that bet, please?”

Ashley scoffed, no longer willing to listen to another word of his nonsense. Without hesitation, she

turned and left.

Matthew watched her, like watching his own faith, slowly walking away from him, step by step.

He leaned against the wall in the corridor and slid down weakly to the ground.


When Jessica came over looking for him, she saw Matthew sitting on the ground, frustrated like a loser.

Jessica quickly went over to help him up.

Matthew stared blankly at Jessica. A flash of insight struck him, and he suddenly remembered some

details he had never noticed before.